At 10/19/06 05:48 PM, DnX-Danefex wrote: check out this. new find on youtube.
Nice linkie :D
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Great link!
In other wise things.
Any new skate flashes we should admire?
Stan the skater three.
Style is a bit strange but I really like this animation.
Different from most skate animations.
Probably because the guy is from turkey and it sounds akward when he talks/types.
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wats up guys how things going...
iv been animating some ramdom stuff since i got no internet..
some1 pls tell me that good website i linked once...
cuz image shack is all wierd.
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here some cool trick tips i found on youtube.
btw i didnt make thses i FOUND them.
Those trick tips are so leet. I'm going to try to learn pressure flips =D
But I'm not going to be able to learn them :(
Speaking of skateboarding... check out this clip...
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Lol, some of those flatland tricks I already know how to do. exept the nosehook, that one I can't seem to land.
And the lightning does seem fake.
People lets animate or do some footage or something. IM SO BORED!
Any collabs at the moment i can be included in, anyone?
At 10/23/06 05:45 PM, mraw wrote: o yer and nightmare, are u including ur game or are u doin an animation, or both!
I'm also adding some more tricks to game n' stuff.
Any ideas for my animation though?
At 10/24/06 07:33 AM, mraw wrote: i dunno, i liked what u did in ur recent submission, that looked really good, for plot i dunno really, maybe a game of skate or graffiti like this but in flash. or a contest or something. offcourse there is no problem in having no plot and animating a massive line or lots of spots, aslong as its skateboarding.
Recent submission as in the random shorts?
I'm gunna do a game of S.K.A.T.E in animation ^^
Wish me luck.
Always thought about doing a skate animation.
I think now i'm actually good enough to animate it...
I should try.
When I'm not lazy.
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At 10/26/06 08:52 PM, Jestar wrote: Skate animation = S.K.A.T.E. Animation ;]
No Duh..
I'm making the scoreboard n' graphics for it now. ^^
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HEY! MY 2006'th POST!
I vote we have a celebratory flash showcase eh?
Post whatever youre working on and share ideas.
I'm lazy.
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Hmm.. For our next collab, I had an idea to remake Almost Round 3.
Like each person takes one of the pros parts (Eg. Cronic-Mullen, Jester-Haslem, Mraw-Shecklar, Me-Daewon (My Hero), G-F-D-Wilt, etc.)
Dunno I just watched round 3 and got expired. ^^
im starting a new website, cox productions ... the size isnt correct,and the buttons dont work :P..... but yea thats wat its gonna look like
i was bored and made this... i took a lot of time on the bg but i bareley worked on the animation wat u guys think?.link~!
and THIS was something i made for a friend so he can put on his site... again, the animation isnt great and the logo in the back got messed up and i diddnt feel like fixing it. but i like the popping brain!
Hey Gian! I love all 3 you have made! Fantastic! P.S. I love the bg! Joey.
Hey, i may not be the best at animation or at game, but im learning, i love skateboarding and making, well trying to make flash skate animations,
I was wondering, can i be in ya skate club thing please, ive got 2 example of something i did, both stick, but i didnt take too long doing them...
You mean inspired >_>
Thanks for posting the flashies.
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At 10/31/06 07:30 AM, dannygreen wrote:
Kickflip the pyramid
Mullen casper to casper to casper
... You fucking traced over skatevideos with stick people.
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1, well done *claps* you noticed...
2, no need to be so harsh if you didnt want me in you could of just said
3, yea im new to flash, i just thought i would try something that i like and do anyway (skateboarding)
Stop been so down and try to be nice, helps
thank you, some advice thats kind, i will im trying to adapt my own style now, and do my own full ones,
At 10/31/06 02:50 PM, dannygreen wrote: 1, well done *claps* you noticed...
2, no need to be so harsh if you didnt want me in you could of just said
3, yea im new to flash, i just thought i would try something that i like and do anyway (skateboarding)
Stop been so down and try to be nice, helps
... Uhm. Yeah.
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Sorry I guess. I was in a bad mood cause I bombed like four things @ school.
One of them was a HUGE. Test. That I fucked up on. Bad.
And I failed a History quiz. =[
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At 10/31/06 08:56 PM, Jestar wrote: Sorry I guess. I was in a bad mood cause I bombed like four things @ school.
One of them was a HUGE. Test. That I fucked up on. Bad.
And I failed a History quiz. =[
We can't stay mad at you.
At 10/31/06 08:56 PM, Random-Dude wrote: Kickflip the pyramid
Trace, but you got patensual, The trucks are fucked on the deck though.
Mullen casper to casper to casper
You can't see the flip, the board is just a stick.
Please don't trace as sticks, if you do trace, make it full bodied and detailed.
Try and make a side view skate flash like we do, if you get good you can do angles.