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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-24 17:07:02

Sorry for being absent guys, went off to Dublin for a course..It's a pity that the week I left was packed with requests and yet this one has so few..

Nice to see that the Fro/Haggard debate is over, for now..


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Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-24 17:45:06

Wooh, I made it! 100 % requests. Sucks that there are only four who managed to do it, though. Bet there'll be more this week. I'll see if I can do some on Wednesday. MAYBE some in the evening tomorrow.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-24 18:10:09

Reviewed all requests from last week

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-24 21:07:10

At 8/24/09 08:30 AM, GeneralAC wrote: I would like to join the crew, Also I am going to review the two requests above.

No way with the way that you review. You need a major improvement if you are going to join a club like this. Reviews coming through this club actually have to help the author get better and have to be better than your one lined "it sucked" and/or Awesome reviews. Sorry, but not any time soon unless you greatly improve.

At 8/24/09 04:49 PM, Supersteph54 wrote: Hey, I saw Fro requesting some of his flash to be reviewed... Does that mean members are allowed to request too?

Of course it's ok. You don't lose your 100 percent either. It just counts as you have less than the rest of the members.

At 8/24/09 06:07 AM, Sonofkirk wrote:

Thanks for the Silver Whistle Sonofkirk.

Flash Requests (4)

Ah yes. Three of them are mine and I already reviewed the other one. :)

Audio Requests (14)

I have a couple done, but still a few to go. I'll try to get some tonight.

Art Requests (0)

You guys are giving me an easy week. My last week on dial up.

Member's Update #8:
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]

01 ) 1171 | 183 / 183 | 100.00% || 220 | 35 / 35 | 100.00% Coop83
02 ) 1147 | 179 / 184 | 097.28% || 220 | 35 / 35 | 100.00% Haggard
03 ) 1129 | 176 / 176 | 100.00% || 202 | 32 / 32 | 100.00% Fro
004 ) 817 | 126 / 161 | 078.26% || 003 | 00 / 35 | 000.00% Insanimation

I think I'm in a pretty good position here. I can request some reviews while not having to worry about dropping down a position. I only have 4 pieces of art and one more flash, but I'm not going to request the flash since it's basically the same thing as the other Clock Day flash. :P I won't put you guys through that, but you're still welcome to review it if you'd like. I'll respond like always.

*All Requests Completed:
Coop83, Haggard, Fro and Soapbubble

Nice to see you guys again. I'm happy we get to hang out here every week. ;)

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-25 02:25:27

At 8/24/09 09:07 PM, Fro wrote:
No way with the way that you review. You need a major improvement if you are going to join a club like this. Reviews coming through this club actually have to help the author get better and have to be better than your one lined "it sucked" and/or Awesome reviews. Sorry, but not any time soon unless you greatly improve.

Well I have never had to make my reviews helpful at all so there was no reason to make them good, but fine I don't want to make reviewing a chore. Thanks anyway.

This post was valuable.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-25 03:11:05

At 8/25/09 02:25 AM, GeneralAC wrote:
At 8/24/09 09:07 PM, Fro wrote:
No way with the way that you review. You need a major improvement if you are going to join a club like this. Reviews coming through this club actually have to help the author get better and have to be better than your one lined "it sucked" and/or Awesome reviews. Sorry, but not any time soon unless you greatly improve.
Well I have never had to make my reviews helpful at all so there was no reason to make them good, but fine I don't want to make reviewing a chore. Thanks anyway.

You don't have to review all the requests, so it won't really be a chore. You can review one per week and still not be kicked out of the club, as long as that one review is helpful.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-25 03:12:18

At 8/24/09 09:07 PM, Fro wrote:
At 8/24/09 04:49 PM, Supersteph54 wrote: Hey, I saw Fro requesting some of his flash to be reviewed... Does that mean members are allowed to request too?
Of course it's ok. You don't lose your 100 percent either. It just counts as you have less than the rest of the members.

Oh, wow, that's convenient. Thanks ^^.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-25 05:27:41

At 8/24/09 08:39 AM, Coop83 wrote: Thanks for the update, Sonofkirk. I think that if people want Art review requested, they need to increase the club's profile within the art community. It will happen, but there will be a slower uptake than those of the Audio requests. We'll see.

Fair enough, I could probably PM some art artists that I know about this club and ask them to spread the information a bit. But the art portal is still very new, so art requests may come when the art portal grows up a bit. Though how do we stop the increasing of the RRC's profile within the audio community? :P

I managed to beat you to the update just about - there was real doubt that I'd get them all done before the update, but a mental Saturday pulled me through the Audio list - I'd better make sure that I can concentrate on them a little more, rather than going all out for Flash, like I did last week :P

Lucky you, Haggard asked me to delay the update until Sunday night but I finally updated it one day later, I think that's what I will do when the amount of requests is higher than average. I've reviewed some requests yesterday and I'll take advantage of the little number of requests for this week to get them all done - that's a good challenge :).

At 8/24/09 10:57 AM, Haggard wrote: Yeah, again way too many audio requests. I bet it's because the audio portal still doesn't have the attention it deserves, so artists want to advertise their submissions...

You are exactly right. As an audio submitter myself, I admit it's really hard to get attention when you are a new audio submitter. For instance when you submit a song, you won't get any review while your submission is on the front page, that's really annoying. I say it even if I have songs with more than 200 reviews but it's because I had the chance to be frontpaged...

*All Requests Completed:
4 again. We need more people here.

I'll try to get there, wish me good luck lol.

At 8/24/09 09:07 PM, Fro wrote: I think I'm in a pretty good position here. I can request some reviews while not having to worry about dropping down a position. I only have 4 pieces of art and one more flash, but I'm not going to request the flash since it's basically the same thing as the other Clock Day flash. :P I won't put you guys through that, but you're still welcome to review it if you'd like. I'll respond like always.

You can thanks Insanimation for his absence, you are now comfortably installed in your 3rd spot. But I'm looking forward to seeing him hitting the 1,000 points milestone, hell this kid is great!

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-25 05:44:24

Hello. First, I must say that your reviews guys are AWESOME(especially Fro's).
Now could you review this please?

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-25 10:55:47

May I join this fine establishment?

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-25 12:17:29

At 8/25/09 05:44 AM, TiberiumCrystalKutu wrote: Hello. First, I must say that your reviews guys are AWESOME(especially Fro's).
Now could you review this please?

I would like to add to my request this too :D

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-25 14:00:34

At 8/25/09 10:55 AM, Frenzy wrote: May I join this fine establishment?

You should first wait for a regular member like Coop83, Fro, Haggard or Sonofkirk to check your reviews and see if they are good enough, though.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-25 14:35:29

At 8/25/09 10:55 AM, Frenzy wrote: May I join this fine establishment?

Yes you can, as I said in the PM I didn't know that you were a member of the old RRC thread. Your reviews might be concise but they provide good and helpful tips for the authors. I'm sure you already know it but you have to review these requests for the next update. Welcome back to the club!

*Adding name, links and formulas to the spreadsheets*

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-25 15:10:00

Can I get these reviewed please?

Thanks :). I guess I'll be losing a few points now, but getting a helpful review or two (or six XD) definitely makes up for it :D.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-25 18:54:40

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-25 23:23:17

Hey guys only been on this a few months(uploadin syuff to audio portal anyway) and this is like first time iv really bothered look at the forums and i think this is a rather cool idea :D

so is there any chance i could join this group? i havent read all the posts so not sure if i need to do anything but i dont mind giving reviews out and love getting some reviews so if i can join wahay

either way heres a link to some of my stuff if you guys wanna review for me :D

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/2 44901 - a little backing track i made and played lead over

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/2 63097 - some guys riff on reapeat with drums and some delayed guitar over it

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/2 56407 - thin lizzy/gary moore backer with me playing some guitar on it kinda a tribute thing i guess love thin lizzy :D

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-26 08:39:55

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-26 08:46:47

At 8/25/09 02:35 PM, Sonofkirk wrote: Yes you can, as I said in the PM I didn't know that you were a member of the old RRC thread.

Yes, I used to be named Frenzy_Explosion, then -Frenzy-, and now Frenzy.

Your reviews might be concise but they provide good and helpful tips for the authors.

Yeah, I used to write huge reviews over the character limit, but I'd basically write one or two and that would be it. I find I can make more people happy by reviewing, and not going into so much detail but still getting the same points across, by writing 3-4 line reviews.

:I'm sure you already know it but you have to review these requests for the next update. Welcome back to the club!
Yep: question- do I have to review audio and art too? I'm really not an audio reviewer, art I maybe could do though...

*Adding name, links and formulas to the spreadsheets*

Thanks :D

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-26 13:45:36

At 8/26/09 08:46 AM, Frenzy wrote: Yep: question- do I have to review audio and art too? I'm really not an audio reviewer, art I maybe could do though...

No, you can review whatever you want, whether it's Flash, Audio or Art, and you're not forced to do any one of them. It's just less points for you :P.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-26 15:05:37

At 8/26/09 01:45 PM, Supersteph54 wrote: No, you can review whatever you want, whether it's Flash, Audio or Art, and you're not forced to do any one of them. It's just less points for you :P.

Lol okay. It's not really points I'm concerned with, it's the top 100 lists (Flash reviews and Flash responses) which is why I don't review audio. So that's good news

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-26 20:05:51

First of all, hello. Nice to be on the thread. Seen your guys' reviews and it's very good work, and I love the idea you guys have started as well. Anyway, I'd just like to put in my own resume to join the Review club. :P I'm sure one of the head haunchos or regulars will have to check my reviews or something...so yeah...lol :D

Anyway, I was wondering if someone could give me some critical analysis and feedback on the raw version of my latest song, 8-Bit Upgraded Any feedback or criticism is greatly appeciated.




Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-26 21:05:53

At 8/26/09 08:05 PM, DeatHTaX wrote: I'd just like to put in my own resume to join the Review club. :P I'm sure one of the head haunchos or regulars will have to check my reviews or something...so yeah...lol :D

I would call your reviews below average. Most of them aren't very helpful for the artist at all, but it does look like you can improve and you have some potentials. Check some of currents members (check the last page to see a list) for the quality and helpfulness that a review should be. Find your own style of reviewing, improve, and I'll say you will be a decent member of the club.

So yes you can join, but like I said improvement first.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-26 21:14:01

At 8/26/09 09:05 PM, Fro wrote:
At 8/26/09 08:05 PM, DeatHTaX wrote: I'd just like to put in my own resume to join the Review club. :P I'm sure one of the head haunchos or regulars will have to check my reviews or something...so yeah...lol :D
I would call your reviews below average. Most of them aren't very helpful for the artist at all, but it does look like you can improve and you have some potentials. Check some of currents members (check the last page to see a list) for the quality and helpfulness that a review should be. Find your own style of reviewing, improve, and I'll say you will be a decent member of the club.

So yes you can join, but like I said improvement first.

Would you be referring to my flash reviews? If so then i completely agree lol. I do feel however my audio reviews are pretty decent. I'm no Roger Ebert, but I'd like to think they're ok :3

anyway, thanks a lot. I'll do my best to help out other Newgrounders as much as possible



Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-26 21:19:09

At 8/26/09 09:14 PM, DeatHTaX wrote:
Would you be referring to my flash reviews? If so then i completely agree lol. I do feel however my audio reviews are pretty decent. I'm no Roger Ebert, but I'd like to think they're ok :3

anyway, thanks a lot. I'll do my best to help out other Newgrounders as much as possible

Ah, well see I only looked at your most recent reviews. I was talking about both of them, but searching a little bit farther your audio reviews are very good. So yeah, flash reviews need improvement, audio reviews are perfectly fine. Welcome to the club. (Assuming your a tad bit more helpful on your flash reviews for the submissions that come through here)

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-26 22:56:01

Ah, well see I only looked at your most recent reviews. I was talking about both of them, but searching a little bit farther your audio reviews are very good. So yeah, flash reviews need improvement, audio reviews are perfectly fine. Welcome to the club. (Assuming your a tad bit more helpful on your flash reviews for the submissions that come through here)

Well I shall certainly do my best to review anything anyone asks of to the best of my abilities. Glad to be in the krew :D



Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-26 23:26:16

Again, for some reason a major lack of art and flash entries. I'm not complaining that much as I want my audio reviews to catch up to my flash reviews, but this is a Review Request Club and not an Audio Review Request Club. Maybe I won't have to do any art reviews this week, but you guys will. :P

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/fro/d ark-cavern
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/fro/o wen-morrison
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/fro/d ark-entry

I only have one more piece of art to request and then after that I'll just be finding some things to spotlight from now on. Probably 1 flash, 1 audio, and 1 art each week.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-27 02:24:43

At 8/26/09 11:26 PM, Fro wrote: Again, for some reason a major lack of art and flash entries. I'm not complaining that much as I want my audio reviews to catch up to my flash reviews, but this is a Review Request Club and not an Audio Review Request Club. Maybe I won't have to do any art reviews this week, but you guys will. :P

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/fro/d ark-cavern
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/fro/o wen-morrison
http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/fro/d ark-entry

3 art reviews? Darn it... I thought I was gonna have another art free week :(
Ahh well... I guess art needs reviewing too...

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-27 08:31:37

At 8/26/09 09:05 PM, Fro wrote:
At 8/26/09 08:05 PM, DeatHTaX wrote: I'm sure one of the head haunchos or regulars will have to check my reviews or something...so yeah...lol :D
So yes you can join, but like I said improvement first.

Well, they aren't necessarily worthy of deletion, but the Toss The Turtle review wasn't bad, so if you can keep that sort of detail up, you might even get more responses as well.

At 8/27/09 02:24 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: 3 art reviews? Darn it... I thought I was gonna have another art free week :(

You can always omit the Art Reviews from the list of stuff to review - you're not obliged to review every single submission that you see.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-27 11:16:33

At 8/27/09 08:31 AM, Coop83 wrote:
At 8/27/09 02:24 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: 3 art reviews? Darn it... I thought I was gonna have another art free week :(
You can always omit the Art Reviews from the list of stuff to review - you're not obliged to review every single submission that you see.

Yes, I know, but I try and review as many of the requests as possible, whether it's art or not. I just hate reviewing art, that's all :P, but I review it not to because I think I'm obliged to, but because I want points, I guess, and besides, the art portal's even worse than the audio portal when it comes to reviewing and popularity, so the more reviews art makers get, the better :D.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-27 15:59:29

At 8/27/09 11:16 AM, Supersteph54 wrote:
At 8/27/09 08:31 AM, Coop83 wrote: You can always omit the Art Reviews from the list of stuff to review - you're not obliged to review every single submission that you see.
Yes, I know, but I try and review as many of the requests as possible, whether it's art or not. I just hate reviewing art, that's all :P, but I review it not to because I think I'm obliged to, but because I want points, I guess, and besides, the art portal's even worse than the audio portal when it comes to reviewing and popularity, so the more reviews art makers get, the better :D.

Then you're reviewing for totally the wrong reasons. Don't do it for the sake of reviewing or for how many reviews you get of for the points in this club - I write reviews because I enjoy doing so. Sure, there will be pieces that you don't like in here that you 'have to' review for staying at 100%, but there is no obligation to write reviews for all of them.

Basically, as I've already said, if you don't want to review the piece, don't. Do not review if you're doing this solely for climbing or maintaining your rank within this club. Do it for the fact that you actually care about the piece and that your feedback can actually help to improve the artist's next piece that they make.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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