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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-13 15:17:31

You guys have been awesome for reviewing my audio. Some great advice, and I'd love to read more.

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-13 18:05:15

Could I have this reviewed please?
I want to know if its an improvement from my prior work, I think it is.

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-13 19:34:40

Hi everyone! I'd appreciate it a lot if you can review my 2 new submissions, thanks! =)

Don't forget to check my music here in newgrounds! just click HERE

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-13 21:46:19

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/4 27077 Hey guys please review this song

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-14 08:38:52

At 6/13/11 01:22 PM, Supersteph54 wrote: Lastly, nobody's volunteered to take over in the updating process when I go abroad on the 27th (and return on the 14th next month). I very much doubt I'll be able to update while I'm in France, so I could really use some help. Remember, it's all really straightforward and I edited the spreadsheets to add a few guidelines and reminders of what to do. Just PM me or post in this thread if you're up for taking over while I'm away.

If you don't find anyone else I could do it I guess. I'm just not very reliable. :P

Member's Update #87

Thanks for the update!

[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
01 ) 7603 | 1184 / 2181 | 054.29% || 021 | 03 / 17 | 017.65% | Coop
02 ) 7386 | 1146 / 2186 | 052.42% || 009 | 01 / 18 | 005.56% | Haggard
03 ) 3174 | 0488 / 0537 | 090.88% || 118 | 18 / 18 | 100.00% | SCTE3

SCTE3 is fighting his way to the top. I have to be careful or he passes me quicker than I can say Jack Robinson. I also have to be careful not to let my total ratio drop below 50%. :/

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-14 09:45:37

Not to be a pain or anything, but when's the next list of requests coming out?

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-14 13:13:31

Nice list, not too bad, already did the art and flash reviews.

Just a question, what are the extra audio requests for? do you get points for them?

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-14 14:40:10

At 6/14/11 01:48 PM, SCTE3 wrote: They are just for audio authors who made more than one audio requests is all and yes you do get points for them. :P

Actually you don't. The Extra Audio Requests are simply there so that each week will have one request per artist, not like one artist with 3 requests. It just spreads Audio Requests throughout different weeks to make the list easier to manage.

Therefore, the Extra Audio Requests of one week become the Audio Requests of the next.

For example, Artist1 posts 3 audio requests.

Week 1:

Audio Requests (1)
Request 1 By Artist1

Extra Audio Requests (2)
Request 2 By Artist1
Request 3 By Artist1

Week 2:

Audio Requests (1)
Request 2 By Artist1

Extra Audio Requests (1)
Request 3 By Artist1

Week 3:

Audio Requests (1)
Request 3 By Artist1

Extra Audio Requests (0)

Hope that came out clearly.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-14 17:27:40

How come I can't find the extra audio request from last week, then?

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-14 19:47:25

At 6/14/11 06:52 PM, SCTE3 wrote: There were no extras requests last week I think.
then again I have been doing the list very differently from how the other list makers used to.

No problem. So far we haven't had any complaints anyway xP.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-15 04:20:30

It's not much, missing some vocals, but I'd appreciate the input, I haven't been able to churn out anything for ages.

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-15 09:17:23

Well, fuck. My last final (which is an oral exam) ended up being in French. I'm fucked in all ways, no way i'm getting into Uni. I can't possibly get the grade I need in this subject, way too difficult.

And I wont get any reviews done for at least 48 hours, probably more, because I'll be getting drunk off my ass after the final.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-15 12:32:28

Hey was just wondering if someone could review this, it's not quite done but I would like to know what to do/change before I finish it. Thanks!

Just Chill

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-15 19:33:10

Sorry if I'm requesting too frequently, but I REALLY want some feedback on this one. I spent a long time on it.

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-15 21:09:12

Hey crew. I just wanted to say thank you for your cool reviews on my songs, I really have appreciated your feedback through the years - It's helped me to improve my audio past what I could have done by myself.

This week YumeSin, SCTE3, and Soapbubble all left very solid reviews on my latest piece and it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside about my music--SO Thanks a bunch and keep up the excellent work!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-16 04:19:31

A unique style that I'm trying out, finished product will be in the NGADM'11, so I'm sure you would imagine feedback would be appreciated beyond description :P

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-16 05:08:08

Could you please review this? :)

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-16 23:24:04

Yo! Could I get a review on this sub-poverty level audio submission?

It's terrible, I'll be honest - in part because I'm sick - but I knew I'd never get around to it if I didn't do it now.

Thanks in advance!

Jacob <3

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-17 04:36:04

At 6/17/11 12:40 AM, zelazon wrote: Bah, did stuff backwards -.- ...

Re-read the rules and saw that you have to get invited in before you can actually post reviews under the club title...

I've already done a significant number of reviews for this week, and was wondering if I was apart of this before I did anymore.


Don't worry about it, your reviews are great!

Just post your points once you're done reviewing so I'll know that I should add you in the next update.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-17 10:33:01

I'm lagging behind for this week. Really want to keep my 100% up. Well, the two-day ban really let me work on my final exam without interruptions, so that was good. All done now. Out in a few hours, can sneak in a couple reviews though.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-17 14:43:02

Umm... hey.

Can I get a review on this? :P Just, ya know, whenever.

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-17 17:56:33

At 6/17/11 01:01 PM, Adidaas wrote: I'd like to join this club, I've been trying to think of an excuse to get on here more often and be more active (aside from making flash, cuz who wants to do that!?).

Hi and welcome to the club!
Your reviews look pretty good. There are some very short ones in between, but most of them seem to be well written. Just leave out the short one liner reviews if you are reviewing requests for this club as our goal is to give artists the best feedback possible.

Since a new update is coming soon I suggest you wait until SCTE3 posts the next list of requested reviews and then start reviewing away.
If you don't want to wait that long you can simply start reviewing from the list he posted on page 183.

Just be sure to post your points, so Supersteph can add you to the list (the points system is explained in that long-ass post on every page). If you have any questions, feel free to ask. :)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-17 21:53:54

A few reviews would be nice. I'm looking to improve so any C & C is appreciated.

I will respond, but thanks in advance

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-18 03:39:38

My first massive track in a long time! So I felt this was worthy of being reviewed since I need feedback on this. Thanks

Check out my new song ''Open the Eyes Of My Heart Lord''

3rd place in the weekly 5!

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-18 10:10:52

I'd appreciate some input, I really enjoyed making this track, finishing touches weren't so nice though.

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-18 12:49:17

Ended up getting drunk instead, celebrating the end of 13 years of obligatory school.

Crossing my fingers for the update to be on Monday, not Sunday. Might get the reviews done by then.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-18 22:51:28

No update yet, please...it's been a rough Saturday, and it would do well if I had a good sunday to do these reviews X_X

Photo(sketch) from a DA artist. Background from an old pub in Europe. Magic done in photoshop.

Utada avatar done by me and a sexy looking stock.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-19 02:21:29

I know its early for me, but I just want to ask now so the thought doesn't bother me.
Could I have this submission reviewed please, I really want a good opinion of it.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/4 28020

Response to Review Request Club 2011-06-19 07:51:24


BBS Signature