Well, I'm jewish, but like...
Merry Christmas anyways :D
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Well, I'm jewish, but like...
Merry Christmas anyways :D
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lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.
At 12/25/06 11:36 AM, Jestar wrote: Well, I'm jewish, but like...
That explains alot.
At 12/25/06 07:36 PM, bakerrr wrote:At 12/25/06 11:36 AM, Jestar wrote: Well, I'm jewish, but like...That explains alot.
How often do you drop by here?
You post like once every two weeks,
and its always something sarcastic,
or poking fun at somebody.
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At 12/25/06 07:36 PM, bakerrr wrote: That explains alot.
What are you talking about you can't understand a simple sentence.
So what if he is jewish, its like anybody cares if he is or isn't.
Yeah it dosen't mean anything at all. When I read I thought oh, cool... Yea that explains a lot? that explains my ass, you should stop poppin in here and making stupid remarks.
At 12/26/06 05:08 AM, G-F-D wrote: Yeah it dosen't mean anything at all. When I read I thought oh, cool... Yea that explains a lot? that explains my ass, you should stop poppin in here and making stupid remarks.
Never have the words Ass and Popping in the same sentence.
At 12/25/06 11:36 AM, Jestar wrote: I'm jewish.
You may find this offensive but;
If all Jewish men get the snip, then how do little baby jews' get born?
Are all Jewish Ladys' cheaters or do you have a secret technique we should know about?
Interest me.
Sorry if you find the word Jews' offensive too, I don't know if it is supposed to be used as an insultive or describtive word.
Anyway, does anyone have any new skate flashs? Hey Jestar did you make anything?...
I am so bloody happy! Newgrounds is unblocked! I pinged the website and wrote the ip, finally I can deposit! I can blam and protect, and Lochie dosen't have to put my sigs or deposit for me!!
At 12/27/06 12:56 PM, mraw wrote: They dont fucking get there whole dick chopped off.
Ya think. xD
Circumsized=NoBabyMakingJuiceMayPass. (Right?)
At 12/27/06 03:05 AM, G-F-D wrote: Anyway, does anyone have any new skate flashs? Hey Jestar did you make anything?...
Yeah, I might put it up sometime soon. I love flashing again :]
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At 12/27/06 06:19 PM, Night-Mare wrote: Circumsized=NoBabyMakingJuiceMayPass. (Right?)
Are you fucking retarded?
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At 12/28/06 05:37 PM, Jestar wrote: Are you fucking retarded?
Only on weekends.
At 12/29/06 01:25 AM, Night-Mare wrote:
Only on weekends.
Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.
I am also working on a Flash (slowly i might add), i have completed the first section of it just editing some audio for the first scene, The first scene doesnt really invove any skating though... But a boarderline story (a skate movie with a story WOW!), and the first mini game is complete bar a few AS tweeks here and there.
Night-mare im gonna need some help eventually with more script il e-mail you about it and we shall chat on the M to the SN.
p.s- maybe i can incorp. your skate engine into say for example your in a comp you have to score 1000 points in 2 minutes ect.
lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.
At 12/30/06 04:33 PM, cronic-22 wrote: I am also working on a Flash.
Night-mare im gonna need some help eventually
I shall help you anytime.
p.s- maybe i can incorp. your skate engine
Yeah, I'm not using it anyway.
coolio, shame your not on msn now, i smell of fags..patries rule, pitcher!
lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.
At 12/31/06 11:45 PM, cronic-22 wrote: i smell of fags..
I know what you mean by fags (Cigarettes), but I just have to bag you for it.
I've had my fun.
Lol, yesh... I think i'v still got some vodkahhh laying around here something.
my stomach is killing me.
At 1/1/07 03:44 AM, G-F-D wrote: Lol, yesh... I think i'v still got some vodkahhh laying around here something.
my stomach is killing me.
same here it feels raw and i cant sleep because of it.
lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.
At 1/1/07 03:44 AM, G-F-D wrote: Lol, yesh... I think i'v still got some vodkahhh laying around here something.
my stomach is killing me.
Haha, Suck ;D
Am I the only sober one here?
At 1/1/07 03:44 AM, G-F-D wrote: Lol, yesh... I think i'v still got some vodkahhh laying around here something.
my stomach is killing me.
Everything burns =|
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At 1/1/07 09:58 AM, Jestar wrote: Everything burns =|
Perfect Reply Time..
*Insert Comment About How Gian's Ass Burns Because Of Gay Sex*
I Hate Writing Gay Jokes. ;D
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At 1/1/07 02:56 PM, Jestar wrote: Good, because you suck at them :]
Agreed. ;D
Skate Game
A = Move Left
D = Move Right
W = Ollie
Space = Nollie Stance
(While In MidAir)
Space = Boned Ollie
Left = Kickflip
Down = Shovit
Left+Down/Down+Left = 360 Flip
Comments on graphics, style, gameplay, animation, etc.
Ahh, thats really good! I couldn't actually clear the whole thing, he would land on the last step I think... But I mean it's pretty, cool you should add more details to the guys. Oh and when the guy ollies hes just like jumps a little and the thing goes with him. Try to make him pop and so you see the board vertically at one point of the ollie, that would make it look cooler... If you know what I mean.
I haven't been posting at all. Too much Wow, it's making me addicted.
At 1/2/07 01:49 PM, mraw wrote: thats really good,
i like the graffiti
and the people,
Don't agree; not enough detail.
nice trick system too!
I guess, I think you should change it to THPS controls.
Use left arrow, right arrow, up for ollie, and then shift for nollie.
Then the fliptricks should be like wasd.
It's not hard to learn these ones though ^_^
I have no idea how hard it is to actionscript but maybe when you stop the character could ease out rather than stop abrubtly, and maybe when you press right he could do a push. overall pretty dam good!
If he DOES ease out, make him put a foot down, and if he DOES accelerate, make a push movieclip. Shit's not hard.
Actionscripting on the other hand,
that shit's hard.
Overall, on this ltitle game of yours... i'd say... 7.5/10.
I know you can improve this shit man, add a couple more tricks and make some of the shit a little smoother, controls a bit different even.
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