we chillin
At 3/22/23 01:07 PM, TomFulp wrote:Have you found some great art on NG that hasn't been featured? This is the thread where you can suggest it!
The only request is that you please not recommend your own art or organize others to promote your work.
I like cats :3
i luv newgrours
i luv newgrours
I really like these art works. The art works are really good for madness day.
i luv newgrours
i luv newgrours
Found two cool pictures!
This one straight up looks like official Sonic promo art:
This one is just a very nice calm painting that I really like:
I am a multimedia developer who makes music, programs, games, art, and more. Currently working on my operating system simulator ME-OS!
Grab a popcorn and favorite drink to enjoy some Flash Portal if you will?