Faxanadu!!!!(one of my favorite NES games)
At 2/24/23 09:33 AM, 8-TrackTeckHead wrote:The rules are much like the Musician ABCs game from the Supporter forum. The first poster starts by naming a videogame title starting with A, then the second poster names one with B, the third one with C and so on down the alphabet. When we reach Z, the next poster starts over with A. No breaking the alphabet, no commenting on somebody else's choices, and no same-person-twice-in-a-row. Try to keep the game titles diverse. Double points if you include the box-art.
I’ll go first:
Akatsuki Blitzkampf
Halo Reach
Trials HD
Zak McKracken & the Alien Mindbenders
we chillin
Garfield: Winter's Tale