At 3/24/10 06:13 PM, RogerBK wrote:
At 3/24/10 03:13 PM, TheSongSalad wrote:
At 3/24/10 03:09 PM, RogerBK wrote:
Yeah, but I personally hate reviewing rap, since I don't like it and I never listened to a complete song...
Really? To each his own I guess. What sort of rap have you been listening to though? There's a lot more shitty rap IMO than good rap.
I don't like 50 Cent, Eminem and Snoopp Dogg...
I just think it's not necessary
haha. Yeah, I don't even consider that rap honestly. You might find Immortal Technique or Atmosphere or someone. Personally, I find underground rap to be great. People like Lil Wayne make me ill though. I don't need to listen to you tell people about how much money and sex you have.
At 3/24/10 03:13 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
I felt the same when I was about to write my first art review, but then, the more art reviews I wrote, the better I got at them. It's simply organising them properly: Talk about the colour scheme, shading and texture in the first paragraph, talk about the concept and the picture itself in the second, the third paragraph for the background and any nasty contrasts with the foreground and background which ruin the picture and finally the last paragraph for a summary. I personally find Audio the best for me to review, but after the huge amount that we get, it gets a bit boring to continuously review audio and never Flash or Art. Flash would've been impossible for me if I didn't steal Fro's layout :D.
See, I actually make some flash, so flash is easy for me to review. Mention any design issues, bugs you find, talk about why it was/was not entertaining. Give suggestions for improvement. For me that's easy. Thanks for the amazing tips though. I'm going to follow your layout now. Maybe I'll sound like I know what I'm talking about ;)
Yeah I totally agree with RogerBK on this. Music actually makes me concentrate more, and listening to my favourite songs while reviewing art is awesome.
Music helps me organize my thoughts better, I think. It may sound odd, but I find that I write better when I'm listening to some music I like. My thoughts flow better, I guess.