Don't know if this is acceptable or not.

Don't know if this is acceptable or not.
At 4/18/17 05:12 AM, lumiorfo wrote: Don't know if this is acceptable or not.
This one's stolen from KDrew
At 4/18/17 09:26 AM, TMinori wrote:At 4/18/17 05:12 AM, lumiorfo wrote: Don't know if this is acceptable or not.This one's stolen from KDrew
@lumiorfo, for reference, you would still want to flag this submission even were it not stolen. Any song put out by a record label is a lawsuit waiting to happen unless the label gives us written legal permission to host it royalty free, which probably won't happen in most cases because labels looooove royalties and we can't afford the high rates they want. If you hear anything with samples or a capella from the radio, or stolen songs especially, flag it. Rules say "not even a millisecond" of copyrighted material is allowed.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
At 4/19/17 11:34 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: Stolen stuff.
Don't forget about those links dude.
Are you trying to get banned ?
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
At 4/20/17 03:59 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote:
Get banned? No dood I'm trying to help. But I don't think I am....
Yes you are, and it is appreciated.
Do you think some links, pointers or notes about why you report them are too much to ask ?
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
Unpublished Submission
This guy thinks he's slick when all he did was take the vocals from the original and add it to this
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
same song again and again by the same user
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Not to sure if this the actual person uploading these or not.
At 4/22/17 02:31 AM, lumiorfo wrote: Not to sure if this the actual person uploading these or not.
I doubt it is, they haven't made any announcements about newgrounds on their social media and the uploader hasn't even listed their website or social media accounts. Plus there's the lack of uploads and the only two songs that have been uploaded are a year and five years old, respectively.
At 4/22/17 12:04 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote:
I just flagged them, I clicked the flag button and saw the stolen button, and wrote all the notes stolen, does that work? If yes how many songs do you have do flag to get a new whistle
You have to mention where they were stolen from in the notes, providing links makes it easier for the mods to determine whether or not your report is valid.
And nobody know about how many whistle points you have to get for a new whistle apart from the programmers I guess. You can gain whistle points by flagging submissions and abusive reviews too.
Be careful of wrongly flagging stuff, you'll gain negative points if you do and your whistle tier will drop.
I was stuck with the garbage whistle for a while and believe me, it looked butt ugly on my page.
At 4/22/17 12:04 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: I just flagged them, I clicked the flag button and saw the stolen button, and wrote all the notes stolen, does that work? If yes how many songs do you have do flag to get a new whistle
For stuff with the authors name in the title, that works. For stuff like Romos Magic touch we've seen thousands of times, works too. Other stuff, please name the song at least so I can look it up. Ex, someone names a stolen submission addhdhdhdhdh and cuts up half the song or something, but you recognize it's "Tobu - Colors" or something, you would write that. It doesn't all have to be links, and it doesn't have to be long. Your flag will already tell me something is stolen if you use the right category.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
At 1/27/17 08:14 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: This is going too far, well fine ill report all then. GD search ban these songs from eljofainas, neogeomax, and ethanw12. This is how i show off my anger. ANGER ANGER ANGER WHY WHY WHY WELL GOD. ILL QUIT GTS FOREVER
Unpublished Submission
I don't have to say anything about this, at it's more than obvious.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
MDK-Press start
Unpublished Submission
Bo Burnham - Kill Yourself
Unpublished Submission
Bag Raiders - Shooting Stars [COVER] [Like a 8-bits]
Janji - Heroes Tonight (feat. Johnning)
Unpublished Submission
Xi - Happy End of the World
Unpublished Submission
Nano - Hold On
Unpublished Submission
Danger - 4h30
Unpublished Submission
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll (JVH - C Remix)
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
Requesting an investigation of @SkylarSpence. The artist is pretty big on soundcloud (going on 50k followers) and the user here has simply posted descriptions saying "Hi." and nothing else. Seems highly unlikely that the artist wouldn't include any info as to release locations. No links on main profiles.
Additionally, the songs have been used in GD levels judging by the reviews.
At 4/23/17 02:07 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: That was my friend neogeomax, he is from geometry dash, why are you mad? This was so long ago
im not mad XDD
At 4/25/17 11:08 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote:At 4/25/17 11:05 PM, NeoGeoMax wrote:Sorry, I was just angry that day because I kind of broke the rules a bit while agoAt 4/23/17 02:07 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: That was my friend neogeomax, he is from geometry dash, why are you mad? This was so long agoim not mad XDD
no problem xD
At 4/25/17 11:08 PM, MonsterboyGD wrote: Read the desc, ( Stealer - I don't own this song, Me - " so your not the official, well then why does your username say it then? Your fake anyways so.... )
This guy may (or not) be legit, I'm digging into it.
Despair not mate. SkylarSpence is already on the mods sight.
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
At 4/26/17 03:14 AM, LexaHergon wrote: Despair not mate. SkylarSpence is already on the mods sight.
Good to hear.
Found these.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
(Sorry if they ain't boxed. Still don't know how to do that.) M a r s h m e l l o
At 4/29/17 10:59 AM, MonsterboyGD wrote:
There's no way you can be the original, you only have 1 plays? And the yt video has million views
You may be right . Digging into it.
Are you even the original? You only have 6 plays
All points to this guy being the original, Just a very unknown guy that is just starting.
Very bad remix, it's just voices and it's very loud. My ears hurt
Bad indeed and annoying, but not rule breaking. Still, you can let him kn0w y0ur 0pini0n.
All the rest clear.
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
Not to sure on the Ellie one, but I am pretty positive the other two are stolen.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Wanted to check if has been verified. No link on the artist's Soundcloud.
At 5/1/17 10:53 PM, Gragon73 wrote: Wanted to check if has been verified.
Working on it. Thanks for the heads up.
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
Unpublished Submission
Fatal Force - Multiplayer
Unpublished Submission
Fatal Force - Robo Warrior
Unpublished Submission
Fatal Force - Answer ft. Yuzuki
Unpublished Submission
Fatal Force - Drug Trip
Unpublished Submission
Fatal Force - Nuclear
Unpublished Submission
Fatal Force - Gone Forever
At 5/4/17 11:17 AM, Skiddle wrote: Fatal Force - Various tracks
Nice catch !
Those songs would've been hard to notice.
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
At 5/6/17 04:20 AM, LexaHergon wrote:At 5/4/17 11:17 AM, Skiddle wrote: Fatal Force - Various tracksNice catch !
Those songs would've been hard to notice.
I know. UndeadHacker made it so convincing that he made them, but I happened to find Fatal Force :p