i came back from a crazy trip to my aunts, and i need to do those reviews!
well,i will later. for now,im just telling you guys why i've been under the radar this week.i need to go to sleep.
i came back from a crazy trip to my aunts, and i need to do those reviews!
well,i will later. for now,im just telling you guys why i've been under the radar this week.i need to go to sleep.
Thought I wouldn't be able to finish this week's reviews. My grandfather has been hospitalized for a while, but his condition worsened a lot on Friday, so me and my brothers rushed up there. By some miracle he is much better today, and we decided to go back home, because we were supposed to be at a wedding today.
Aaanyway, I'll do one review now and maybe one more tonight when I return, and finish the list on sunday.
Hey guys! Hows the club going?
Hope everything is alright
Plus I got a new song finally lol
Wouldn't mind if you guys looked at it :D
At 7/30/11 11:49 AM, SCTE3 wrote: Hope he get's better soon and have fun at the wedding I guess.
Open Bar. Not as bad as I were expecting.
I'll get the 100%, fer shure.
All done for the week, as promised. Thought I wouldn't make it for a moment there, but everything seemed to just turn out the way I'd hoped for, granddad got better, and I got to go home and to a wedding with an open bar.
Probably tomorrow. It's not so much Sunday or Monday any more, the update's usually always on Monday.
At 7/31/11 11:45 AM, Soapbubble wrote: Probably tomorrow. It's not so much Sunday or Monday any more, the update's usually always on Monday.
whew,because i neeed to get these reviews in! im just starting today too! i hope i can do at least half of the audio and the art- im writing music for a game thats going to be hosted here and im almost done with the songs,thank god. maybe i'll just put the OST for sale since i made everything specifically for it ;) lol i seriously dont know what to do with the soundtrack after im done with it.
any suggestions guise?
You're starting today? And I thought I was procrastinating.
I wouldn't mind moving it to Sundays. The end of the week, y'know.
I don't know, Monday seems like a more fitting time to update and start the week. I think we should stick to Monday and maybe Sunday when nobody else has reviewing to do.
Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.
Yeah, I guess you're right. Either way, you're the one doing the updates, so you're the one with the final say in that ^^,
Alrighty... well I'm still kinda new to this so anyways here's the points I have tallied up for this week
Not much I know, just getting into the swing of things first.
Also a review request for this piece of mine.
Unpublished Submission
Oh, thought I may as well put my points in for the week, since they pretty much doubled over the course of it... I currently have 139 points (146, if you say that I reviewed everything - I didn't review my own songs, but I'm going to assume that I don't have to do that).
Sorry I didn't put them in last week, thought it'd be better if I put them in after another week so there's more "oomph" in them.
My AIM piece is found if you clicky the image.
At 7/31/11 09:37 PM, SkyeWintrest wrote: 146, if you say that I reviewed everything - I didn't review my own songs, but I'm going to assume that I don't have to do that
You cannot review your own submissions, so yeah, you reviewed everything. ;)
45 points for the week!(NOT GOOD)
next week,im definitely starting on tuesday. i completely forgot about this on the trip,it was CRAZY to say the least. im glad to be back though.
At 7/31/11 10:06 PM, NimblekidX wrote: 45 points for the week!(NOT GOOD)
next week,im definitely starting on tuesday. i completely forgot about this on the trip,it was CRAZY to say the least. im glad to be back though.
Well, it wasn't bad, all reviews chip in and help out, and you seem to spend a lot of time on every single one of yours.
Hey if you don't mind I would love to hear what ya'll think of my music! I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
At 8/1/11 04:47 PM, JakesFable wrote: Hey if you don't mind I would love to hear what ya'll think of my music! I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
You gotta request reviews on a specific track, mate, not allowed to request on everything (:
My first object: a burger
Took a little long this time... Sorry. I'm running a pretty large competition right now and currently that's all I've got in my head.
So, back to business. This week was a fairly good week. We've got some good stats, especially the fact that we even managed to get a total of 7 RRC reviews on just one request. SCTE3 is also very close to the 4,000 total points milestone. SCTE3 and Soapbubble, as usual, managed to keep up with their 100% streaks, so again, great job! Other reviewers also did a good amount, namely Haggard and NimbleKidX. I'm also adding members like crazy, even if they don't post their points. Remember that whoever wants to join should post his points in their first week, however, or else there's no guarantee you'll be added to the list.
Sadly, because of such a large amount of members, the Average per Member stat went down a little. A lot of members were inactive (including me :c) and while almost everyone posted throughout the week, there are quite a few who now have a star or two near their name. We also forgot 3 sigs. OMG NOOOOO. On a brighter note, I'm seeing some nice, detailed reviews by even the people who didn't do many reviews, so that's good.
One last thing - SkyeWintrest - you didn't review the whole list this week. I only found that you reviewed four. Remember that only what you review in the last requests list will count in the update, not what you review in the list before it, or in the requests posted after it.
Enjoy the update, everyone!
Member's Update #93
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
01 ) 7681 | 1195 / 2305 | 051.84% || 012 | 02 / 18 | 011.11% | Coop
02 ) 7518 | 1165 / 2310 | 050.43% || 051 | 08 / 18 | 044.44% | Haggard
03 ) 3978 | 0612 / 0661 | 092.59% || 118 | 18 / 18 | 100.00% | SCTE3
04 ) 3041 | 0454 / 2185 | 020.78% || 003 | 00 / 18 | 000.00% | Supersteph54
05 ) 0904 | 0141 / 0141 | 100.00% || 118 | 18 / 18 | 100.00% | Soapbubble
07 ) 0371 | 0057 / 0103 | 055.34% || 003 | 00 / 17 | 000.00% | MeteorManMike *
08 ) 0131 | 0021 / 0049 | 042.86% || 045 | 07 / 18 | 038.89% | NimbleKidX
09 ) 0093 | 0013 / 0124 | 010.48% || 003 | 00 / 18 | 000.00% | KKSlider60 **
10 ) 0036 | 0005 / 0049 | 010.20% || 021 | 03 / 18 | 016.67% | MrMusicalLion
11 ) 0035 | 0005 / 0049 | 010.20% || 003 | 00 / 18 | 000.00% | Spysociety *
12 ) 0027 | 0004 / 0047 | 008.51% || 000 | 00 / 17 | 000.00% | SomeGuyInSomePlace *
13 ) 0025 | 0004 / 0018 | 022.22% || 025 | 04 / 18 | 022.22% | SkyeWintrest NEW!
14 ) 0009 | 0001 / 0018 | 005.56% || 009 | 01 / 18 | 005.56% | Xenophaje NEW!
15 ) 0005 | 0001 / 0017 | 005.88% || 005 | 01 / 17 | 005.88% | ESTAR48 NEW!
The stars indicate for how long the user has been inactive in this club. "Inactive" means, that user hasn't gained any points by reviewing OR by posting.
*: User has been inactive last week
**: User has been inactive for the last two weeks
***: User has been inactive for the last three weeks
If you are inactive for more than three weeks AND if your completion rate falls below 20%, OR if you are inactive for more than four weeks, you are excluded from the list. You may rejoin this club, but your points will be lost.
*Requests This Week: 18
Total Requests All Time: 2307
Reviews Made This Week: 62
Total Reviews All Time: 7381
Average Per Member: 4.13
Average Per Request: 3.44
Sigs Forgotten: 3
*New to the List: ESTAR48, Xenophaje and SkyeWintrest
Leaving the List: None.
*All Requests Completed:
SCTE3 and Soapbubble
Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.
But- But...
I reviewed everything for the week! "Y u no put my name on there as reviewing everything?"
Nah. I'm fine if you don't put my name on there. I did review everything though, lol.
My AIM piece is found if you clicky the image.
Ah... that would make sense. My bad. lol. I only reviewed four from last week, that's true. Sorry.
My AIM piece is found if you clicky the image.
Alright, here's a new one!
and sorry for the double post
but could you guys do this one too?
At 8/1/11 07:47 PM, Supersteph54 wrote: Took a little long this time... Sorry. I'm running a pretty large competition right now and currently that's all I've got in my head.
No problem, mate!
So, back to business. This week was a fairly good week. We've got some good stats, especially the fact that we even managed to get a total of 7 RRC reviews on just one request. SCTE3 is also very close to the 4,000 total points milestone. SCTE3 and Soapbubble, as usual, managed to keep up with their 100% streaks, so again, great job! Other reviewers also did a good amount, namely Haggard and NimbleKidX. I'm also adding members like crazy, even if they don't post their points. Remember that whoever wants to join should post his points in their first week, however, or else there's no guarantee you'll be added to the list.
I personally enjoy the fact that we have soo MANY reviewers now.
Sadly, because of such a large amount of members, the Average per Member stat went down a little. A lot of members were inactive (including me :c) and while almost everyone posted throughout the week, there are quite a few who now have a star or two near their name. We also forgot 3 sigs. OMG NOOOOO. On a brighter note, I'm seeing some nice, detailed reviews by even the people who didn't do many reviews, so that's good.
I'm not sure if I forgot any.
Enjoy the update, everyone!
Thank you!
02 ) 7518 | 1165 / 2310 | 050.43% || 051 | 08 / 18 | 044.44% | Haggard
Eyyy, nice to see you doing a handful of reviews again
03 ) 3978 | 0612 / 0661 | 092.59% || 118 | 18 / 18 | 100.00% | SCTE3
05 ) 0904 | 0141 / 0141 | 100.00% || 118 | 18 / 18 | 100.00% | Soapbubble
Almost 4,000 and almost 1,000!
08 ) 0131 | 0021 / 0049 | 042.86% || 045 | 07 / 18 | 038.89% | NimbleKidX
10 ) 0036 | 0005 / 0049 | 010.20% || 021 | 03 / 18 | 016.67% | MrMusicalLion
13 ) 0025 | 0004 / 0018 | 022.22% || 025 | 04 / 18 | 022.22% | SkyeWintrest NEW!
14 ) 0009 | 0001 / 0018 | 005.56% || 009 | 01 / 18 | 005.56% | Xenophaje NEW!
15 ) 0005 | 0001 / 0017 | 005.88% || 005 | 01 / 17 | 005.88% | ESTAR48 NEW!
Well done, I'm glad so many people are doing reviews now.
Average Per Member: 4.13
Average Per Request: 3.44
Well, they're not bad at all (:
Sigs Forgotten: 3
I hope I didn't forget any?
*New to the List: ESTAR48, Xenophaje and SkyeWintrest
*All Requests Completed:
SCTE3 and Soapbubble
Same procedure as every week
At 8/1/11 08:09 PM, SCTE3 wrote: 20 requests for the week. Not too bad at all.
Should be able to do that quite easily.
Flash Requests (3)
Audio Requests (15)
Art Requests (1)
Extra Audio Requests (1)
Terrible ratio as per usual. Wish we had more art and flash requests.
Thanks for the update and list guys!
Unpublished Submission
Hey guys! I'd appreciate if you check out this Pokemon Remix.
Hoping for a request on this song. Please give feed back on anything you find critical. Thanks!
At 8/1/11 03:17 AM, Soapbubble wrote: Well, it wasn't bad, all reviews chip in and help out, and you seem to spend a lot of time on every single one of yours.
Thanks! i actually do spend a good amount of time,about 8-13 minutes on each one,it's kind of a habit to hear the song/watch the flash im reviewing more than once to hear/see everything and make sure i didnt miss anything. even when my reviews are fairly short,it's still takes time. i don't know why i do this,even when im in a hurry. i just seem to.hahah.
20 requests for the week? a regular week,i suppose. i will try to get everything done this week even though im heading to a friends house so then we can head to marching band camp. 2 weeks of brutality. i'll be sure to do lots of reviews,though,as i do have time on the weekend before the next update.
Just popping in to say that all you reviewers are amazing. Really - I've actually become a much better composer thanks to the insightful, oft constructively critical reviews you give. I honestly appreciate all the hard work and effort you people put in during your spare time and encourage you to continue doing so in the future. Kthxbye.