At 4/21/07 05:27 AM, cronic-22 wrote: Jestar is a junky lol, i swear your like 14 as well.
*COUGH COUGH* » Turned fifteen at the end of February.
Dude, I'm coming off the high now.
I actually took a tally of this shit [each time I pissed I would make a mark with a writing implement on a post-it on my bedside table]:
Thats how much water I drank.
I mean, I was REALLY smart about it...
+ I took it after my mom went to bed.
+ I took half of the E first to get a feel for the high,
and then like an hour later I took the other half, to get completely into the high.
+ I wasn't really intoxicated... [no alcohol, and I took like 3 hits of laced weed.]
+ I drank enough water and almost completely avoided hyperthermia:
(hī'pər-thûr'mē-ə) -noun. » An abnormally high body temperature, usually resulting from infection, certain drugs and medications, or head injury.
+ I drank caffeine so that I wouldn't get tired and fall asleep; because I would have stopped breathing.
+ I even tried eating [Even though I'm generally super full... even without eating] to come down from the high faster. And yes, I ate bread [a mini-bagel] so that it would absorb whatever liquids were leaking into my tummeh :D
And I only started freaking out really bad for like 10 seconds, and that was because my blood ran cold and it felt like I couldn't breathe.
But then I took off the headphones, turned off the monitor, and started breathing deeply back in my bedroom and trying to remember the 3 key phrases my brain has the easiest time understanding and remembering:
1. Drink
2. Breathe
3. Stay awake
On top of it, I have a kid baked out of his fuckin' mind in my room, trying to catch some Z's.
When I walked in & told him I was freaking out I slapped him in the face and he was like 'IF YOU'RE DYING DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME' and he fell back asleep :(
At 4/21/07 05:27 AM, cronic-22 wrote: Jestar is a junky lol, i swear your like 14 as well. i know someone who used to take a couple of E's he had a heart attack at the age of 16.
Overall amazing 4/20... I'm going to animate right now. RIGHT NOW.
Be back soon to post with results.
At 4/21/07 05:27 AM, cronic-22 wrote: i know someone who used to take a couple of E's he had a heart attack at the age of 16.
It's not at ALL hard to believe. That's not something I'm going to do regularly; especially on my own. Because I could die... easily. =[
I mean, the pill I took was triple-stacked.
And I was on E, salvia, ketamine, and high on weed at the same time so man, I'm lucky I lived, judging by my height & weight.
Fk man.
Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.