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-Skate Flash Club-

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-02 17:33:40

At 3/2/07 02:57 PM, ZeroJ wrote: Jestar could i have your msn adres ? Im that guy who sended you that PM bout that skate collab ?

nobody has MSN

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-03 13:05:07

At 3/2/07 02:57 PM, ZeroJ wrote: Jestar could i have your msn adres ? Im that guy who sended you that PM bout that skate collab ?

I dont have MSN, only AIM.
My email is blink182jester74@netscape.net

It might be hard to communicate that way but.
We can deal.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-03 13:25:11

i have msn :(

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-03 21:44:39

i have msn :(


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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-04 11:43:58

At 3/3/07 01:25 PM, cronic-22 & Night-mare both wrote:

i have msn :(


I like AIM.
I just hate AOL and i hate fucking firewalls.
I think firewalls should burn.
Because theyre on fire.
And turn into ash walls.
Because walls burn into ash when theyre on fire.
From this we can conclude,
that Jestar is a crazy bitch.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-04 17:35:56

At 3/4/07 11:43 AM, Jestar wrote: At 3/3/07 01:25 PM, cronic-22 & Night-mare both wrote:
i have msn :(

I like AIM.
I just hate AOL and i hate fucking firewalls.
I think firewalls should burn.
Because theyre on fire.
And turn into ash walls.
Because walls burn into ash when theyre on fire.
From this we can conclude,
that Jestar is a crazy bitch.

and we can also conclude that msn is an ass ass fuck munch

and i just went snowboarding

and it was fun

and yay

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-05 11:37:11

that flash was......fucking sweet!!!

i loved it it ozed with style!

sk8 flash seems to be evolving at the moment wqe have to push the boundries because people hate them so much lol!

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-05 14:44:50

At 3/5/07 08:33 AM, mraw wrote: if you got any ideas post em!


Whicked good, whicked sexy, whicked entertaining.
Good use of music too.
Like honestly, a promising flash man. Really really promising.
And I'm hoping you touch it up and submit.
But DEAR GOD, what happened to the poor boys head ;_;

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-05 19:33:27

At 3/5/07 04:03 PM, mraw wrote:
thanks!, i was up at 3.30am finishing it for this mornings deadline, finished and then realised i forgot to add the head! i coudnt really be fucked to go through all the frames adding a circle so i just left it
hopefully they wont realise :0

Are you fucking serious?

thanks again for the feedback guys

ha, welcome.

At 3/5/07 04:05 PM, mraw wrote: does anyone else get that problem were its really hard to quote because the ":" just goes to the end of the line above

Yeah. Quoting is a bitch. Especially when you're playing counterstrike :D.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-06 14:51:43

*Bumps thread to life.*

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-06 17:28:00

maybe you should just take the head out of the flash then becuase people are gonna be like your lazy and didnt finish, and without the head there gonna think thats propably just his style.

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-07 14:39:23

At 3/6/07 06:10 PM, mraw wrote:

sumbited it!!! fiven! :D

Dude congratsofuckinglations on your daily 5th!
Paving the way for skate flashes everywhere;
Honored to have you in our club.
Collabsoon kthx.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-07 14:42:29

Oh yeah.
Scratch "congratsofuckinglations".
And replace with "congratulations."
hXc spelling error.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-07 17:26:01


sumbited it!!! fiven! :D

nice animation!

Hey, cool, we have the same BA!

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-07 20:13:52

[And if I post an entire post in capital letters I may receive a ban so as to not recieve a ban I will not post the entire post in capital letters.]
^ Life story.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-08 03:07:18

At 3/7/07 08:13 PM, Jestar wrote: ^ Life story.

Great story..
You flashing now?!

Not sure if cronic is okay with me posting this..

But i will anyway.

Engine for a USV4.

And cron, i have another .fla working on that level you sent me.


BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-08 15:14:39

At 3/8/07 03:07 AM, Night-Mare wrote:
Great story..
You flashing now?!

No. I'm thinking of starting back up though.
I'm still waiting for this kid to get back to me.
You know the random kid that posted here a while ago asking for my MSN?

Not sure if cronic is okay with me posting this..

But i will anyway.

Fuckn hoe.

Engine for a USV4.

I will check this out right now.
Then respond with my response that I have responded with.

And cron, i have another .fla working on that level you sent me.

Keep it up. All the more for SKATE FLASH CLUB!
�» J€�S†ªR.
[The a contracted polio ( >.>). Awh.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-08 15:19:06

At 3/8/07 03:14 PM, Jestar wrote:

Balblablalbla respond to USV4.

Lolz. Melikes, "kickflip the stairs bitch."

Keep it up. All the more for SKATE FLASH CLUB!
�» J€�S†ªR.
[The a contracted polio ( >.>). Awh.

For some reason a bunch of random characters started showing up, again.
Should have looked like:
» J€STªR.™

Don't see what happened.
I hate the internet.
Fuckin die.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-08 15:20:39

At 3/8/07 03:19 PM, Jestar wrote:
For some reason a bunch of random characters started showing up, again.
Should have looked like:
» J€STªR.™

Don't see what happened.
I hate the internet.
Fuckin die.

adsf48hglnvvans;f438ahdg;lkejrfd8jslkdf SHIT
Hm. Fuck this, I'm gonna do my biology homework.
Adios brethren.

» regular ol', JESTAR.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-08 16:19:12

lol jestar i dont understand your posts lolz!

i dont mind you posting up the enginie at the moment exclusive previews for teh SFC!

i love nollie kickflipin the double its so satisfing! the trick with thta game is to ollie and press an arrow a split second later that way it looks peng!!!

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-08 18:04:07

Not my AS its night-mares, were gonna be adding proper grind poles and stuff so lets hope that works out,

i think left down is 360 flip bust a nollie (spacebar) tre over a gap!

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-09 00:13:56

At 3/8/07 06:04 PM, cronic-22 wrote: i think left down is 360 flip bust a nollie (spacebar) tre over a gap!

Flat Ground:
W = Pop.
Space = Nollie Position.
Down = Manual.
Nollie + Down = NoseManual.

Right = Heelflip.
Left = Kickflip.
Up = Hardflip.
Down = Shovit.
Left + Down = Treflip.
Left + Up = Casp. Flip.
Right + Up = K Grind Position (You have to be above a grey object to grind it or you will fall).
Right + Down = [Discuss about what trick should be here.]

Learn AS From..?

I Learnt AS from myself..
And some sites.
I have only used "AS: Main" about four times because I forget scripts.


BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-09 14:42:59

I haven't posted in a while but I've been reading... Mraw I really like your work, I didn't think you where THAT good. And the skate game is coming along pretty sexy, I'm waiting to see ending.
Other than that, Jestar I think you have been posting too much :P
--Today! I met a guy called Kamel... Camel, Camel ,yeah... And I Bloody skated! After six months I skated :D I could barely ollie 5 stairs but at least I skated!
Theres something I don't get, if anyone can remember that short FBF animation I made and posted on the page before.. It's got like 90 views, I mean, I don't get it did anyone relink or something?

I like posting.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-09 19:13:40

At 3/8/07 04:19 PM, cronic-22 wrote: lol jestar i dont understand your posts lolz!


i dont mind you posting up the enginie at the moment exclusive previews for teh SFC!

Just more time to kill...

that way it looks peng!!!

Looks WHAT!?

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-09 19:15:35

At 3/9/07 12:13 AM, Night-Mare wrote:
Right + Down = [Discuss about what trick should be here.]

Well durh. If Left + Down = tre flip, then Right + Down = laser. Psh.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-09 20:21:39

At 3/9/07 07:15 PM, Jestar wrote:
At 3/9/07 12:13 AM, Night-Mare wrote:
Right + Down = [Discuss about what trick should be here.]
Well durh. If Left + Down = tre flip, then Right + Down = laser. Psh.

Tips on animating laser anyone?


BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-10 10:58:12

backwards 360 flip but his front foot comes into his body not away

lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-10 14:31:07

At 3/10/07 10:58 AM, cronic-22 wrote: backwards 360 flip but his front foot comes into his body not away

Just animate the guy flicking his foot whicked hard forward and out. 360 heelflip.

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

BBS Signature

Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-10 21:29:34

At 3/10/07 02:31 PM, Jestar wrote:
At 3/10/07 10:58 AM, cronic-22 wrote: backwards 360 flip but his front foot comes into his body not away
Just animate the guy flicking his foot whicked hard forward and out. 360 heelflip.

Or you could do what he said.
Cause hes probably right :0 !!
Im going to fucking asdk jsdf 80! thats because of shit that shit happend s htitttt
lmoa im just laughing aout lou!
i mean im nalughing lol i mean im FUCKING LALUGHING OUT LOUD
i mean laughing.
I feel like im getting sucked into the fucking computer.
or my throat is going to swell up into shit!
or something.
Ahh this fucking shirt

Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.

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Response to -Skate Flash Club- 2007-03-10 21:37:32

Jestar's Jabbering.

This is what happens when you give Jestar the Buttsecks Machine.

Just Kidding.


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