Obscure artist and indie game dev who tries as hard as can be. Due to a system error, none of my art appears in the Art Portal, so if you liked any of my art, I really could use some support. Please...
(I'm also LiquidFrogStudios on DeviantArt and Twitter btw.)
Life is Roblox
i revamped my old oc, a gamer and his robot from South Korea
finished my first character sheet ever. be nice to her.
This was last one, what do you think about it guys? Tell me please! ;)
At 4/9/21 07:38 AM, LucaTheHuman wrote:If you've drawn anything recently whether if its a full on drawing or just a doodle drop it below and tell us about it :)
A good question really. Haven't posted this anywhere other than toyhouse and this thread.
(lousy little doodle for my birthday done on my phone cause I thought it'd be funny- among other things, I was mostly tired)
Did a ink Commission of the Unknown from dead by daylight
Recently been into Persona, so I drew the protagonists from the first 2 games. Spent around 3 days on and off working on it, and I'm proud of it!
finally can draw again after 2 years of physical discomfort
I finished my Dark Magician Girl badge yesterday!
At 4/9/21 07:38 AM, LucaTheHuman wrote:If you've drawn anything recently whether if its a full on drawing or just a doodle drop it below and tell us about it :)
This one's still in progress, as you can see by the outlines of the background, but i like where it is going.
Thank you for having started a thread like this for folks to showcase stuff. It's nice.
decided to update Tepache's outfit by giving her a belt which has hostlers for her pistol and blade
enter hyperspace.
another FNF OC, a ninja named Ganjyo who likes to kancho u