I haven't posted here in forever!
^I'm improving, I think. Would be nice to hear some other opinions.
I haven't posted here in forever!
^I'm improving, I think. Would be nice to hear some other opinions.
A snippet of our upcoming EP. Your thoughts?
Unpublished Submission
If you want to join the club and complete requests, simply post in the thread saying you'll join. Once you've joined, you can start reviewing stuff. If you are a new member of the club and once you understand how the point system works, post - one or two days before the update - the total points you've earned.
I would like to join,
I reviewed:
I'd like to have this reviewed.
I know this sucks, but I would love feedback! Thank you!
At 11/26/14 05:11 PM, SCTE3 wrote:At 11/26/14 04:33 PM, cga-999 wrote: I know this sucks, but I would love feedback! Thank you!Hmmm... for future reference, remember to cut off everything after the "?" so it shows proper. :)
Alright. Thanks for letting me know. Do I also delete the question mark, or just everything after it?
At 11/26/14 06:04 PM, SCTE3 wrote:At 11/26/14 05:14 PM, cga-999 wrote:Alright. Thanks for letting me know. Do I also delete the question mark, or just everything after it?Question mark and everything after, otherwise it won't link proper. :)
There we go! Thanks, @SCTE3!
At 11/26/14 06:05 PM, cga-999 wrote:Alright. Thanks for letting me know. Do I also delete the question mark, or just everything after it?
Is this an art portal entry?
It looks like you still haven't gotten any reviews yet.
At 11/26/14 06:05 PM, cga-999 wrote:Question mark and everything after, otherwise it won't link proper. :)http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/cga-999/battle-in-dystopia
There we go! Thanks, @SCTE3!
I just sent you a review.
I hope it serves as helpful.
Reviewed this one: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/592424
and this: http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/cga-999/battle-in-dystopia
and this: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/594387
Now please show me your honest thoughts on this one: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/591330
- Qwaint
At 12/2/14 11:06 PM, NekoMika wrote: @Haggard @Artistunknown @Ectisity @mod15 @aliaspharow @MistyEntertainment @NGComicD @Soapbubble @KleptoidKat @Ceevro @cga-999
Sorry for no update tonight, spreadsheeting errors. :(
I'm really thinking of stepping down from running this club in the next few weeks. I've not been much of a leader for a good chunk of the year. I make updates far later than I should, I don't see much review activity between most updates, and I just don't feel or see much of a point staying as the leader when I'm equally guilty of not reviewing very many things between updates. Would love to hand the club off to someone who is feeling up to it and more enthustiac about running it than I am at this point. :(
I thought you were good at running the club, but if you want to resign, I hope we can find a good leader. I love to see good leadership, and even though I thought you did well, it makes a good leader to be willing to give up what you have for others.
At 12/2/14 11:06 PM, NekoMika wrote: I'm really thinking of stepping down from running this club in the next few weeks. I've not been much of a leader for a good chunk of the year.
What would be required of a leader? How would one apply for this position?
I really don't want this club to die, even though I know that I'm pretty guilty of being inactive myself :(.
I wouldn't mind helping out with club, might help me get back into reviewing again. So if you aren't able to find anyone else, I would gladly do it :). I should probably start reviwing more stuff though X3.
At 12/2/14 11:06 PM, NekoMika wrote: I'm really thinking of stepping down from running this club in the next few weeks. I've not been much of a leader for a good chunk of the year. I make updates far later than I should, I don't see much review activity between most updates, and I just don't feel or see much of a point staying as the leader when I'm equally guilty of not reviewing very many things between updates. Would love to hand the club off to someone who is feeling up to it and more enthustiac about running it than I am at this point. :(
Yeah, I think this club is about to fall apart once again. To be honest, I really didn't have the motivation to do much reviewing for the past few years. I only did some, so I wouldn't fall off the list. The times where I really enjoyed doing reviews is gone, I'm afraid. Life is just too busy, when you are working full time. So I guess I'll have to resign anyway, whether this club becomes active again or not. :'(
It's not an easy decision if you have been a member of this club for as long as I have been, but it's time to face the truth. :/
Also, nice name change. I like your new name much better than SCTE3. :P
At 12/2/14 11:06 PM, NekoMika wrote: I'm really thinking of stepping down from running this club in the next few weeks. I've not been much of a leader for a good chunk of the year. I make updates far later than I should, I don't see much review activity between most updates, and I just don't feel or see much of a point staying as the leader when I'm equally guilty of not reviewing very many things between updates. Would love to hand the club off to someone who is feeling up to it and more enthustiac about running it than I am at this point. :(
That's sad to hear :/
I haven't been a very good member either. I used to be really enthusiastic about reviewing, and I still like reviewing, but I don't seem to ever have the motivation to go out of my way to do it. I like giving helpful feedback, but it seems like as soon as I felt some sort of obligation to do it frequently, it just became a chore, and I don't want to be leaving potentially rushed and pointless reviews because I felt I had to just to keep from falling off the list. I feel like a couple of the reviews I wrote could've been better if I had more motivation. I've also lost my drive to do a lot of things. I've been plagued by stress for a long time and it's really killing me creatively, but that should mostly go away when I can change my living situation, which probably won't be for a while unfortunately. I've also been busy with animating, when I can find the motivation, and doing other stuff to one day get a career out of it, so I really haven't had a lot of time to dedicate to writing reviews as in-depth as I would like.
I'm also not sure who could be a better leader for the club. I always thought you were a good leader, sure recently you've been just as inactive as the rest of us but at least you stuck with it and still reviewed things when none of us did. Before I would've gladly offered to take leadership, but now I'm not so sure. I'm not confident with my leadership skills, and like I said I'm busy with other stuff. Plus I'm terrible with organization and I'm not very good at remembering stuff ;3
Whoever does become the new leader though, I would think their reviews should reflect their role. Sorry for not being very diligent with reviewing, and again, it's sad to hear you're considering stepping down, and it's really sad to see the club in its current state :/
Also nice name change, I kinda preferred the old one, but at least this one is easier to pronounce :p
At 12/2/14 11:06 PM, NekoMika wrote:
I'm really thinking of stepping down from running this club in the next few weeks. I've not been much of a leader for a good chunk of the year. Would love to hand the club off to someone who is feeling up to it and more enthustiac about running it than I am at this point. :(
How would one apply for this leadership role?
Hey guys,
While I'm mainly a musician I dabble in this sort of marker graffiti style artwork from time to time. If anyone has time I would appreciate a review on this piece in particular. Thanks!
*Please keep in mind that the picture is huge, and may only be able to be viewed properly on a huge computer screen.
i would like if this song got some review :D my gf spent alot of time on this song and wish i could give her more feed back~
I just improvised a song, and even though improv may not be the best thing to review, I would still love feedback!
New track released. I'd like some general feedback. Note that the beat is not made by me, so you can tell me all about how great or horrible it is but it won't really help me.
If I offer to help you in a post, PM me to get it. I often forget to revisit threads.
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i would love some reviews on this song plz n.n
At 12/12/14 06:26 PM, Jan3 wrote: The music on my profile? lol
You would like the music on your profile reviewed? It sounds like a joke the way you worded it.
My Bands name is Us Against Ourselves, we were wondering if there is anyway you could check out our music.
We make music from the heart and would love any feedback anyone has to offer!! If you would like to share it or even use any of our tracks we strongly would appreciate it!!
I have been in the NG Community for a long time and the people here are unlike anywhere any social media outlet has to offer, simply because the community cares about each others work and are willing to work with each other!!
Thank you for taking the time to read my message and I hope to hear back from you soon!!
P.S. - We would love to do any collabs as well, If anyone wants to work on anything please please please P.M. us!!
(Here is just one of our tracks) - http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/591022
ive spent alot of time on this song :3 would love feed back and will return reviews.
At 12/19/14 11:11 AM, NekoMika wrote: @Haggard @Artistunknown @Ectisity @mod15 @aliaspharow @MistyEntertainment @Soapbubble @Ceevro @cga-999
Anyone up for taking over the club? Want to hand it over to someone who's been in the club for awhile and would be able to take better care of it. Will show you the newer way to do the club, less stat based, more user participation.
As I've said, I want to step down from being a reviewer due to time problems. So I really don't see myself taking over the maintenance of the club. ^^
At 12/19/14 01:16 PM, Haggard wrote:
As I've said, I want to step down from being a reviewer due to time problems. So I really don't see myself taking over the maintenance of the club. ^^
Don't worry. I can do it.
Hello, RRC! I have volunteered to take over. @NekoMika said she would give me the new rules, but I don't have them yet, but I can say that we are getting rid of the points system (which few people are actually using anyway) and making it less stat based with more participation from the users. Also, I would be happy to review submissions personally, so you can PM me about that. I hope this all sounds good. Keep requesting reviews, and keep this club going! Happy holidays!
NekoMika got me the new rules:
This club aims to increase the exposure of the most under-rated Newgrounds music, art and flash artists. The other major purpose of the club is to offer the Newgrounds artists high quality feedback so they can constantly improve their work.
To the requesters:
Every Newgrounds user is allowed to request a review as soon as they have submitted something. To get your work reviewed, don't post here without thinking but follow these few rules:
- Post a direct link to the submission(s) you want reviewed.
- Make no more than 3 Flash and Art requests between two updates (that's one week), and no more than 3 Audio Requests between 5 updates (that's four weeks).
- Please respond to reviews, reviewers like it and it let's reviewers know if you find the feedback valuable :)
- Do NOT request without posting a link, be kind, reviewers are not robots.
- Do NOT simply say "Review everything" or just link to your profile.
- Do NOT request reviews for the same submission more than once.
- Do NOT request reviews for a submission with over 50 reviews.
- Do NOT request reviews for spam. Spam is only there to annoy, however, sometimes they can be humorous when done right.
- Unless you are a club member, only request reviews for YOUR OWN submissions.
To the reviewers:
If you want to join the club and complete requests, simply post in the thread saying you would like to join. Then, regular members will go through your reviews and determine if they are good enough to be part of the club. Your reviews are required to be helpful, developed and well-organized. At least two paragraphs per review goes a long way in being helpful. A paragraph telling what you liked / think stood out and another one noting stuff you feel could be improved or make the content better in the future.
Once you are accepted, you can start reviewing stuff. If you are a new member of the club, once you understand how the rules and system works, you'll be added to the list of reviewers each week.
Review System
As of December 2014, points are no longer a part of the system. The reviewers are coming to us for our reviews and input on how they can improve. If you're just reviewing to boost your review count then you are missing the entire point of the club which is to help out the reviewers. The point system was rather cool for it's time but these days, there needs to be less emphasis on us getting points out of it and more on actually helping out the community by writing reviews which will actually be able to help them.
Only rule for reviewing is to add "Review Request Club" at the end of your reviews, gives some free publicity to the club for both reviewers and review requesters. <3
Club Updates:
Each Sunday or Monday, a list of all the members is created, it notes who has been active, how much they reviewed out of all that was requested (sans bonus requests), and how active they are. Users who wrote reviews that were marked helpful might get a smiley face beside their username or whatever the user running the club decides they wish to do.~
Don't forget the lists are built and updated by humans so it may be possible the update is delayed due to various real life reasons. If it ever occurs, don't get mad; calm down and wait :).
Frequently Asked Questions:
Should we have an FAQ?
I don't know. It kinda seems like overkill and most people tend to skim over it, lol.
Should I link to the club in my forum signature?
There's no obligation to do so, but it's certainly appreciated. Remember that you can put a high number in place of the page number in the URL and if that page doesn't exist yet, Newgrounds will take you to the latest page, whatever it is. For example, "http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/107 2042/999" will take you to the latest page of this club.
RRC Signature?
Yes, at the end of each review, if you want you can write down 'Review Request Club'. There is no obligation to do so, but you'll give the club some free exposure which is never a bad thing these days.
Does the Review Request Club review for non-NG stuff?
Most likely not but if you really want us to review a song / story / animation, or something off site, you can send one of us a PM (Private Message.)
Do I have to review all the requests?
No you don't have to, just do your best :).
Which requests should I review?
The latest requested ones, if you feel you can offer criticism or words that would help the author improve then fantastic!
can u review allz mah flashz guise? kthxbai.
If you have more questions, feel free to post about it in the thread or PM a member and if your question is frequently asked, it'll be added to the FAQ.
That's all about the club, though this new version of the club couldn't be opened without mentioning the old thread regulars who have made it a great place to spend time. Kudos to Freelance-Magician for creating the original club and to FattyWhale for maintaining it for so long. Thanks also to Sonofkirk for starting this new thread and doing many updates. Also, thanks to Step and NekoMika for helping running the club for so long and keeping it alive.
Have fun!
Useful links: Fro's Guide to Writing Good and Helpful Reviews
Resources: Old Review Request Club
hey guys! love your work. good that this club keeps on keeping on! @cga-999 good luck with leading the gang around here ;)
I put some decent work in my latest piece of music so I'd love a review or two from you guys:
Enjoy listening and reviewing!
merry christmas everyone! ;)