At 4/1/23 06:01 PM, Nebulate wrote:[DRAW THEM]
the first two oc are Meta and Elie IV.
Meta is a shapeshifting demon that can only shapeshift into fictonal characters. they have a LOT of assassination experiance under their belt. and they usaly have a negative behavior toward anyone (Exept for Elie)
Elie IV is a slime and the adopted daugther of Meta. she is a prodogy of assassination and whishes to detrone her royal famaly that abandoned her in a backally
here are the ref sheets
Meta ref sheet by Nebulate on Newgrounds
Elie IV ref sheet by Nebulate on Newgrounds
the last oc i gonna submitt is Pip. she is a nerd that likes indie games so mutch that she figured out how to dimention hopp into the games on her pc and and end up inside her games
here is a picture
Pip the nerd by Nebulate on Newgrounds
also. can anyone tell me how to add links with a thumbnail. i have no idea how to do those
Informal Art trade with Nebulate. Nebulate's OC Pip the nerd. He's still working on his because I already finished this before we made the agreement.