At 9/26/17 08:26 AM, LexaHergon wrote:
At 9/25/17 02:24 PM, BoxerBraydog wrote:
All of the below was made with Magix Music Maker
@Mopik @Lusin @GearWax and any others reading this
Some new info regarding magix music maker tracks :
From now on, we need you to include on your reports and/or flags a link to any reference material that clearly identifies the use of magix stock loops.
If you mates come across with something like this one (when the user states stock loops or "soundpool" use), those are safe to report and/or flag by the author comments :
Otherwise please provide some extra information.
Also, regarding music maker jam tracks :
Those are still safe to report and/or flag.
Ohh boy, I think this was my doing. (long reply warning)
I woke up to see most of my tracks gone and a few notifications saying I was banned from the audio stuff.
So I went down the rabbit hole to find out why. What I found was that Newgrounds guidelines regarding audio submissions were/is faulty, at least when its regarding the submission of MAGIX Music Maker (not Jam).
First I went to find MAGIX's Terms and Conditions.
Then their 'End User License Agreement' (EULA).
And then their own statements regarding publishing tracks made with their programs.
Nowhere in their terms and conditions, EULA, or in their own statements do they say: "MAGIX Music Maker automatically puts all songs you create with it under its own license" (as it says in Newgrounds guidelines)
To quote from MAGIX's statement:
" Can I publish the songs I’ve made with Music Maker loops and sounds online?
The rule is as follows: As long as your own songs – which contain loops or sounds from Music Maker/ Music Maker Jam – are not used commercially, you can upload them to Soundcloud, Youtube or other portals.
Just so there are no misunderstandings: MAGIX does not own the rights to your compositions. You own the copyright to these. Only the sounds and loops that you have used are protected by copyright."
" What if my song doesn’t contain MAGIX loops or sounds?
If you’ve created a song in Music Maker that doesn’t consist of loops or sound samples and just contains audio tracks you’ve recorded yourself, you don’t need a license. You can reproduce this music commercially. This is also the case if you have created your own loops using the MAGIX Music Maker Loop Designer.
When you create your own melodies without ready loops using instruments from Music Maker (e.g. Vita, String Ensemble, Rock Drums, Revolta …), commercial use is possible, since these are your own melodies."
Basically: You own the copyright to your work, as long as you don't use others copyright work in said work (ie loops and samples).
I got into contact with Tom Fulp because of this, and got my stuff republished.
I make my own instruments with the tools (VST's) provided in MAGIX Music Maker, and other VST's found all over the web. If I ever open up a loop or sample, its for reference and never in my actual published work.
MAGIX Music Maker (MMM for short) is a tool, and a tool is only as good as the person wielding it. Unfortunately this tool comes with loops and samples (for the newbies) as well as proper means of making music (support for VST's for the """"pros""""). This attracts the newbies, punishing the """"pros"""" as a result.
If you need tips on how to detect whether or not loops and samples are used in a piece, I guess I could try to help.
Listen for reverb and delay.
The noobs don't know how to add that stuff, even if it's pretty simple.
How does the instruments loop?
If the instrument has reverb or delay, it might loop strangely. This usually occurs in the beginning of the loop since the MAGIX team made some of the loops have built-in reverb or delay. So in the very start of a loop, it will have audio data from its own reverb, reverb that haven't happened yet so to speak.
Do instruments sound synthetic?
None of the loops or samples of real instruments included in MMM sound synthetic, because they are recordings of real instruments. The VST's MMM comes with have synthetic sounding instruments.
Electronic music loops and samples will have effects out of the scope of possibilities of this program.
Dubstep wubs and such is pretty much impossible to make without downloading other VST's (they exist, but are not in the MMM package).
Effects that last longer than the loop itself
These effects are usually baked-in to the loop, so if you hear effects last longer and over many loops its probably their own samples. Example: Filter cutout gradually changing, glide changing transition time.
Read description, check the uploader.
Pretty obvious. If the uploader writes a whole lot in the description about what effects and VST's used, its most likely their own instruments and samples.
I'm working on the assumption that the newbies using included loops and samples have no idea how to implement more advanced stuff, since they usually have no idea how, if they did they wouldn't be using loops and samples in the first place.
Sorry for the long comment.