:D tnx of cource i'll do it longer and all that it was only some "crap" i made.... XD
to CRONIC-22:
Lol tnx u think too smoth too be in 20? :P
well I'll guess i'll try it in 20 :)

:D tnx of cource i'll do it longer and all that it was only some "crap" i made.... XD
to CRONIC-22:
Lol tnx u think too smoth too be in 20? :P
well I'll guess i'll try it in 20 :)
do u stream ur sound btw? I do..............but i can stop it if it "crashes" with the rest :)
Hello everyone!! I'm MarcyVF's twin, TommyVF! Soo....
I wondered if I could join ur crew, and maybe join the skate collab?
plz!!!! lol :D
How do I set links to what I want to show?
You show links to show ur stuff..... HOW AND WHERE DO U DO IT???
:D .... (ehem)
At 5/18/07 05:19 AM, TommYVF wrote: And His Brother Too.
I reckon thats cool, twin brothers skating, I would like to see you both skating together in like a skate run, doing doubles or something.
But yeah, I'm guessing both of you guys are in, To link to stuff you can either just copy paste in the link, or pressed the [Link] button next to HTML AIDS (lol) and paste in the link there, then name it Link or whatever in the 2nd box that comes up.
And so on.
Yeah, thanks. BUT, I don't have a website to have the file I wanna show... Do u know where i can browse my stuff... ?
Ok, stuff made by me...My NG submittions Just some crap i worked on...
This is what I've done to the collab today: _1.php
It's not done but It has got BackGround and Sound (i dont put music to it until the end :) .... )
See'ya peapol!
At 5/18/07 12:36 PM, MarcyVF wrote: This is what I've done to the collab today: _1.php
It's not done but It has got BackGround and Sound (i dont put music to it until the end :) .... )
Holy shit, so much style.
At 5/18/07 12:36 PM, MarcyVF wrote: This is what I've done to the collab today: _1.php
It's not done but It has got BackGround and Sound (i dont put music to it until the end :) .... )
Wow dude, That's so cool.
Its definitely a break from some shitty skate flashes I've seen from a while ago, seeing as how nobody fucking makes them anymore.
I would continue that. Like. Yes.
I'm sick right now, so I'm waiting till I get better, and I'll start animating more. Peace all.
Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.
Thanks everyone!
Your support make me want to make more! :)
Peace, brothas'! XD
At 5/18/07 04:35 PM, MarcyVF wrote: Thanks everyone!
Your support make me want to make more! :)
Peace, brothas'! XD
that flash is siiiccckkkk
you love your yelling and stuff lol!
i cna only saw one thing about your flash, more flip tricks for example instead of that first trick being a front flip it should be like a 360 flip or something, but only if you want i mean that flash is dope.
lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.
I had to put it on putflie so you know what that means.
you dont?? well it means retarded boarders so you have to imaging the left and right side are trimmed in a bit, you can tell from the fade effect were they are suppost to be.
At the moment the sfclub link works and the quality button works.
lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.
Nice menu! :)
And thanks for the support - I'll make some fliptricks! ;D
At 5/18/07 05:57 PM, cronic-22 wrote: Menu V.2
Put the music in a movieclip and stream it, because it takes up to much file size, and then when you want the music to stop, delete the music clip from the frame, okay?
Twins brothers skate flash.
Wicked, I love the screams.
At 5/19/07 03:14 AM, G-F-D wrote: What where the specs again?
Defualt Canvas.
At 5/19/07 03:47 AM, Night-Mare wrote:At 5/19/07 03:14 AM, G-F-D wrote: What where the specs again?20fps.
Defualt Canvas.
Yeah, you are secksy...
At 5/19/07 04:30 AM, G-F-D wrote: Yeah, you are secksy...
I've done it to yours and SpeedMetalSandwichs Sigs ;D
Skater MarcyVF
I added music and made THE FLIP TRICKS you wanted!! XD
But I've not added the screams yet. He's supposed to break a window in thousands of pieces and skate from rooftop to rooftop... Cool 'eh? :P
At 5/19/07 06:47 AM, MarcyVF wrote: Skater MarcyVF
I like, I like, but maybe the kickflip should be a kickflip to indy, because it just doesnt seem as hardcore, like teh rest of your flash, I love your style, non realistic but still amazingly talented and smooth, and looks like the skater is super hardcore and loves what he is doing.
So make everything hardcore, and with the building, make like things or people flying out the windows as he climbs up to the top. something entertaining.
At 5/19/07 07:32 AM, mraw wrote: that is the most fucking quality thing ive ever seen in my life, its so fun and exciting to watch, crazy style too. love the tune aswell. keep it up!!
Another few reasons why I love it too.
cronic, the menu is looking perfect, is there gonna be an author page?
I hope for that too.
this collab is gonna be some good stuff, everyones parts are all fucking good so far. i love how everyone has their different styles and techniques of putting together a skate animation, looking foward to when its done
Same :D!
Are you in his melody mraw
At 5/19/07 06:47 AM, MarcyVF wrote: Skater MarcyVF
I added music and made THE FLIP TRICKS you wanted!! XD
But I've not added the screams yet. He's supposed to break a window in thousands of pieces and skate from rooftop to rooftop... Cool 'eh? :P
Man, I've never been so inspired in my whole life. Room for one more in the collab?
At 5/19/07 08:03 AM, vonDark wrote: Man, I've never been so inspired in my whole life. Room for one more in the collab?
vonDark! My hero. <3
Thanks peapol! :D
Glad you liked it :)
-I'll make the kickflip-indy
-I'll make the ppl-out-of-windows thing XD
I love the menu :D Nice and smooth! :)
At 5/19/07 08:08 AM, MarcyVF wrote: -I'll make the kickflip-indy
-I'll make the ppl-out-of-windows thing XD
Yay, he listens to my critism only! ;D
At 5/18/07 05:57 PM, cronic-22 wrote: Menu V.2
Fuck yes :D
At 5/19/07 06:47 AM, MarcyVF wrote: Skater MarcyVF
Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.
At 5/19/07 08:03 AM, vonDark wrote:
Man, I've never been so inspired in my whole life. Room for one more in the collab?
Wow, thats a fuggin' rarity.
I would love to see some new work by you man.
Give it your all :]
~_| £ 5 T 4 |2
Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.
At 5/19/07 08:03 AM, vonDark wrote:At 5/19/07 06:47 AM, MarcyVF wrote: Skater MarcyVFMan, I've never been so inspired in my whole life. Room for one more in the collab?
I added music and made THE FLIP TRICKS you wanted!! XD
But I've not added the screams yet. He's supposed to break a window in thousands of pieces and skate from rooftop to rooftop... Cool 'eh? :P
I would love you to join this collab seems to be picking up speed.
I will add an authors section.
I only had the music to test the pre-loader.
lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.