You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...
At 7/30/04 03:32 AM, DarkEnemy wrote: Master_lnuyasha do u wanna join?
oh yeah and dude I finished you pp
I'll post it again
You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...
lol wtf, no ones posted sonce this wow, two hour double post, is this club dead, and someone tell me who won the contest
You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...
At 7/31/04 01:58 AM, Master_lnuyasha wrote: lol wtf, no ones posted sonce this wow, two hour double post, is this club dead, and someone tell me who won the contest
oh it was wargasm, yes i'll join but I'll only come here when the asm is going slow ok, and i read back and found out that wargasm won, and I worked so hard on this si
*cries in corner*
You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...
At 7/31/04 02:23 AM, Master_lnuyasha wrote:
oh it was wargasm, yes i'll join but I'll only come here when the asm is going slow ok, and i read back and found out that wargasm won, and I worked so hard on this si
*cries in corner*
sorry for not answering i just woke up sorry
Oh sorry i havent been reply to ya been a sleep and thanks for profile pic ill put it on now JOin the forums click at the bottom me signature it says ask for a sig at the Csm forums.
At 7/31/04 04:13 AM, Plan-B wrote: Lol, Snare wears the sig I made for him
lol it s so coool i like the green thingys
At 7/31/04 08:51 AM, Plan-B wrote: What do yah guys think of this sig I made?
Thats cool go on the forum!
At 7/31/04 08:50 AM, DarkEnemy wrote: No requests anyone want a sig!
cud i have sig plez dude animated if u can dont matter if it aint
u wnat a motor bike an ninjas on but i can animate it but others in the club can!
At 7/31/04 11:25 AM, Kaosboy85 wrote: Hey guys, did you ever get around to making my sig (if its already posted could someone give me an idea where)
Thanks again!
ill make u one and here u go fcuk ninja
At 7/31/04 11:16 AM, DarkEnemy wrote: u wnat a motor bike an ninjas on but i can animate it but others in the club can!
na no bike jus a ninja in background maybe some japensse writing add this pic if u can dont matta if u cant add dragon insted if u cant add this
At 7/31/04 11:25 AM, Kaosboy85 wrote: Hey guys, did you ever get around to making my sig (if its already posted could someone give me an idea where)
Thanks again!
Here, it is made by xWaRgAsMx
At 7/31/04 12:02 PM, Plan-B wrote: Here, it is made by xWaRgAsMx
The background doesn't match the BBS background. Would you like me to fix that for you since you can't match the background in an animation, or something.
At 7/31/04 12:01 PM, xWaRgAsMx wrote: Hey dark do u like the sig i made ?
cool sig dude the 1 u got on also looks kewl ur talented id like a animted sig wud u make me 1 if no1 else will
At 7/31/04 12:18 PM, fcuk_ninja666 wrote:At 7/31/04 12:01 PM, xWaRgAsMx wrote: Hey dark do u like the sig i made ?cool sig dude the 1 u got on also looks kewl ur talented id like a animted sig wud u make me 1 if no1 else will
Hey man ill do urs when i get back because i havent slept for 2 1/2 days so when i wake up ill do urs sorry!!! :'(
At 7/31/04 12:18 PM, fcuk_ninja666 wrote:At 7/31/04 12:01 PM, xWaRgAsMx wrote: Hey dark do u like the sig i made ?cool sig dude the 1 u got on also looks kewl ur talented id like a animted sig wud u make me 1 if no1 else will
Hey man ill do urs when i get back because i havent slept for 2 1/2 days so when i wake up ill do urs sorry!!! :'(
At 7/31/04 12:50 PM, xWaRgAsMx wrote: Hey man ill do urs when i get back because i havent slept for 2 1/2 days so when i wake up ill do urs sorry!!! :'(
Why did you post 2 times the same thing?
At 7/31/04 12:52 PM, Plan-B wrote:At 7/31/04 12:50 PM, xWaRgAsMx wrote: Hey man ill do urs when i get back because i havent slept for 2 1/2 days so when i wake up ill do urs sorry!!! :'(Why did you post 2 times the same thing?
i thought i didnt posted the other sorry :0
At 7/31/04 12:53 PM, xWaRgAsMx wrote: i thought i didnt posted the other sorry :0
Hmmyeah, those things happen
hey plan b, could i get an estimate of when my sig will be done? my mom is going insane, and is threatening to "take away my computer priveleges." -_-. its not like she ever does, but right now shes a little pissed of me not learning anything in my typing classes. so plan b, when do ya think itll be done? thx, i appreciate the effort.
At 7/31/04 01:30 PM, ILoveKaollaSu wrote: da bla
I dunno, I think Monday because I still haven't got an animated Kaolla Su. If anyone does, add me on MSN or give me the site. Thank you
you know what I love. I just love how
xWaRgAsMx copies Akula & Pure-Fate's designs
Geez, lets get original and come up with our own idea. Akula makes sigs that look like that red one you made Gamehippy. Pure-Fate (I think it was Fate anyway) made ones like the one your using now. You should just be shot for stealing.
At 7/31/04 01:34 PM, QuikFox wrote: da bla
OMG, Akula is to cool to be copied. Damn u Quikfox :D, is it you on the forum?
At 7/31/04 01:38 PM, Plan-B wrote: OMG, Akula is to cool to be copied. Damn u Quikfox :D, is it you on the forum?
Yes, of course he is. So maybe you should tell that little bitch memeber of yours Wargasim to stop ripping off everybody's style. Tell him to come up with something unique and original. But I seriously doubt that anybody could do that in here.