At 9/17/06 10:43 PM, zerofalse wrote: i like watching skate flashes. i also know how to make skate flashes and i could probably help with collabs in the future. so can i join?
I thought we already established that you were welcome in the SFC...
At 9/17/06 10:43 PM, zerofalse wrote: i like watching skate flashes. i also know how to make skate flashes and i could probably help with collabs in the future. so can i join?
I thought we already established that you were welcome in the SFC...
sry i havnt posted in a while they confused me by changing the _ in my name to a dash.
yeah i dont know if you live in uk, but i got a part time job in a supermarket and i see those girl mags all the time and they want them to ban it now. mags like zoo and nuts are just as bad.
lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.
At 9/18/06 01:39 PM, cronic-22 wrote: yeah i dont know if you live in uk, but i got a part time job in a supermarket and i see those girl mags all the time and they want them to ban it now. mags like zoo and nuts are just as bad.
I think that this girl magazine 'Girlfriend' is more badder that Zoo.. Zoo just has girls posing in bikinis n' stuff. When 'Girlfriend' has an article on how to masturbate.
true that.
im in the mode to make a skate flash now
lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.
I just watched your flash, congrats =]
Original fo sho.
Check reviews.
Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.
At 9/20/06 03:28 PM, mraw wrote:At 9/20/06 02:45 PM, Jestar wrote: I just watched your flash, congrats =]ha ha, cheers!
Original fo sho.
Check reviews.
i remebr seeing that flash and i was thinkin exac the same as what jestar put in his review i wld love to work with you in a collab though!!
i just got to get flash back on my pc
lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.
At 9/17/06 07:59 PM, Jestar wrote:At 9/17/06 03:48 PM, bakerrr wrote:Why do you even post here?At 9/17/06 11:46 AM, Night-Mare wrote:~ <3 Lachlan. Your fellow idiot.Be nice.
None of your posts actually mean anything.
Being nice is meaningless?
At 9/20/06 09:50 PM, bakerrr wrote: Being nice is meaningless?
Yes. Why do you always check up and give either random or short posts.
I shall join collaboration if I must. :D I've changed styles like you all wouldnt believe. (See pic Below).
I saw santa today. Long story Short, He is fat and mean and Sells Pine cones. :D
Nice animation 2 mraw (or whoever).
At 9/21/06 06:25 AM, Night-Mare wrote:At 9/20/06 09:50 PM, bakerrr wrote: Being nice is meaningless?Yes. Why do you always check up and give either random or short posts.
Ok. I will stop posting here. You all suck at animating anyways.
At 9/21/06 01:14 PM, bakerrr wrote:At 9/21/06 06:25 AM, Night-Mare wrote:Ok. I will stop posting here. You all suck at animating anyways.At 9/20/06 09:50 PM, bakerrr wrote: Being nice is meaningless?Yes. Why do you always check up and give either random or short posts.
your mum sucks. but you dont here me dissin her all the time (cuase shes good at it).
anyway yeah collab sounds good get some specs togher and we can start work, i might have to do it round my mates house though so my progress will be slow.
lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.
If there aren't 5 animators in this collab, lemme get one of the spots :D
At 9/21/06 05:30 PM, mraw wrote:At 9/21/06 05:25 PM, LamboFactor wrote: If there aren't 5 animators in this collab, lemme get one of the spots :Dsure, everyones welcome
I'm not an animator, im just one flash away from having a BA, which i so desperatly want...
At 9/20/06 06:58 PM, mraw wrote: so far we got cronic-22, jester and myself :)
sorry boat double post i misread
What the hell?
Who said I was in?
Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.
At 9/21/06 01:14 PM, bakerrr wrote:
Ok. I will stop posting here. You all suck at animating anyways.
Today I was skating and I got really pissed.
I couldnt ollie up this thing so I threw my board a couple of times and chipped it in multiple places.
Then I ollied up the thing, and when I was coming out of it a truck came by.
So I yelled fuck at the guy and then left.
Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.
At 9/22/06 01:28 PM, mraw wrote:At 9/22/06 10:39 AM, Night-Mare wrote: So am I in this collab?of cousre
Horray. :D
Who wants to make it like an actual skate video, like at times it has footage of them throwing the board down at the ground, or them walking up the stairs, or stacking because of the motorized old people carts on the sidewalk :P
If anybody wants I can Add in the skate game I have in my sig but improve some of it so it adds extra fun to the collab.
Btw 4 Set it was taken with my friends phone so its pretty crappy.. and also the weigth for the ollie was like not even a metre across. Comment on my craptastic Ollie.
Went to the city today.. It was fun. found the melbourne olympic shrine type of thing. the chairs where marble and I skated em. They had gaps in between each chair so i ollied to manual each one and heeled the gaps. :D Fun as anything!
I think 20fps
defult canvus
and yeah i get what he means just make it like a regular skate video have some lines some sets multiple angles ect...
lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.
Yeah 20 fps.
Thanks for fiven.
Yeah I ment as in you know how sometimes the landings are shithouse so you get ply or signs to make it longer? or the runups shithouse so you have to run then hop on the board. yeah..
Dont you hate it when you scab your ankle and when you take off your sock its healed over it and the scab rips off with the sock. I did it twice, I thought it wouldnt of happened the second time.
wat happend with the underscore ... i thought my account was gone.
- and theres a collab going going on or something?
oh and since wen did the "art" section come out?
At 9/23/06 11:58 AM, G-F-D wrote: wat happend with the underscore ... i thought my account was gone.
- and theres a collab going going on or something?
oh and since wen did the "art" section come out?
You gay fast donkey! i thought that too? didnt you change your alias name? probably ng replaced all _ with - in their mysql database.
Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.
At 9/23/06 10:14 PM, Jestar wrote: Art section... wah?
Theres now an art forum... And G-F-D they took the underscores out of the name because they are re-doing the system so everyone can eventually have something like this ""... Soon they hope to get the dashes out of peoples names too...
At 9/22/06 01:28 PM, mraw wrote:At 9/22/06 10:39 AM, Night-Mare wrote:
hey could i be in the collab. ill draw the stuff on paper * frame by frame or what ever* and you guys could animate it for me cuase i dont got no flash programs........yet. and yes ill draw sticks so its easy on you guys.
and no im not fucking dead. : )
I feel nasty cause I had a milkshake from McDonalds and then two Smirnoff Ices.
And some captain morgans.
And because its like 7 AM.
Cheer me up.
Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.
Nevermind I'm happy cause I'm getting good at all of the shoveits.
They're easy I know, but so easy to own people in skate with.
Nobody wants to learn nollie shoves or FS shoves. Theyre all stoked on the kickflip...
and then they stop learning fliptricks.
My kickflip is so sketchy... I've pretty much given up.
I think that maybe if I get good at other tricks, I'll be able to kickflip again...
Alot of it is is strength, not as much precision.
My friend, colin stanton, [former D-Day Skater?] has the worst style ever, never precise, never consistent, but the kid is so strong that he can flip anything he wants to just cause he ollies like three feet into the air. He can flip the board and jump over it so that he catches it while its still flipping up. The kid learned to doubleflip in like half a day.
I wish he still posted here :'(
Anyways, my thoughts on fliptricks.
And Colin Stanton.
I have to take a shit oh my god.
Click my profile for lots and lots of shit.
At 9/23/06 11:10 PM, DnX-Danefex wrote:At 9/22/06 01:28 PM, mraw wrote:hey could i be in the collab. ill draw the stuff on paper * frame by frame or what ever* and you guys could animate it for me cuase i dont got no flash programs........yet. and yes ill draw sticks so its easy on you guys.At 9/22/06 10:39 AM, Night-Mare wrote:
and no im not fucking dead. : )
.... any takers on my idea. and by the way since the DnX is in collage righth now im going to be on his account. yes i do skate and yes im not the greatest but when it comes to ollies/heelflips/working on kickflips/fakie ollies/halfcabs/180 ollie/shove/fs-shove it/and im working on a pop shove it.
some gay reason i have a harder time on shove its that anyone at my skool. i like pop shove its there just so coolio. ohh and im working on ollieing a 5 set. and yes if anyone likes my idea and is kind enough to animate it for me i shall give you 10,000 happinesess.
At 9/24/06 08:47 AM, DnX-Danefex wrote: .... any takers
As long as your 10,000 Happiness belongs to me.. I shall
Btw, I got my Heelflips dialed and also my kickflips are sketchy too, I either catch it to early and get it upside down, or to late, or either my front foot lands completely away from the board or under the board or kicks it away.. but 6/10 times I can land em.
Woo, I might be going on tour with Shecklar! Seriously, My friend David who was sponsored by PSC, might be getting himself and 2 of his friends on the tour for a few days. Hopefully I can go..
Lol I found this on ngcollabs, and im still not over it.
lol nice gif.
when animating i like to do my own thing, im still waiting to get flash back though.
lilcheeselad says: You can't blame EyeLovePoozy for being a douche, he can't help it.
At 9/26/06 03:10 AM, Night-Mare wrote:At 9/24/06 08:47 AM, DnX-Danefex wrote: .... any takers
As long as your 10,000 Happiness belongs to me.. I shall
yeah sure 10,000 happinesses await you if you give me your email and if you animate it for me
ill draw youy the menu. and you guys could re draw it into the falsh.