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-Skate Flash Club-

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-24 23:37:11

At 3/24/07 07:16 PM, Jestar wrote: No, theyre similar...


The fourth trick in the video is FKN LOFTY. I cant tell what it is [but it looks like a varial flip] cause youtube sucks.

I have 'New Blood' on DVD, its a varial heel.



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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-25 11:56:26

At 3/24/07 11:37 PM, Night-Mare wrote:
I have 'New Blood' on DVD, its a varial heel.


Well, I was half right.

PS. Cute name <3 ;]

I'm totally gay dontcha know.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-25 19:53:32

At 3/22/07 03:05 PM, Jestar wrote:
At 3/22/07 12:10 AM, G-F-D wrote: Hey Jestar make something, we havn't seen any of your work in a long time i think...
I know. I want to,
but I'm too lazy.
Sooner or later,
the king,
be back.

That sounded straight.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-25 20:54:09

At 3/25/07 07:53 PM, bakerrr wrote:
That sounded straight.

Your face sounds straight.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-26 02:37:31

At 3/25/07 11:56 AM, Jestar wrote: PS. Cute name <3 ;]

Thank chu.
Jesse = sexc name.

I'm totally gay dontcha know.

I know, just its supposed to be a secret.

At 3/25/07 08:54 PM, Jestar wrote:
At 3/25/07 07:53 PM, bakerrr wrote:
That sounded straight.
Your face sounds straight.

Your moms face sounds straight.


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-26 12:31:49

At 3/26/07 02:37 AM, Night-Mare wrote:
At 3/25/07 11:56 AM, Jestar wrote:
At 3/25/07 07:53 PM, bakerrr wrote:
That sounded straight.
Your face sounds straight.
Your moms face sounds straight.

Whose face is straight?

Here to kill the joke, like usual :)

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-26 15:20:23

At 3/26/07 12:31 PM, G-F-D wrote:
Whose face is straight?
Here to kill the joke, like usual :)

... Fuck you :|

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-26 17:19:39

Sorry. I am coming off my adderall high and today hasnt gone that well for me.
Other than the fact that I had alcohol adderall marijuana and caffiene in my system at the same time. It was a good morning. This afternoon was a different story.
Well, since I've already started rambling and I cant play CS till my comp stops being a piece of shit, I'll tell you about my day, and how little shit pissed me off.
MY [not-so bad but slightly annoying and somewhat depressing] PREDICAMENT:
+ Since I was sick for 1-2 weeks, I'm way behind on an art assignment, and I have to do it by myself at home.
+ English project on gay shit I've already read 3 times at my last school.
+ Stayed after school to retake a bio quiz [cause I was sick..], ended up getting a C, which brings me to a sub-point.
>High honors student last term. Made the paper. Me and three other freshman from the class of 2010 got high honors :]
>Me getting a 74% on a quiz that I should have aced means that I'm going to do even worse on the test that comes AFTER the quiz, and as of right now, without that passing test grade, I'm failing. Fuck school man.
+ When I got picked up after school by the madre, it started to rain, which sucks anyways. Then I started coming down from the adderall high, and I was even more pissed.
Then my mom wouldnt stop asking me stupid questions, and I got even more pissed.
+ She says "since youre not in a good mood we'll stop by Dunkin Donuts & you can get coffee". So we stop at Dunkin Donuts and guess what they're out of?
Yes, you guessed it. Exactly what I was about to buy. On top of it, I got stuck in line behind the only gay teenager in my town. Not that I have a grudge on him or anything, he just wouldn't shut up with the Dunkin's employee. And where the hell did the "ugh" go in "Doughnuts"?
+ I come home and [since my parents own a dog care company], a million wet rowdy dogs attack me and start trying to jump up and attack my glass of iced coffee that I found in the fridge. One of them snaggs my chain and I scream "What the fuck" at it.
+ I go upstairs and do my queertastic history homework, and then I have to stay on AIM or else my computer will cum blood all over my face or something.
+ And here I am how, after writing thank-yous to my family members for my long-gone birthday slash holiday season, and talking to certain people on AIM.
The people I AIM'ed happened to be the only girls I know of around town that openly tell me they want my nuts, but I don't particularly like them. One of them I thought something would happen but it turns out she cant kiss for shit [she ate my face] and somebody ended up writing "Becky eats faces" on the wall of my room.
+ Jesse eats poop.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-27 07:35:32

lesson: dont do drugs kids

My mate was making a skate video so w3e decided to make it no.5

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-27 14:49:53

At 3/27/07 07:35 AM, cronic-22 wrote: lesson: dont do drugs kids

My mate was making a skate video so w3e decided to make it no.5

I fived, but it wasn't sincere.
Read my review plz,
and like. Consider stuffz.
I should start up animating again.. any time now..
... Just need some of that inspiration...
You know.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-28 05:05:38

At 3/27/07 02:49 PM, Jestar wrote:
At 3/27/07 07:35 AM, cronic-22 wrote: lesson: dont do drugs kids

My mate was making a skate video so w3e decided to make it no.5
I fived, but it wasn't sincere.
Read my review plz,
and like. Consider stuffz.
I should start up animating again.. any time now..
... Just need some of that inspiration...
You know.

fair comment but might i add i didnt animate none of that cuase my kickflip animation is so much smoothera and my physics better.

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-28 08:33:40

Well, Jestar I guess you had a pretty bad week, day, thing... Whatever, anyway I made some FBF crap and then put anything I could find that was made in flash and stuck it all together, basically all the stuff i have done in the past couple of months.... I think i'll submit since all the crap I got in the portal just, sucks. If anyone wants to add more stuff, anything, so it won't be that crappy, please do :) Link

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-28 08:47:58

At 3/28/07 08:33 AM, G-F-D wrote: Link

My influences do not ruin your flash.

Wanna know something freaky?
I was listening to Richard Cheese - Welcome To The Jungle While watching it.
It went in sync with your movie perfectly.
It said bleed when the dude got a razorblade thru him
it said goodbye ladys and gentlemen im richard cheese when the cheese came up
and when a note changed it went in sync..

Very spooky.


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-28 09:06:50


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-28 14:48:18

That's some funny stuff you did there :D the song is great, so we make something out of this? Anyone else wanna have some fun ? :P

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-28 23:30:53

At 3/28/07 03:52 PM, mraw wrote: hahahahaha, thats gold right there! that song kicks the crap out of coldplay, were the hell did you get it?

Richard Cheese.
Best Cover Artist Ever.

i woudnt mind making a collab......



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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-29 10:54:22

Oh great :) so just make anything secksy and stick it in.

doesn't sound right.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-29 15:48:52

At 3/28/07 08:33 AM, G-F-D wrote: Well, Jestar I guess you had a pretty bad week, day, thing... Whatever, anyway I made some FBF crap and then put anything I could find that was made in flash and stuck it all together, basically all the stuff i have done in the past couple of months.... I think i'll submit since all the crap I got in the portal just, sucks. If anyone wants to add more stuff, anything, so it won't be that crappy, please do :) Link

Dude, that's pretty cute [good.]
But I have some constructive criticism for you. [Only 2 pts.]
Don't take this the wrong way, use this knowledge for animations so that you can get better. Also, dont make excuses or get defensive plz.

[1] The character's limbs don't move in a super realistic way, kindof like you move them around without redrawing them, is the simplest way I can put it.
[2] The dude has an unsteady speed. He pops around and sometimes he doesnt really line up with the board. Focus on making him go smoothly across the screen.

This anim reminds me of misfitblob. Anybody else? Nobody? Well.
Nice nice nice nice nice first draft <3.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-29 18:03:52

Ok cool cool, but you where talking about which part? Because yes there is one that is really bad, the one where he starts as a pop shovit then ollies over the hole with spikes, I know that one is terrible, I remember doing it, I was really lazy and just wanted to get it done. But anyway, i'll try to remember to make the limbs and everything a little smoother. What you think of the werid fbf? :P

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-31 23:27:59


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-01 05:58:40


Yes wake up people more posting :D

story time

Yesterday I travelled back to lebanon, saw my friends got a little drunk smoked a couple a fags it was great, good to be back...

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-01 11:44:39

At 4/1/07 05:58 AM, G-F-D wrote: Yesterday I travelled back to lebanon, saw my friends got a little drunk smoked a couple a fags it was great, good to be back...

I don't know why, but when I hear "fags" my mind drifts away from cigarettes... hrm.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-01 15:09:45

iv animated 2 new grinds for usv4 lol its only taken me like a month to add more tricks to my movie, i dont think its ever gonna be finished.

Nightmare - why is the camera so messed up on the second part of the demo??

Maybe I should just make a good skate movie instead, with elements of story like usv5 instead of the heavy storyline of 4 with less skating and more text.

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-01 17:32:25

At 4/1/07 03:09 PM, cronic-22 wrote:
Maybe I should just make a good skate movie instead, with elements of story like usv5 instead of the heavy storyline of 4 with less skating and more text.

Sssssssure :).
As long as it's long, smooth, and thorough.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE hee heeEEEE heeWEEEEEEEEEEEE weeeeEHEE eewee I can't wait till I'm focused enough on flash to make a new animation =[

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-01 21:52:05

At 4/1/07 03:09 PM, cronic-22 wrote: Nightmare - why is the camera so messed up on the second part of the demo??

What exactly do you mean by messed up?

Preview Lolz.


BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-02 08:46:40

the camera keeps floating up and the skater is always about a cm away from top boarder.

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-02 08:50:09

I'm feeling a skate collab, i wanna animate the best dam skate video on NG!!, with the animation skills of the club we cld get fp

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-02 14:19:02

Count me in! I love to skate and watch skate flashes!

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-03 08:35:24


I think we would just have hardcore sections each, but we gotta work out some stuff first.

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-04-03 16:24:13

At 4/2/07 02:08 PM, mraw wrote:
At 4/2/07 08:50 AM, cronic-22 wrote: I'm feeling a skate collab, i wanna animate the best dam skate video on NG!!, with the animation skills of the club we cld get fp
too right! im defiantly up for making one. are we gonna have a plot or just some sweet parts?

Hm. I'm gonna animate right now.
I'll be back with the results. :]

This won't be long, but it will give you a taste of how focused I can be when there's 30 milligrams of adderall in my system; I'm just hoping I don't come down from the high at the wrong time. Although, I would like to sleep tonight. Would be nice to sleep for once :]

~JËŠTªR [the fucked up adderall addict] :(

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