i 'd like to be a Review Request Club member,i find it fun to always listen to new music and give a nice,juicy,honest opinion. you can look at the reviews i've written so far,most of them are a lot longer than what you would think.
i 'd like to be a Review Request Club member,i find it fun to always listen to new music and give a nice,juicy,honest opinion. you can look at the reviews i've written so far,most of them are a lot longer than what you would think.
At 7/18/11 12:00 AM, SCTE3 wrote: 5-6 sentences for one paragraph. You have some nice audio reviews but I would try a sample formula of one paragraph describing what you like about it and another describing what you think should be changed or you did not like. Feel free to join if you wish though.
Well,relative to the site's beginnings,im new as hell,and im getting the hang of reviewing. i'll join and i'll post my points on saturday. mmk? that seems time enough to do all the requests that will come in this week. it's summer,and im heading to my aunts' this week,and there is a computer there(thankfully) so i'll try my best as a new member of the RR.
At 7/17/11 12:34 PM, Supersteph54 wrote: Expect the update tomorrow - I've got a busy day today and I don't think I'll be able to update.
And I think I still don't have the time to do at least one review. Damn. :(
At 7/17/11 11:57 PM, NimblekidX wrote: i 'd like to be a Review Request Club member,i find it fun to always listen to new music and give a nice,juicy,honest opinion. you can look at the reviews i've written so far,most of them are a lot longer than what you would think.
Those are exactly like the reviews I was making when I asked if I could join the club. Haggard told me the same thing - it's a good idea to split the reviews into paragraphs. Try making at least 2 or 3 paragraphs per review to make it a bit more organised and easy on the eyes. Anyway, have fun reviewing.
Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.
Here's my first update since I came back from the holiday. Note that I've decided to do this: The update below is for this requests list. Due to SCTE3 losing his connection, there was no requests list for the week after, so right now if possible, SCTE3, make a big requests list of last week's and the week before last week's requests (basically all the requests from 7/4/11 onwards). Then, next week, I'll update for that list.
Anyway, this update was good. Despite zelazon leaving, we still managed to maintain some great stats, mostly thanks to SCTE3, Soapbubble and MeteorManMike, because other than those three who finished all of the requests, every other active member did one review. A job well done to them!
There were 2 inactive members this time - Adidaas and I. Other than that, everyone did at least one review, and only one sig was forgotten (nice once, Soapbubble xP). The max amount of reviews on one request was four.
Enjoy the update. I left off from Haggard's update but there might be some mistakes - if so, let me know, and thanks AGAIN to Haggard for doing the update.
Have fun reviewing!
Member's Update #91
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
01 ) 7669 | 1193 / 2256 | 052.88% || 009 | 01 / 19 | 005.26% | Coop
02 ) 7440 | 1153 / 2261 | 051.00% || 009 | 01 / 19 | 005.26% | Haggard
03 ) 3664 | 0563 / 0612 | 091.99% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% | SCTE3
04 ) 3035 | 0454 / 2136 | 021.25% || 003 | 00 / 19 | 000.00% | Supersteph54
05 ) 0591 | 0092 / 0092 | 100.00% || 123 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% | Soapbubble
07 ) 0269 | 0041 / 0056 | 073.21% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% | MeteorManMike
08 ) 0087 | 0013 / 0075 | 017.33% || 009 | 01 / 19 | 005.26% | KKSlider60
09 ) 0007 | 0001 / 0057 | 001.75% || 000 | 00 / 19 | 000.00% | Adidaas **
The stars indicate for how long the user has been inactive in this club. "Inactive" means, that user hasn't gained any points by reviewing OR by posting.
*: User has been inactive last week
**: User has been inactive for the last two weeks
***: User has been inactive for the last three weeks
If you are inactive for more than three weeks AND if your completion rate falls below 20%, OR if you are inactive for more than four weeks, you are excluded from the list. You may rejoin this club, but your points will be lost.
*Requests This Week: 19
Total Requests All Time: 2258
Reviews Made This Week: 60
Total Reviews All Time: 7212
Average Per Member: 6.66
Average Per Request: 3.15
Sigs Forgotten: 1
*New to the List: None
Leaving the List: None
*All Requests Completed:
SCTE3, MeteorManMike and Soapbubble
Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.
I'm wondering if we can get 5 reviews per request in average any time soon. I mean, it's nice to have 2/3, like now, but 5 is a milestone, IMO. It pretty much requires 5 people doing 100%, or something like that.
At 7/18/11 09:42 AM, Supersteph54 wrote:
:Due to SCTE3 losing his connection, there was no requests list for the week after, so right now if possible, SCTE3, make a big requests list of last week's and the week before last week's requests (basically all the requests from 7/4/11 onwards). Then, next week, I'll update for that list.
A double header for next week... should be fun, I love a good challenge.
Anyway, this update was good. Despite zelazon leaving, we still managed to maintain some great stats, mostly thanks to SCTE3, Soapbubble and MeteorManMike, because other than those three who finished all of the requests, every other active member did one review. A job well done to them!
Great turnout! Always glad to help.
:only one sig was forgotten (nice once, Soapbubble xP).
LOL, don't feel bad, last update (before this one) was terrible for me :P
At 7/18/11 09:43 AM, Soapbubble wrote: I'm wondering if we can get 5 reviews per request in average any time soon. I mean, it's nice to have 2/3, like now, but 5 is a milestone, IMO. It pretty much requires 5 people doing 100%, or something like that.
Summer classes are ending soon for me, I should be able to put more time into reviewing.
At 7/18/11 08:45 AM, SCTE3 wrote:At 7/18/11 06:02 AM, Supersteph54 wrote:Those are exactly like the reviews I was making when I asked if I could join the club. Haggard told me the same thing - it's a good idea to split the reviews into paragraphs. Try making at least 2 or 3 paragraphs per review to make it a bit more organised and easy on the eyes. Anyway, have fun reviewing.Always fun to have new members flock to the club. Wonder if we will ever manage to have 20+ members like we once did?
That would be really great. Even though the updates would take really long if we had that many members. ^^
At 7/18/11 09:42 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: Here's my first update since I came back from the holiday. Note that I've decided to do this: The update below is for this requests list.
Oh yeah right. There was an update "missing", so I still have the chance to get my one review done, lol.
But now that my semester break started I SHOULD have some more free time on my hands. I just need to get back into reviewing...
Member's Update #91
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
01 ) 7669 | 1193 / 2256 | 052.88% || 009 | 01 / 19 | 005.26% | Coop
02 ) 7440 | 1153 / 2261 | 051.00% || 009 | 01 / 19 | 005.26% | Haggard
03 ) 3664 | 0563 / 0612 | 091.99% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% | SCTE3
SCTE is still nearly 4k points away. But somehow I have the feeling those 4k points won't last for very long...
At 7/18/11 10:40 AM, SCTE3 wrote: 42 requests for the week.
Oh god. I think I've done about... 7 of them.
Completely missed this post, thanks for the update!
At 7/18/11 09:42 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: Here's my first update since I came back from the holiday. Note that I've decided to do this: The update below is for this requests list. Due to SCTE3 losing his connection, there was no requests list for the week after, so right now if possible, SCTE3, make a big requests list of last week's and the week before last week's requests (basically all the requests from 7/4/11 onwards). Then, next week, I'll update for that list.
Welcome back! This week will be really hectic with so many requests, but I'll hopefully be able to make it. I want my 100% streak to go on at least for two more weeks, before I move.
Anyway, this update was good. Despite zelazon leaving, we still managed to maintain some great stats, mostly thanks to SCTE3, Soapbubble and MeteorManMike, because other than those three who finished all of the requests, every other active member did one review. A job well done to them!
We had two weeks to finish these, so I'd expect more review total, but hey, three people at 100%, awesome!
There were 2 inactive members this time - Adidaas and I. Other than that, everyone did at least one review, and only one sig was forgotten (nice once, Soapbubble xP). The max amount of reviews on one request was four.
Ouch. I'm pretty sure the signature I forgot was because I already had it reviewed, but I frequently forget the signatures D=
Enjoy the update. I left off from Haggard's update but there might be some mistakes - if so, let me know, and thanks AGAIN to Haggard for doing the update.
Yeah, thanks Haggard, really appreciate you taking the time to do that (:
Have fun reviewing!
Member's Update #91
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
01 ) 7669 | 1193 / 2256 | 052.88% || 009 | 01 / 19 | 005.26% | Coop
02 ) 7440 | 1153 / 2261 | 051.00% || 009 | 01 / 19 | 005.26% | Haggard
Careful now, you're close to dipping below 50% ratio, wouldn't want that, eh?
03 ) 3664 | 0563 / 0612 | 091.99% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% | SCTE3
So clutch this time, barely made it. WOOP!
04 ) 3035 | 0454 / 2136 | 021.25% || 003 | 00 / 19 | 000.00% | Supersteph54
Hey, where's your star? :<
05 ) 0591 | 0092 / 0092 | 100.00% || 123 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% | Soapbubble
07 ) 0269 | 0041 / 0056 | 073.21% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% | MeteorManMike
Nice going MMM (:
08 ) 0087 | 0013 / 0075 | 017.33% || 009 | 01 / 19 | 005.26% | KKSlider60
Yeah, everything helps (:
09 ) 0007 | 0001 / 0057 | 001.75% || 000 | 00 / 19 | 000.00% | Adidaas **
Byebye, I guess ):
Average Per Member: 6.66
Oh my
Sigs Forgotten: 1
Ahem, sorry bout that.
*All Requests Completed:
SCTE3, MeteorManMike and Soapbubble
Three musketeers?
At 7/18/11 02:48 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Finished up the art and flash requests. Now to work on the long list of audio.....
i finished at art requests(that was difficult) while my dad was sleeping,took a shower,now to finish audio before flash,since i can interpret audio much better than the other two.
At 7/18/11 03:31 PM, SCTE3 wrote:At 7/18/11 03:30 PM, NimblekidX wrote:I got a little over 20 left to go in audio.At 7/18/11 02:48 PM, SCTE3 wrote: Finished up the art and flash requests. Now to work on the long list of audio.....i finished at art requests(that was difficult) while my dad was sleeping,took a shower,now to finish audio before flash,since i can interpret audio much better than the other two.
i have nothing to do today,so i'll get all of these finished up lickety split.(The Rite reference)
New song. Care to share thoughts?
At 7/18/11 05:45 PM, SCTE3 wrote: 195 points for the week!
1 missed sig
all that's left is the extra audio to do
Jesus Christ i havent gotten through half of the audio(typical beginner behavior)
-needs to work harder- GRAHHH!!!!
Reviewed all flashes and some art.
Btw guys I have a question: I already reviewed "Robotic Heart" before (when he was submitted), let's say I would like to review all the submissions above, then it will not be considered?
Another poor song left unreviewed by the harsh but true audio portal welcome commity, so I guess the heroes of the RRC will save my damsel...
...Whatever, lol, here's the song:
It's a PIRATE SONG (dear god), so yeah, I warned you guys...
At 7/18/11 06:45 PM, SCTE3 wrote: You get points for it, you just don't get the extra point for the review not having "Review Request Club" at the bottom of it is all.
sweet. i was about to say the same for Girlsteps' "North Face".
hi all reviewers, im ESTAR48, im musician and i want you guys to review these 3 submissions, i will be glad if you do :D
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/4 32969
Hey folks.
I'm back, after a long haitus, with a review request.
It's a pretty mellow acoustic tune
At 7/18/11 01:51 PM, SCTE3 wrote: All for one and one for all am I right?
Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno!
thanks sct :D, now if there were only more people in the group...
Could any of you guys review my new song called Exhausted Bass link below this line of text.
It has taken me some time to work up the nerve to ask (for some unknown reason), but can I join the Review Request Club? I like to critique people's work
At 7/19/11 02:46 AM, Xenophaje wrote: It has taken me some time to work up the nerve to ask (for some unknown reason), but can I join the Review Request Club? I like to critique people's work
Lol why would you be nervous to ask? xP
Anyways, your reviews look great overall. Just remember that when you review for the club you've got to make the reviews a little detailed - not just one or two liners. And while it's not obligatory, splitting your reviews into paragraphs will be nice too.
So, you can get to work on the last requests list and when you think you've done enough reviews, just post your points in here (you can find the points system at the top of this page) and I'll add you to the club. The current requests list is pretty big since I was abroad, couldn't update, and long story short I didn't manage to update for one week, so those requests are from last week and the week before last.
Have fun reviewing!
Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.
Oh god, I can't believe people are starting to finish up. I've got some time left, though, I'll still finish it up.
was wondering if i could get a review perhaps? thanks.
can you review my guy with a body? :3
At 7/19/11 07:29 AM, SCTE3 wrote:At 7/19/11 06:52 AM, Soapbubble wrote: Oh god, I can't believe people are starting to finish up. I've got some time left, though, I'll still finish it up.Just takes some time is all. Also happy 6 year anniversary to me for being a member this long on the site, wicked!! Do the extra audio today and then some more I guess.
Happy NG-birthday again mate (:
I figure I might request a flash for review from the portal once a week, just so our reviewers can get some variation.
Hi guys! Nice thing you've got going there. Would love it if you took time to go over these to (:
Would I be able to switch one of my review requests for another or is that not allowed? Also, I'd like to join.
At 7/19/11 07:06 PM, SCTE3 wrote: You can switch out at any time during the week.
Ok. In that case I'd like to switch "My Bits" with
As for joining check the reviews of me, SoapBubble, Coop, Haggard, or SuperSteph54 for example reviews.
So the formula I'm getting for reviews is two paragraphs, about 5-6 sentences each? One for things you liked and one for things that could be improve?