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BargonSpaceman's Art

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Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2021-12-24 12:42:21

Experimenting with colors a little bit drawing portraits and figures.iu_505181_7497764.webpiu_505182_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2021-12-25 13:45:57

Today's stuff. Some sketches, figure drawing and exploring some eye shapes.iu_506136_7497764.webpiu_506137_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2021-12-25 13:46:20

Merry Christmas everyone.

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2021-12-26 14:03:55

Wanted to draw some goofy stuff, and some other practice sketches.iu_506909_7497764.webpiu_506910_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2021-12-27 13:21:45

Torso studies and fundamentals.


Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2021-12-28 11:34:57

Some more torso stuff and practicing painting some portraits.iu_508504_7497764.webpiu_508505_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2021-12-29 12:46:27

Rough day. I didn't get as much done as I'd like. iu_509334_7497764.webpiu_509333_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2021-12-29 19:06:23

New drawing thingy.

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2021-12-30 12:45:17

Painting some basic shapes and sketches.iu_510276_7497764.webpiu_510277_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2021-12-31 13:15:09

Scribbles and some photo studies.iu_511446_7497764.webpiu_511445_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-01 12:17:14

Happy new year everyone. Here are some sketches, I need to get back to drawing some basic shapes.iu_512852_7497764.webpiu_512853_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-02 01:11:47

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-02 13:19:15

Kept things basic some figure drawing and some ellipses on planes, and boxes.iu_513834_7497764.webpiu_513835_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-03 12:07:00

Didn't get as much drawing as I liked nor did it turn out good, oh well there's always next time.iu_514752_7497764.webpiu_514753_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-04 12:48:47

Drawing lips, portraits color, and photo studies.iu_515733_7497764.webpiu_515734_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-05 11:09:43

Figure drawing and some color and photo studies.


Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-06 12:38:46

Rusty with ellipses, doing some fundamentals practice and some sketches.iu_517247_7497764.webpiu_517248_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-06 22:03:02

At 9/29/19 04:43 PM, BargonSpaceman wrote:Here are some of my sketches, studies, and finished stuff.



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Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-07 12:11:00

At 1/6/22 10:03 PM, pushp0p wrote:
At 9/29/19 04:43 PM, BargonSpaceman wrote:Here are some of my sketches, studies, and finished stuff.

Nah I think I'm good.

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-07 12:13:55

Sketches and figure drawing.iu_518168_7497764.webpiu_518169_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-08 11:35:29

Attempted to paint a portrait. It didn't go well. I'm still not quite understanding the planes of the face. The other page is some practice with fundamentals.iu_519160_7497764.webpiu_519161_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-09 13:04:02

Doodles and improved yesterday's portrait.iu_520261_7497764.webpiu_520262_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-10 15:27:46

Working on composition and some figure drawing.


Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-11 15:27:06

Portraits and stuff


Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-12 16:09:23

Drawing some tanks and portraits.


Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-13 16:41:50

Got sick and didn't get as much as I wanted. Last page my brain stopped working.iu_523569_7497764.webpiu_523570_7497764.webp

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-14 03:01:30

At 1/12/22 04:09 PM, BargonSpaceman wrote:Drawing some tanks and portraits.

Dang dude, loving all the studies in this thread. Perspectives, figures, machines, Awesome work!

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-14 13:05:20

At 1/14/22 03:01 AM, SourCherryJack wrote:
At 1/12/22 04:09 PM, BargonSpaceman wrote:Drawing some tanks and portraits.

Dang dude, loving all the studies in this thread. Perspectives, figures, machines, Awesome work!

Thank you.

Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-14 13:06:58

Still pretty sick so I kept things basic. Some basic warmups and some figure drawing.


Response to BargonSpaceman's Art 2022-01-15 15:41:42 (edited 2022-01-15 15:41:57)

Some portraits and some thumbnail studies. The thumbnail studies took a while, it helps with focusing on color.
