Not much of a demo, but it is an audition that I think captures my vocal range!
Not much of a demo, but it is an audition that I think captures my vocal range!
At 12/12/14 02:33 PM, mErZeE wrote:hay ive got some stuff that yall may like. I don't realy know how to post them like you all do, but im up for learning the ropes. You can see my stuff here and if you like my stuff by all means please give you comments and constructive criticism. also I have yet to be scouted so you could be the first to get me one step closer to my dreams.
Hi, i want to post a demo reel, but i don't know how to upload here. Can anyone help?
At 11/17/19 07:29 PM, AnimeFreak01 wrote:Hi, i want to post a demo reel, but i don't know how to upload here. Can anyone help?
I sure can.
Click the upload icon on the top right of most NG pages (or this link). Button looks like this:
on older layout pages it would be on the top left with a "P" icon for "projects"
Select "audio" (cheating again, this link).
Give the project a title in the text field, then click "next". At this point in the project, you can add information, tags, an album cover if you'd like.
You can upload the file in the first field near the top of the publication page (gear on the left side) above the CD/album cover icon. It looks like this:
You'll need to select useage rights, and agree to the audio guidelines. Then the final step is to click "Publish Audio".
Hopefully that helps!
Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.
At 11/17/19 07:38 PM, Peregrinus wrote:At 11/17/19 07:29 PM, AnimeFreak01 wrote:Hi, i want to post a demo reel, but i don't know how to upload here. Can anyone help?
I sure can.
Click the upload icon on the top right of most NG pages (or this link). Button looks like this:
on older layout pages it would be on the top left with a "P" icon for "projects"
Select "audio" (cheating again, this link).
Give the project a title in the text field, then click "next". At this point in the project, you can add information, tags, an album cover if you'd like.
You can upload the file in the first field near the top of the publication page (gear on the left side) above the CD/album cover icon. It looks like this:
You'll need to select useage rights, and agree to the audio guidelines. Then the final step is to click "Publish Audio".
Hopefully that helps!
Thanks, and this will upload to the Voice Demo Page?
At 11/17/19 07:46 PM, AnimeFreak01 wrote:Thanks, and this will upload to the Voice Demo Page?
In the Publication Details page, set the format to Voice and Genre to Voice Acting - Voice Demo. These categories are located below the CD/album cover image.
After the audio is published, you can post the link here.
Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.
At 11/17/19 07:55 PM, Peregrinus wrote:At 11/17/19 07:46 PM, AnimeFreak01 wrote:Thanks, and this will upload to the Voice Demo Page?
In the Publication Details page, set the format to Voice and Genre to Voice Acting - Voice Demo. These categories are located below the CD/album cover image.
After the audio is published, you can post the link here.
Thanks a lot!
This seems like a good time to remind everyone to keep an eye on the Collab/Help Wanted section, found lower on the Community page.
You can search to find people seeking voice actors, or can post a project you're looking for members. I'd also encourage everyone to get involved in the forums and in other parts of the site. I've found people have a little more success finding work when they are seen in the community.
Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.
podcast we are doing lmk if you guys dig it
podcast we are doing lmk if you guys dig it
Hi, I'm Mac and I just recently got into voice acting for fun!! I would love to help out with projects down the road. Here is my demo-reel.
Time to throw my hat into the ring. And by hat, I of course mean my demo reel:
Check out my voice demo reel here!
jumping in feet first with an old Radio Shack mic.
Never posted my reel here so here goes. I actually have two reels, but this is the more properly done one of the two. Hope you guys enjoy. I'm still pretty new to acting, but I'm looking for opportunities whenever they arise so I can build up my experience.
Just got my animation demo professionally recorded earlier this year! Any inquiries, ask away:
Just updated my demo! Check it out and hmu if you'd like to collab!
Wahooooo. What's up, ya'll? Checking a bunch of these out and GOOD JOB everyone!
Howdy all! Here is variety of voices in my arsenal that I can do, but not limited to:
Hey everyone, heres my demo reel if you need any voices for your projects please let me know id be happy to help.
Hi everyone!
I'm Aimee, a full-time, native Australian voice actress booking work across Australian/American/British dialects!
I voice for characters in MOBAs such as SMITE, Mobile Legends and Battlerite, and platformers such as Freedom Planet and Levelhead. As shown by the latter, I still voice for lots of indie games/animations and passion projects to this day, and Newgrounds was actually where I got my start!
Would love to continue contributing to the community, so please feel free to check out my Visual Character Demo Reel below, featuring some of my work across 2019, and shoot me an email at should you like a custom audition!
I look forward to *hopefully* working with you!
Just starting out open to all feedback here. I hope the link to my demo works.
I'm looking to put myself out there, so here is my character demo!
I'm open to paid work, primarily, and I work on the low end of the independent scale! If you read this, I hope you have a great day! Aw heck, even if you didn't read this, still have a great day!