At 3/19/23 09:24 PM, DingleberryClock wrote:Do you know how to do that circular breathing thing? I never figured it out so I don't play my didgeridoo very much, I just make brrrrr noises for fun.
Do aboriginals use arrows? Like, if you go out after the rain can you find old arrow and spear heads like in America from the injuns?
What kind of beer do y'all like? From what I hear Foster's is not, in fact, Australian for "beer."
I know you said no animal stuff, but for real though, are you just used to spiders? If one goes darting across the ceiling does it bother you, or the ladies? Do people see one and their day is ruined until they can track it down and kill it, or do you just not care and ignore it?
- i’ve never even touched a digeridoo, i’ve only ever seen them played at like concerts
- i don’t know? first nations are mostly just normal guys in their own little communities if that’s what you’re asking
- i don’t drink and don’t plan to anytime soon. i can tell you that i’ve never seen a can of fosters anywhere irl
- theyre no more common than any other bug i suppose. i just hate those questions because it’s like the single fucking joke anyone ever says about australia and it’s just annoying
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autistic robot woman