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-Skate Flash Club-

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-29 17:06:24

At 6/29/07 11:44 AM, G-F-D wrote: Cronic need you to go on msn please.

I was playing 360 sorry dude.

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-29 18:20:19

The sound clashing issues are bacn, Night-mares is now clashing with Mraws, were nightmares part gets about 20s in Mraws song starts, how frustrating,

Is there any AS coding were a movie treats each scene as an indivdual movie so it doesnt overlap any sounds?

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-29 21:47:29

The small paragraph about me:

What's up, I'm Jesse.
I like skateboarding & loud music.
I watch horror movies and I eat sour stuff.
Emo hair is cool.
I'm addicted to caffiene.
My friends think I'm a drug addict.
The orthodontist is gay and he makes my mouth bleed what the fuck.
<3 Jestar.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-29 22:42:17

At 6/29/07 09:47 PM, Jestar wrote: The small paragraph about me:


What's up, I'm Jesse.


I like skateboarding & loud music.

Who doesn't?

I watch horror movies and I eat sour stuff.

I could imagine you watching a horror movie with your lips puckered up becuase of a sour lollie.

Emo hair is cool.


I'm addicted to caffiene.

and drugs..

My friends think I'm a drug addict.

Its true.

The orthodontist is gay and he makes my mouth bleed what the fuck.

Maybe you should give a better blowjob then..

At 6/29/07 06:20 PM, cronic-22 wrote: The sound clashing issues are bacn, Night-mares is now clashing with Mraws, were nightmares part gets about 20s in Mraws song starts, how frustrating,

Awww.. ;[

Is there any AS coding were a movie treats each scene as an indivdual movie so it doesnt overlap any sounds?

I am not sure, when I get bored, I'll go and have a look.


BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-30 03:35:28

Maybe i don't understand a shit about AS coding...
But... Eh... Can't you just stream it and put a blank frame a the end of the movie?
That was stupid wasn't it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-30 03:40:46

At 6/30/07 03:35 AM, MarcyVF wrote: Maybe i don't understand a shit about AS coding...
But... Eh... Can't you just stream it and put a blank frame a the end of the movie?
That was stupid wasn't it.



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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-30 04:35:37

What is AS coding?
Am I a stupid guy now?

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-30 07:40:49

Lol its AS - Action Script coding.
Stupid! XD

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-30 09:32:33

Ok, AS...
AAction SScript...
OH, I got it!
I see...
Wait, what?

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-30 12:37:35

At 6/30/07 09:32 AM, TommYVF wrote: Ooh...
Ok, AS...
AAction SScript...
OH, I got it!
I see...
Wait, what?

And you guys think I'M the druggie.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-30 17:44:49

Sorry guys, I'm gonna hafta leave you out one this one : (
I'm just not into delivering half-finished things, besides I need to pack my bags for tomorrow and catch some sleep. All in like 6 hours from now.
But, ROSKILDE FESTIVAL FUCK YEAH! Flaming Lips, Datarock, Basement Jaxx etc etc in short: KICK ASS! I'll be back in a week.


Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-30 23:33:39

At 6/30/07 12:37 PM, Jestar wrote: And you guys think I'M the druggie.




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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-06-30 23:53:28

At 6/30/07 11:33 PM, Night-Mare wrote: Ace.


Yeah what the fuck, when we submitting this hoe!?
Today sucked alot of dick.
My mouth hurts.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-01 00:17:38

At 6/30/07 11:53 PM, Jestar wrote: Yeah what the fuck, when we submitting this hoe!?

Once we pay her.

Today sucked alot of dick.
My mouth hurts.

When are you going to say something about your mouth, without it sounding like you sucked a cock..?




BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-01 02:27:52

Ok, bye, VonDark!
That was a shame... (sigh)
Well well, have a nice trip!


Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-01 02:31:31

Okey, dudes!
It's deadline TODAY!!
Is it finished or NOT!?
How's it going?
Who is next on the loop?
Are you DONE soon?


BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-01 13:58:20

it wont be relaised today im waiting on gfd's part now.

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-01 15:00:27


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-01 15:00:35

k, that't cool.

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-01 23:33:02

FUCKING DICKS!1!11!!1!one!1!!1!!1!!!!
Lets submit this fkn hoe.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-01 23:34:51

At 6/29/07 09:47 PM, Jestar wrote: The small paragraph about me:

What's up, I'm Jesse.
I like skateboarding & loud music.
I watch horror movies and I eat sour stuff.
Emo hair is cool.
I'm addicted to caffiene.
My friends think I'm a drug addict.
The orthodontist is gay and he makes my mouth bleed what the fuck.
<3 Jestar.

Let me rewrite some of that...

What's up.
I'm Jesse and I go to GHS.
I like skateboarding & loud music.
I watch horror movies and I eat sour stuff.
Emo hair is cool.
I'm addicted to caffiene.
My parents think I'm a drug addict.
I hate my fucking orthodontist.
<3 Jestar

^^ use that one.
Its in my "about me" section on Myspace, so its better.
Myspace is gay.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-01 23:36:08

Oh yeah. One last modification... Replace "I go to GHS" with "I'm fifteen."

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-02 01:24:12

I forgot about this.

Bio on me thingy.

Hey I'm Lachlan, I'm 15 and it's nice for you to drop by and read my comments on this.

This, I think, took about 2-3 months of hard ass work, and was finished OVER the due date..

Which sucks.
And now, please, please, go watch the feature.

My part is in a slow way, because, some people like their skating slow and stylish.


BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-02 05:54:29

Im still waitin on gfd, i havnt seen him online in ages, anyone can get some info from him please do.

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-02 06:45:51

At 7/2/07 05:54 AM, cronic-22 wrote: Im still waitin on gfd, i havnt seen him online in ages, anyone can get some info from him please do.

I proberly could..


BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-02 07:37:26

Man, if gfd cant come with his part... I say we wait untill both gfd AND vondark is back...
then we wont loose ANYONE.
Wel, wel.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-02 09:20:12

Didn't you notice the link page 192 or something?
Anyway, here it is: Collab Loopness MVF/TVF/NM/C22
Hope my part "fits in" lol.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-02 09:23:01

It was on page 194*

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-02 11:55:54

At 7/2/07 09:23 AM, MarcyVF wrote: It was on page 194*

If you are looking through Mraw's eyes..


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-07-02 12:16:13

K :)
where's Jestar?

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