At 3/2/07 11:13 PM, ElGhoulio wrote:
-core music tends to be stylisticly oriented, i.e., how fast you play it, or how heavy it is, or how gurgly the vocals are. I tend to appreciate more thematic music that centers around melody, songwriting, and the overall themes and the structure of the song, as opposed to technical elements. Technical can be good, but if it's the entire focus of the song, then it sucks. Malmsteen is an exception. Cuz he's so over the top it's funny.
Yeh man, just from that you can see we have very different tastes in music. For me the melody, themes or structure isnt much to me, i just love fast (or grindcore and death metal...maybe thats why i never listen to black metal anymore, i cant get into the idea of listening to it for melody and all those reasons you said.
I think towards music you are much more mature than me, i listen to what i do because i am immature, but i dont think i will mature THAT much musically, death and grind rules me. I mean you listen to music about nature, poetic things (and of course the cliche' black metal "SATAN" themes hehe) and i listen to music about torture and sexual violence. Its easy to tell whos musical taste it more mature..
Anyway that was a big rant about shit all hehe.
Good to see you in a grind band (if ive heard right?)