This club doesn't seem to be as active as it used to be, but I'm still going to drop a song to get some reviews.
This club doesn't seem to be as active as it used to be, but I'm still going to drop a song to get some reviews.
Hope you guyz can find the time to review one(or both) of my songs :).
The first is the one I need a review on the most :).
Can someone please review my version of Gui'les Theme?
There was a typo so it says sty instead of style :/
I made some art :3 What do you think?
I admit I wasn't quite sober when I came up with this. Lemme know what you think!
Would love for more people to review these, I need more criticism to get better after all
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, I'd like these reviewed please.
I finally got in a review... I've been really busy for the last few months. After writing the review I realized I forgot the rrc signature... shit. Oh well, hopefully that doesn't happen again ;3
I'll try to get in a few more reviews before the next update but I've still got a bunch of stuff to do so I doubt I'll have time...
I'd also appreciate some reviews on these:
Hello, I would be very appreciative if someone could review this piece. Thank you.
At 4/29/14 06:55 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Really wish I had more to say on this update but I don't. Aside from maybe sending PMs to people who do really good reviews, seem active, and might be interested in joining. Aside from my updates I really don't see too many of you members posting or anything, just doing a couple of reviews. :(
Yeah, my activity here is at yet another low point. I will try to change that, but it's hard to change your daily/weekly routines. Maybe I should just try to get ONE review done each week? It's better than nothing and it isn't such a big chore as my past goals (like 3 to 5 reviews EACH DAY).
This week is almost all audio with requests. I'm feeling a bit more motivated to review now so let's all try to get some done eh?
Depending on when I can clock off tomorrow, I shall try to do one review on Friday! :)
Hello, I would be very grateful if someone would review this orchestral piece I composed. Thank you!
At 5/15/14 01:52 AM, Haggard wrote:At 4/29/14 06:55 PM, SCTE3 wrote: This week is almost all audio with requests. I'm feeling a bit more motivated to review now so let's all try to get some done eh?Depending on when I can clock off tomorrow, I shall try to do one review on Friday! :)
Yeah, I just did that one review! Can I do the same on Saturday and maybe even on Sunday? :O
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
At 5/16/14 12:51 PM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, I just did that one review! Can I do the same on Saturday and maybe even on Sunday? :O
No, I couldn't. :(
And I won't be able to do any reviews tomorrow since I'm not at home until 7pm. :/
I made another art piece in the same style as the one I posted before. I'd really like to hear what you guys think about this style. I haven't heard that many opinions about it. Am I going in the right direction? I myself certainly think it looks quite interesting, but I'd like to get some "expert views" x3
Anyway, thanks in advance for your reviews :3
Please be hard on me, put me next to pros and criticize exactly what you think sets us apart.
Thank you. I'll be sure to review some of the other requests.
Finally got around to leaving a couple reviews. Not as long as I would have liked, but I honestly couldn't think of much else to say for them :/. I don't think I forgot any signatures this time, which is surprising since I'm sleep deprived right now, heh.
Also, @SCTE3 I finally got around to responding to your reviews. I was busy with NATA and some other stuff, so sorry that took a while.
I might try to get some of the audio reviewed later today if I can figure out a good way of doing that. Music isn't really my strongest suit, heh.
hey its been a long time since I posted but I hope you can come check my newest track out you guys are awesome!
I don't go into my tracks looking to go into a Genre I just make music so if you have a problem with the genre posting tell me so I can figure out where I should be genre-ing my music XD
At 6/17/14 11:22 PM, SCTE3 wrote: I sadly do not have much to say for this update. Really feels like there isn't much left here for us. :( No new members and not too many requests being reviewed these days. Feel free to refer members to the club, could always have new people join, would help a lot and mean a bunch to me to have more active reviewers in the club. Next update will be next week since this week there is not even five requests!
Wow, it's been a month and there's only 4 requests? That's a bit saddening. I've really been trying to review more, but I just don't feel confident enough to write a coherent review for audio since I don't know much about it. Perhaps I should start studying other audio reviews and see if I can come up with something.
I know someone that might be interested in joining the club, but I'm not sure how active they would be.
If you like hip hop i would love some reviews on this!
A chiptune D'n'B track I made, I personally am very proud of it, but some critiques would be nice!
Here's my newest song, a review would be very helpful and appreciated! :D
This is my first attempt at making chillstep/dubstep. It's still WIP, so I would love to receive come constructive criticism on it