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-Skate Flash Club-

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-21 06:03:36

At 4/21/07 05:27 AM, cronic-22 wrote: Jestar is a junky lol, i swear your like 14 as well.

*COUGH COUGH* » Turned fifteen at the end of February.

Dude, I'm coming off the high now.
I actually took a tally of this shit [each time I pissed I would make a mark with a writing implement on a post-it on my bedside table]:
Thats how much water I drank.

I mean, I was REALLY smart about it...
+ I took it after my mom went to bed.
+ I took half of the E first to get a feel for the high,
and then like an hour later I took the other half, to get completely into the high.
+ I wasn't really intoxicated... [no alcohol, and I took like 3 hits of laced weed.]
+ I drank enough water and almost completely avoided hyperthermia:
(hī'pər-thûr'mē-ə) -noun. » An abnormally high body temperature, usually resulting from infection, certain drugs and medications, or head injury.
+ I drank caffeine so that I wouldn't get tired and fall asleep; because I would have stopped breathing.
+ I even tried eating [Even though I'm generally super full... even without eating] to come down from the high faster. And yes, I ate bread [a mini-bagel] so that it would absorb whatever liquids were leaking into my tummeh :D

And I only started freaking out really bad for like 10 seconds, and that was because my blood ran cold and it felt like I couldn't breathe.
But then I took off the headphones, turned off the monitor, and started breathing deeply back in my bedroom and trying to remember the 3 key phrases my brain has the easiest time understanding and remembering:

1. Drink
2. Breathe
3. Stay awake

On top of it, I have a kid baked out of his fuckin' mind in my room, trying to catch some Z's.
When I walked in & told him I was freaking out I slapped him in the face and he was like 'IF YOU'RE DYING DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME' and he fell back asleep :(

At 4/21/07 05:27 AM, cronic-22 wrote: Jestar is a junky lol, i swear your like 14 as well. i know someone who used to take a couple of E's he had a heart attack at the age of 16.

Overall amazing 4/20... I'm going to animate right now. RIGHT NOW.
Be back soon to post with results.

At 4/21/07 05:27 AM, cronic-22 wrote: i know someone who used to take a couple of E's he had a heart attack at the age of 16.

It's not at ALL hard to believe. That's not something I'm going to do regularly; especially on my own. Because I could die... easily. =[
I mean, the pill I took was triple-stacked.
And I was on E, salvia, ketamine, and high on weed at the same time so man, I'm lucky I lived, judging by my height & weight.
Fk man.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-21 06:10:24

Cronic good work on the flash :) It's going really sexy!
And dude Jestar, you should cut down on some of this shit you're doing, you're gonna mess yourself up really bad in the end.. Well, I don't know, just thinking.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-21 06:13:09

Oh crap didn't see that last huge post... Did you happen to piss on anyone, off the window?
That's gotta be funny :D put that in your flashy!!

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-21 06:24:53

At 4/21/07 06:13 AM, G-F-D wrote: Oh crap didn't see that last huge post... Did you happen to piss on anyone, off the window?
That's gotta be funny :D put that in your flashy!!

Lol. No, but there are rotting bananas on my roof...
Anyways. I tried flashing, and I couldn't figure out what to do.
My brain is still whicked superfogged.
This is what I've concluded...
It's the best collab part ever made.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-21 16:04:44

Wow, some AMAZING stuff right there!!! Yeah, take more time, make more flash, we don't want to see crappy craps! We want bestest skate flashes! Ok?
And how dare you use Imageshack, the mother of all shits...

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-21 22:10:03

At 4/21/07 04:04 PM, G-F-D wrote: And how dare you use Imageshack, the mother of all shits...

Use the mother of all upfuckers.


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-21 23:35:19

My part so far.

I like my animation skills now..


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-21 23:47:30

At 4/21/07 11:35 PM, Night-Mare wrote: My part so far.

I like my animation skills now..

Wow. That's crazy; so much style.
Never really seen a skate flash that looks like that, so keep it up and make him own that stairset bro.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-22 00:06:41

At 4/21/07 11:47 PM, Jestar wrote: Wow. That's crazy; so much style.

Thank J-man.

Never really seen a skate flash that looks like that, so keep it up and make him own that stairset bro.

Haha, I've made the set now a 5-Flat-5 Set, not sure what trick he should stick though..

Thanks for the comment man, made my day. ;D


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-22 04:41:47


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-22 14:54:29

At 4/22/07 04:41 AM, Night-Mare wrote: A stylish and skillful UPDATE on my part.


That is really fucking sweet.
How'd you develop a style like that?
Was FBF just not working for you?
I slept 24 of the past 25 hours.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-22 17:22:42

i was gonna get a BJ off this really hot girl then 2 ppl told me she was 14, i asked her she said yeah and what, it made me sad.

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-22 17:26:33

At 4/22/07 04:41 AM, Night-Mare wrote: A stylish and skillful UPDATE on my part.


holy shit just watched that MOFO of a clip that is sick, one thing though image instead of the kickflip a bs flip down that set then the skid out that wld look 20 times madder/realistic.

one other thing about the graphics and its only minor, the way the legs connect up at the kneee sometimes looks a bit weird with sometimes outlines sometimes not sometimes smooth sometimes blatent joints, just try keeping it consistant. but overall it is sick.

come on guys Front page is coming


lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-23 02:15:41

At 4/22/07 06:16 AM, mraw wrote: i agree with jestar that is fucking good! it all looks super fluid and smooth

Thank you, thats what I was looking for.

At 4/22/07 05:26 PM, cronic-22 wrote: BJ

Nice work man, just maybe a girl your age next time.

holy shit just watched that MOFO of a clip that is sick, one thing though image instead of the kickflip a bs flip down that set then the skid out that wld look 20 times madder/realistic.

I'll give it a shot.

one other thing about the graphics and its only minor, the way the legs connect up at the kneee sometimes looks a bit weird with sometimes outlines sometimes not sometimes smooth sometimes blatent joints, just try keeping it consistant. but overall it is sick.

I'll try my hardest captain.

At 4/22/07 02:54 PM, Jestar wrote: That is really fucking sweet.

Woo Im loved.

How'd you develop a style like that?

Tweens, graphics, patients.

Was FBF just not working for you?

Not really, I don't think I have ever worked on a FPF skate flash..

Want to know my secret?

I work from the pose of the skater to the landing then to the pop then to the build up.

So basicly;
I do the air stance of the skater first.
Then I do the landing stance.
Then I do the Pop stance
Then I do the bobbing down stance.

And work from there.

Now to try the bs flip.


BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-23 11:15:22

see i knew, cuase all your air bits look the same bs flip will be a challenge cause you may have to do a slight fbf.

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-23 13:49:40

NEW DECK! darkstar armour light chet thomas and som bones reds and element wheels!!!
still had to use me old trucks though :)

Wii and PC gaming ftw!

GUITAR HERO GOD! http://www.guitarhero.com/accounts/

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-23 14:50:52

Do u actually do flash??

your in the wrong club, we apretiate your post just your off topic (not by alot but still!).

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-23 15:00:42

At 4/23/07 11:15 AM, cronic-22 wrote: see i knew, cuase all your air bits look the same bs flip will be a challenge cause you may have to do a slight fbf.

Yeah, all animators cant get away with doing only tweens.
This BBS box looks too bright...

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-23 15:02:16

At 4/23/07 01:49 PM, jimi-as-in-hendrix wrote: BLEHBLEHBLEHBLEHBLEHBLEHBLEHBLEHBLEHBLEH P3nizzzeeeeee.

Well that's just wonderful.
You flash man?
I know you private messaged me, but you needa like make some flashes or something before we're gonna let you join this potatoe stick of a club.
And by potatoe stick, I mean nothing at all.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-24 10:43:59

Shit, I missed a lot I see.
Lochie, the flash, OwNs. Like, forget Jestar, now Lochie rules. Hehe. But I mean seriously that's very impressive, it's so smooth and so realistic! the knees are a little werid but who cares... I think I should try tween since fbf rarely works for me when it comes to skate flash.

I -think- I might open flash now "light bulb"

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-24 15:48:40

At 4/24/07 02:55 PM, mraw wrote:
At 4/23/07 03:58 PM, mraw wrote: gargh, tomorrow morning i have a 5 hour art exam where i have to sit by a computer and animate "abstract landscape with line, shape and pattern", what the fuck am i going to do for that???
if anyone cares heres what i came up with :D
now for the skate flash


Very, very mind-boggling, eye opening, skilled, good flash.
I hope you get an A :]
And I wish you the best in your flashing futurah :D
I have lots of homework

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-24 17:47:04

yo bro that flash was siiiccckkkk.

cant wait for your skate part in the collab.

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-24 19:04:25

At 4/24/07 02:55 PM, mraw wrote: if anyone cares heres what i came up with :D

That looks sexy, the only thing I don't like about it is the start with the rooms done with a paintbrush, it just made it look rushed, but the rest was wicked awesome!

now for the skate flash

Can't wait! ;D

Btw, I can't be fucked animating a BS flip over that stair set, so I am gunna attempt animating the kickflip over the set from a different angle, I mean a sexy, 3D, amazingly skilled, angle, from like a dude with a cameras POV (Basicly I am stealing everything of Cron's flash ;D!)

My skate flash was originally supposed to be just my way of owning cron, because I had the board do the tre then the kickflip down stairs, so I was basicly attempting to copy cronics skate flash but just do it full bodied ;D!

It worked out in the end..

I might also fix the knees..


BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-25 07:43:05

Yeah, ok

I don't ever post here anymore :(

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-25 14:44:59

At 4/24/07 07:04 PM, Night-Mare wrote:
Btw, I can't be fucked animating a BS flip over that stair set,

You're basically telling everybody in the club that you don't have enough flash skills or determination to animate a 180 degree turn.

It worked out in the end..

Not yet, the end hasn't come.

I might also fix the knees..

You should fix the rotation.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-25 16:13:10

Ever since the dawn of time night-mare has been tring to own me but he never will and this is why....

You cant draw your own board rotations.

ownd me thinks

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-25 18:10:20


:^ you will understand when you watch it

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-25 21:55:11

At 4/25/07 06:10 PM, cronic-22 wrote: !

^ you will understand when you watch it

Wow. Looks really good, really cool.
Like, keep up the good work.
And the evil kinks are virtually gone...

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-26 01:49:27

At 4/25/07 06:10 PM, cronic-22 wrote: !

^ you will understand when you watch it

Mines more sexier! ;D


BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-27 23:28:01

At 4/26/07 01:49 AM, Night-Mare wrote: Mines more sexier! ;D

The canvas is supposed to be 550x350 right, and FPS 20?

Oh and how many frames are we doing each?


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