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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club 2015-09-23 07:19:22

Response to Review Request Club 2015-09-25 17:55:07

I would really appreciate it if one or more people reviewed this. I'm really looking for a lot opinions and constructive criticism as I am trying to improve.

Cheers, attak1616

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2015-09-28 11:40:27

Response to Review Request Club 2015-09-28 14:54:48

Response to Review Request Club 2015-09-29 19:40:03 (edited 2015-09-29 19:40:51)

Hey, I'm new to newgrounds (hehehe puns...) and I make music and I would like to be scouted, and the wiki thingamabober said to go here, so here I am. I have only put 1 song on so far, but as i create more songs (I've got a couple in the works) that are actually half decent, I will post them too. I'm not sure how to officially join the club, or even if I can officially join the club, but I would just like to be scouted. Thanks to anyone who does, and also to anyone who likes my music.


Response to Review Request Club 2015-09-30 07:53:11 (edited 2015-09-30 07:53:59)

@Shurrikane @TheArsonist77 @heirwaves @ectisity @larrynachos @belthagor


Yup guyz, I'm back XD. It's been such a long time since I actually made an update in this thread that most of you probably thought the club was a goner :3. Not happening tho, as long as we have requests and people willing to review, this club will continue to go on, with or without me :D. It will be WITH me from now on though. I'm back in action and ready to discover new artists. Sorry for the inactivity.

I'll go back to doing updates every 2nd weeks, and the RRC pick of the Round will also return :).
For this round I'll list up every request made the last two weeks. Afraid I can't include every request made the last 2 months :3.




That's all. Got 2 weeks until the next update. Would be great if each request coulød receive a couple of constructive review before them. I'll make sure to review all of them to the best of my ability ;).

Happy Reviewing!
(Ps. Yes, we still don't have a better logo XP)

Review Request Club

Just a random idiot

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-02 12:55:45

hi guys i really need to be scouted to be able to enable downloads and also be able to download this music for custom geometry dash levels http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/646959

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-02 13:50:35 (edited 2015-10-02 13:50:43)

Hi all,

I've always liked to listen to music and to make my own tracks. Lately I have been looking for ways to provide the music to content creators which is why I joined Newgrounds!

Here is my first track on Newgrounds. I will upload more once the remastering is done.

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-05 10:45:54

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-05 16:04:30

Can I join?

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-05 17:52:46

At 10/5/15 04:04 PM, wolfe wrote: Can I join?

Ofc you can join, we always welcome new members :D.
You can refer to the update post I made last week for this rounds request :).
Welcome to the RRC :D!

Just a random idiot

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-07 12:07:22

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/647741 My New Song Please review this audio I think it's good, thanks :)

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-07 12:11:21

Please review this audio I think this pretty well, thank you!!

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-08 16:25:12

I worked so hard to make this song, don´t ignore me!

Give me your feedback

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-12 17:14:20

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-13 05:14:46

Requesting this fine piece of song :3

Suck my kick!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-14 10:17:22 (edited 2015-10-14 10:18:38)

I found a sine wave and carved this out of it: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/649074

First ever submission to the audio portal, and if I understood things correctly I need someone to approve that is in fact audio for it to show up in the audio portal. Is this the place to request such a thing? Am I doing this right?

Peace on earth!

Review Request Club

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-15 03:59:12

Heey review request club, I would like to ask for a review on this one. It has been a long time since the last time I asked for your guys' help. It always really helped me.

Be fierce, I can handle critique: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/643590

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-15 14:10:43

Hello everyone

Made atmospheric track about cold moon of Jupiter. I'd love any feedback.


Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-15 23:02:01

Please review my song.

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-16 05:33:01

Heyo, Club! Longtime NG user, but total forum newbie here. My user profile, while pretty active, is the 3rd iteration of a NG account for me, since every few years I completely derp out and forget/lose all of my stuff. This one I intend to do right (hey, you said that last time!) How do I go about joining this club? Or is it as simple as just posting here? :o !!! And would you all be OK with me hangin around? Submission for your consideration below!

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read summary) of that wall of text below: I've got around 10 total hours of screwing around with making music electronically under my belt, 7-8 of which was around 8 years ago, the rest, getting a weird itch to make some music, and downloading a program, fooling around with stock instruments/noises/effects, etc. A few of them gave me a weird nostalgia feeling, for Super Nintendo RPG's specifically, so if any of you guys have a few minutes to check this out, maybe even give it a review? Thanks! http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/649266 I present, "Stuck In a 16-Bit Cave". Hope you have your Prima Strategy Guides handy! Keep in mind that I'm almost a complete newbie when it comes to making electronic music, so I may have to google some terms with any reviews. Music I know a bit better, I played a few instruments in the past.

Anywho, I coincidentally just reviewed some things from the audio portal around a week ago, even though I pop over often to check out what cool stuff people are concocting.
(2 out of 3 of my reviews were responded to, both marked as helpful! I feel like Ralph Wiggum saying "I'm HHELPFUL! \

Well, all of this being helpful apparently gave me the wanting to try and make some music bug. I'll tell y'all the whole nerve damage/no longer being able to make music with physical instruments story once I've kinda settled in, scouted out how y'all operate so I don't make a fool of myself by breaking some kind of etiquette or generally not quite getting what's goin' on around here, besides the obvious reviewing and requesting and whatnot (and possibly find a better offshoot forum consisting of people from this club., where that story would be more appropriate, which is the feeling I've got right now.)

I hadn't messed around with making loops/music/whatever for around 8 years or so now, and after writing those reviews, it just was a matter of time before I ended up downloading something to get me started. And when I say "messed around," I literally mean hanging at a friends house and every once in a while, firing up Fruity Loops (or as it is called now, FL Studio. So Fancy! ) , collaborating on something ridiculous for like 30 minutes or so, trading off the computer, 1 person adds 1 layer/instrument/whatever, pass it on, 30 minutes later you get something that sounds like Crack Gnomes in Outer Space. I've got roughly 8 hours of making music electronically, (now closer to 10, after what I made a few hours ago, and I'd be stoked if some and would check it out and give me some feedback,

After I settle in here a little more, and maybe get a few more submissions (with which comes more experience,) I'd also like to try and make something with someone using the "Add one layer/instrument/effect/whatever and pass it back and forth until we had something pretty neat to publish.

Anywho, if you made it this far reading my mini rant/introduction, thanks, and there will be a TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read summary) up top with my submission to review, if you are interested!

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-16 12:09:59

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-18 20:25:38

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-20 12:45:36

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-21 15:18:06

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-21 22:11:25

I would very much appreciate any feedback. I enjoy experimenting with logic in my free time and would like to know what other people think about my music.

I think these are my top two songs:

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-25 10:55:13

Hi, I would like to get some feedback on my newest piece :)


Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-25 15:13:10

Still taking a break from the RRC. I'll probably review all of the Halloween2015 entries though!

Speaking of Halloween....

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2015-10-25 16:51:44

Hey Review Request Club!

You've reviewed some of my stuff in the past, and given me some great thoughts. I just posted something new, and I'd love to get some critiques if anybody has a chance to.

Thanks so much for this amazing service! You guys are great,


I'm not very good at drawing, yet I like animating. It's not particularly helpful.