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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club 2014-04-25 13:07:24

This club doesn't seem to be as active as it used to be, but I'm still going to drop a song to get some reviews.

Formerly Known As J-Rex

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2014-04-28 14:10:01

Just a random idiot

Response to Review Request Club 2014-04-30 15:37:02

Can someone please review my version of Gui'les Theme? http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/574892
There was a typo so it says sty instead of style :/

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-02 09:23:04

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-04 13:45:23

Check out my flash animations, and games. I've also made some bad music, and art ;)

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-10 20:32:35

I admit I wasn't quite sober when I came up with this. Lemme know what you think!



BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-10 20:39:08

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-12 15:44:35


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-12 20:50:17

So many reviews, so little time.

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-12 23:10:27

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-13 10:25:20

- P R O F E S S I O N A L - G R A P H I C - D E S I G N E R -


BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-13 15:16:54

I finally got in a review... I've been really busy for the last few months. After writing the review I realized I forgot the rrc signature... shit. Oh well, hopefully that doesn't happen again ;3

I'll try to get in a few more reviews before the next update but I've still got a bunch of stuff to do so I doubt I'll have time...

I'd also appreciate some reviews on these:

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-14 12:09:05

Hello, I would be very appreciative if someone could review this piece. Thank you.

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-15 01:52:50

At 4/29/14 06:55 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Really wish I had more to say on this update but I don't. Aside from maybe sending PMs to people who do really good reviews, seem active, and might be interested in joining. Aside from my updates I really don't see too many of you members posting or anything, just doing a couple of reviews. :(

Yeah, my activity here is at yet another low point. I will try to change that, but it's hard to change your daily/weekly routines. Maybe I should just try to get ONE review done each week? It's better than nothing and it isn't such a big chore as my past goals (like 3 to 5 reviews EACH DAY).

This week is almost all audio with requests. I'm feeling a bit more motivated to review now so let's all try to get some done eh?

Depending on when I can clock off tomorrow, I shall try to do one review on Friday! :)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-16 09:24:35

Hello, I would be very grateful if someone would review this orchestral piece I composed. Thank you!

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-16 12:51:41

At 5/15/14 01:52 AM, Haggard wrote:
At 4/29/14 06:55 PM, SCTE3 wrote: This week is almost all audio with requests. I'm feeling a bit more motivated to review now so let's all try to get some done eh?
Depending on when I can clock off tomorrow, I shall try to do one review on Friday! :)

Yeah, I just did that one review! Can I do the same on Saturday and maybe even on Sunday? :O

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-17 06:25:09


Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-19 14:07:45

At 5/16/14 12:51 PM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, I just did that one review! Can I do the same on Saturday and maybe even on Sunday? :O

No, I couldn't. :(
And I won't be able to do any reviews tomorrow since I'm not at home until 7pm. :/

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-22 18:30:53

I made another art piece in the same style as the one I posted before. I'd really like to hear what you guys think about this style. I haven't heard that many opinions about it. Am I going in the right direction? I myself certainly think it looks quite interesting, but I'd like to get some "expert views" x3

Anyway, thanks in advance for your reviews :3

Check out my flash animations, and games. I've also made some bad music, and art ;)

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-23 21:14:16

Response to Review Request Club 2014-05-27 05:56:04

Finally got around to leaving a couple reviews. Not as long as I would have liked, but I honestly couldn't think of much else to say for them :/. I don't think I forgot any signatures this time, which is surprising since I'm sleep deprived right now, heh.

Also, @SCTE3 I finally got around to responding to your reviews. I was busy with NATA and some other stuff, so sorry that took a while.

I might try to get some of the audio reviewed later today if I can figure out a good way of doing that. Music isn't really my strongest suit, heh.

Response to Review Request Club 2014-06-16 13:32:49

hey its been a long time since I posted but I hope you can come check my newest track out you guys are awesome!

I don't go into my tracks looking to go into a Genre I just make music so if you have a problem with the genre posting tell me so I can figure out where I should be genre-ing my music XD

Review Request Club

Response to Review Request Club 2014-06-17 23:48:21

At 6/17/14 11:22 PM, SCTE3 wrote: I sadly do not have much to say for this update. Really feels like there isn't much left here for us. :( No new members and not too many requests being reviewed these days. Feel free to refer members to the club, could always have new people join, would help a lot and mean a bunch to me to have more active reviewers in the club. Next update will be next week since this week there is not even five requests!

Wow, it's been a month and there's only 4 requests? That's a bit saddening. I've really been trying to review more, but I just don't feel confident enough to write a coherent review for audio since I don't know much about it. Perhaps I should start studying other audio reviews and see if I can come up with something.
I know someone that might be interested in joining the club, but I'm not sure how active they would be.

Response to Review Request Club 2014-06-21 17:25:32

Young Man - J Stepp

If you like hip hop i would love some reviews on this!

btw i've been a member since 2012 but just started using the site right now! lol Don't mind my join date

Response to Review Request Club 2014-06-27 06:08:26

Listen my music

Sorry, but my english isn't perfect, i'm learning it.


Response to Review Request Club 2014-06-28 05:08:14

A chiptune D'n'B track I made, I personally am very proud of it, but some critiques would be nice!

Response to Review Request Club 2014-06-30 19:25:40

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2014-07-01 15:20:53

This is my first attempt at making chillstep/dubstep. It's still WIP, so I would love to receive come constructive criticism on it

Just a random idiot

Response to Review Request Club 2014-07-06 15:56:43

Response to Review Request Club 2014-07-08 18:53:43

Just something silly.

thanks for giving it a looksie.


BBS Signature