At 2/29/24 05:30 AM, B0BERT wrote:Starry Ladders, Starry Ladders. It's another webcomic covering the topic of music and done by music buffs. So it's technically up my alley by default. Only caveat is that I am barely familiar with the genre of shoegaze at present time. The most appealing thing about stories with music as the center is the different ersatz band names you can find in them and that's one of the cute little bonuses of the story. I wish I had more to say as the story is in the early stages but the dynamic between the clean cut Simon and the unflushed turd that is *Barnabus Swain is beyond promising. I'm excited for more.
*Barnabozo is a good source of most of the jokes (at his deserved expense) in the comic.
Hey Bobert, didn't know you were here, as a matter of fact I didn't even know there was a HYW thread on newgrounds. Maybe I'll have more of a reason to start posting here again.