At 12/31/23 02:22 PM, xeiavica wrote:Need advice on heads and hair. My current area of focus is avoiding the hair looking static, robotic, and like it's frozen (similar to a helmet) on the head rather than moving independently. I sketched out this head + hair. Thoughts?
i gotcha chief!
when sculpting the head its kind of easy to get mixed up with all the diagrams. so i'll break it down into a few different parts.
you'll usually see that diagram of the circle with the cross in it but they never usually point out what it is, well the circle is supposed to be the cranium of the head or the big circular part of your skull . its particularly useful for when you're drawing the profile of a subject.
the cross hairs, are for other parts of the face. the horizontal one in the middle is to show generally where the eyebrows and the apex of the ears lie on the head. the vertical bottom is to show where on the middle of the nose will go which will later on help you with the placement of the eyes and lips. the vertical top point will help you see where the apex of the hairline will be.
remember though nobody fits 100% in the guidelines, so just use it as a rough outline and just for figuring stuff out. 
next is the jaw, the jaw is 2 and 1/5 of the verticle part of the crosshair. start at the horizontal eyebrow line and drag it down until you get to the nose point and gently curve it towards the middle vertical line.
now we can start adding features. the ears are a great one to start with because they are the size of the horizontal line to the bottom of the vertical line or 1/2 of the cranium. 
and if you remember before that the horizontal line is the eyebrow line and the nose is the bottom of the vertical line then it gets a lot easier. heres a tip! your eye brows are about as far apart as your nose is wide.
next is the eyes, the bottom of the eyes is usually around the middle of the ear. from here on out every part of the face is kind of like a roadmap for others. you use different parts to estimate where others should be. you've probably heard that the houth is halfway between the bottom of the nose and bottom of the jaw. thats not *exactly* true.
draw two lines down from the nose that are roughly the size of the eye vertically. this will be the philtrum or cupids bow for the upper lip.

just below you'll draw a reversed arch that *would* connect the dimple, from there pull down and now you'll have a top lip. i feel like at this point you probably will know what youre doing. next you'll go below the bottom lip and the same amount of space as you did for the upper lip from the nose you'll do for the bottom lip and the chin.

now you can add details. and you're done.