At 4/9/21 07:38 AM, LucaTheHuman wrote:If you've drawn anything recently whether if its a full on drawing or just a doodle drop it below and tell us about it :)
I'm the best for a reason.

At 4/9/21 07:38 AM, LucaTheHuman wrote:If you've drawn anything recently whether if its a full on drawing or just a doodle drop it below and tell us about it :)
I'm the best for a reason.
Drew this a minute ago. Need to work on proper balance of the form. So far so good.
You have a greater chance in life of experiencing the lazarus phenomenon (Being declared dead and then living again a short brief period later) than making some earth shattering masterpiece of a work.
i finished my new years drawing, a little late though but still better then nothing :P
my brain likes to throw random visuals at me, this time it was kinda cool so i made a crappy lil doodle about it, so here a jellyfish lady
Think I could sell these as individual stickers?
Chuchu Panlunch the bestest best gurl, fight her if you disagree
Seems an eternity since I done everything on paper and not on PC. Years passed since I last used coloured-pencils for drawing and colouring... But it were a great fun despite the lots of mistakes I done...
And before one may wonder about the meaning: This picture is about Death and our pass-through Life...
Since my scanner currently dead I need to shot this with a phone what resulted strange, sharp edges. To solve this I applied a single "reduce noise" filter upon the picture to fix.
Man, he's a literal who--I know but I love this drawing. Can't wait to see what other pieces I might make this year.
Why do they call it oven when you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food?