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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-09 20:12:35

At 8/9/09 12:39 PM, Sonofkirk wrote:

Nice to have you back bud. Just in time. You know I'll need someone to deposit for me on clock day since it's a special day for me that day. :)

From now, if two (or more) members have the same amount of points, their ranks will be turned to a magnificent "X", that's the only way I found to avoid complaints from miserable statwhores such as Fro :P.

Now now now... I have 9 requests in the next couple of weeks. This means even if both Haggard and I complete this large list he'll still end up being ahead of me by those 9 submissions.

4 art, 3 audio, and 2 flash (lol youtube videos)

Enjoy the update! Here are the requests that have to be completed for next update, on Sunday 16th of August, I hope I got them all.

Hmm, this is going to be hard, but I'm going to try and review my ass off to get it.

Flash Requests (12)

Wow.. I'll have to see if any of these are under 1 MB. I can complete any that are tonight, but I won't be able to the bigger files yet.

Audio Requests(22)

Oh god. If I can get these done then I'll be proud enough. That's crazy... just like the old review request club.

Art Requests (8)

Good thing is I think I have all of these complete except for a couple of them maybe. I'll find out in a little bit.

At 8/9/09 01:20 PM, Sonofkirk wrote: Member's Update #6:
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]

01 ) 695 | 107 / 107 | 100.00% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% Coop83
XX ) 671 | 103 / 103 | 100.00% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% Fro
XX ) 671 | 103 / 108 | 095.37% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% Haggard

Not too far away from Coop, but just like I said it shouldn't matter since I'm going to request so many things.

*All Requests Completed:
Coop83, Haggard, Fro, Insanimation and JKMonkey

Good job guys. Heres to hoping some of us can get this huge list.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-09 20:54:53

I would like you guys to review some of my best sketching, just the outlining alone took over 45 minutes. And it took about 2 full hours to complete. Fro already reviewed and he really liked it alot. It's another one without color, but i believe it looks best without it in this one.

http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/idiot -buster/ticky-the-clown

And, i would like to join this club. I like to review things...i just never get around to it. The system is still a bit confusing to me...could someone explain it better to me?

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-10 04:57:01

At 8/9/09 11:06 PM, JKMonkey wrote: Just to let you guys know I wont be able to do any reviews this week because I have a lot of work to catch up on at work, I should be able to do reviews next week when I'm all caught up.

sorry for the inconvenience, just dont kick me out of the club

Now now, you won't get kicked so fast. ;) If you read the rules in the update post, you'll note that you can have a few weeks of inactivity (=Neither post in this thread nor do any reviews) before you get kicked. :P

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-10 05:11:34

Hey Guys,

Member of the club itself asking for reviews instead of giving them. Anyway, If you guys could review and rate any of these, Just pick whichever, Or do them all, Completely up to you. I'll reply to all reviews and they will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks <3

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-10 07:57:39

At 8/9/09 12:39 PM, Sonofkirk wrote:
We loose two members this update, jew193 and Hiphopopotamus have been removed from the list (check the rule below the list).

Ah well. Goodbye!

From now, if two (or more) members have the same amount of points, their ranks will be turned to a magnificent "X", that's the only way I found to avoid complaints from miserable statwhores such as Fro :P.

Will he ever just give up and accept it? :P

Flash Requests (12)

I've done about 3 of those so far :/

Audio Requests(22)

Ohh, shit. I only have 5 of those done :(

Art Requests (8)

And only 2 of those done :'(

Looks like it's gonna be a busy week..

At 8/9/09 01:20 PM, Sonofkirk wrote: Member's Update #6:
[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]

01 ) 695 | 107 / 107 | 100.00% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% Coop83
XX ) 671 | 103 / 103 | 100.00% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% Fro
XX ) 671 | 103 / 108 | 095.37% || 124 | 19 / 19 | 100.00% Haggard
04 ) 558 | 085 / 085 | 100.00% || 118 | 18 / 18 | 100.00% Insanimation

Fourth? Does that mean I'm part of the prestigious "Top 4"? :D

*All Requests Completed:
Coop83, Haggard, Fro, Insanimation and JKMonkey

Hmm..Could be better, but it'll do..


BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-10 10:51:06

I looked at the list on the previous page that Sonofkirk posted. Now all thoes linked submissions are the things we have by next sunday to review...correct? I would like to finally join this club. I have not got to reviewing in a while, but you can look at my last 3 or 4 review's and thoes are my best since the older ones are really old.

Wi/Ht regular|Elite Guard Barracks Member|Idiot-Buster-Elite Guard Sup. Commander

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-10 11:46:15

At 8/10/09 10:51 AM, idiot-buster wrote: I looked at the list on the previous page that Sonofkirk posted. Now all thoes linked submissions are the things we have by next sunday to review...correct? I would like to finally join this club. I have not got to reviewing in a while, but you can look at my last 3 or 4 review's and thoes are my best since the older ones are really old.

Yeah, just review those and post how many points that you have. The points system is explained on the first post quite clearly. You can't really explain them much simpler then what they are already explained as.

Once you post your points total for your first week then you won't ever have to do it again as Sonofkirk will keep track of them from there.

This list is due by the 16th.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-10 12:07:53

At 8/5/09 11:19 PM, HeavyTank wrote: Hey Krev, l didn't know you were a medal whore AND an artist ;)

I didn't know you had a kind bone in your body! Or maybe it's because we're not in the medal tips thread? :P
(I'm picking.)

I have my request for this week, this time it's an audio piece: I specifically want to know first and foremost, if the audio is too loud, or if it's just my personal stereo headphones making me think so. The last 3 seconds includes a neat little effect also, let me know if you enjoy it.

I'd like to thank the people that RRC'd my orange julius in digital form (I swear, looking at my own art makes me hungry. I'm insane.

I got through half of the flash reviews and a couple of the arts, gotta jet to work, will finish when I return this afternoon.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-11 02:53:23

Can I join the club? I have quite a bit of audio reviews, not many flash reviews though, and no art reviews, but my reviews are quite long and hopefully helpful. Thanks :).

Also, I have a few questions...
If I do join the club, when do I post my points? One week after you've accepted me?
If I do join the club, can I still review other submissions or only the requested ones, and if I can review other submissions, do I write 'Review Request Club' at the bottom?
If I do join the club, after I give out my number of points for the first time, do I still do that all the other times?
If I do join the club, basically what I have to do is visit this forum regularly and review as many requests as possible, right?

Sorry for all the questions... :(

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-11 05:44:27

Hi. Thank you Fro and Haggard for reviewing my art.
Could you please review this art too?

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-11 05:54:00

Icelandic Vitleysingur

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-11 08:39:39

The songs in my signature need a good honest reviewing, please lend a hand?

Ooh that smell...

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-11 15:34:31

At 8/11/09 02:53 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: Can I join the club? I have quite a bit of audio reviews, not many flash reviews though, and no art reviews, but my reviews are quite long and hopefully helpful. Thanks :).

Also, I have a few questions...
If I do join the club, when do I post my points? One week after you've accepted me?
If I do join the club, can I still review other submissions or only the requested ones, and if I can review other submissions, do I write 'Review Request Club' at the bottom?
If I do join the club, after I give out my number of points for the first time, do I still do that all the other times?
If I do join the club, basically what I have to do is visit this forum regularly and review as many requests as possible, right?

Sorry for all the questions... :(

I'm not a full member yet, but I can try to answer, and the members can correct me if I'm wrong.

1. Post your points one or two days before the update.
2. I'd guess you could review whatever you want. If you add Review Request Club on the bottom, I think you might get 1 point, but I'm not sure if that's just for the requested reviews.
3. No, after the first time you don't have to count yourself.
4. Pretty much. Review the requests!

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-11 16:20:24

To add to Soapbubble answers:

At 8/11/09 02:53 AM, Supersteph54 wrote: If I do join the club, can I still review other submissions or only the requested ones, and if I can review other submissions, do I write 'Review Request Club' at the bottom?

Of course you can still review other submissions. If you put the RRC-Sig in your review or not is up to you. We encourage our members to do so because it's a nice advertising for the club, so it's nice (but not a requirement) if you put the sig in your review for not requested submissions as well.
Also, nice side effect: If you review a submission and you write "Review Request Club" at the bottom of the review. The submission then gets requested here: Not only have you already done the request, but you also get the bonus point for adding the signature. ;)

Sorry for all the questions... :(

No need to be sorry. ;)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-11 17:16:54

At 8/11/09 04:20 PM, Haggard wrote: Of course you can still review other submissions. If you put the RRC-Sig in your review or not is up to you. We encourage our members to do so because it's a nice advertising for the club, so it's nice (but not a requirement) if you put the sig in your review for not requested submissions as well.

Alright, thanks a lot to both of you for the help ^^.
So... Is it OK if I join, or should I work more on my reviews?

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-11 17:22:48

Your reviews look good. May I suggest however that you make use of some paragraphs every now and then? That way your reviews are much better to read.

So, welcome to the club, enjoy your stay! :)

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-11 17:29:59

At 8/11/09 04:20 PM, Haggard wrote: To add to Soapbubble answers:

Of course you can still review other submissions. If you put the RRC-Sig in your review or not is up to you. We encourage our members to do so because it's a nice advertising for the club, so it's nice (but not a requirement) if you put the sig in your review for not requested submissions as well.
Also, nice side effect: If you review a submission and you write "Review Request Club" at the bottom of the review. The submission then gets requested here: Not only have you already done the request, but you also get the bonus point for adding the signature. ;)

Well, what are the odds of that happening :P
So, no points at all if the review hasn't been requested (yet)? I guess that's pretty much fair.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-11 18:11:58

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-12 03:42:37

At 8/11/09 05:22 PM, Haggard wrote: Your reviews look good. May I suggest however that you make use of some paragraphs every now and then? That way your reviews are much better to read.

So, welcome to the club, enjoy your stay! :)

Thanks XD. I'll start reviewing I guess :).
I knew you were going to say that I need to split into paragraphs... I'll work on that...

Thanks again :D

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-12 06:13:32

Hello everyone. Requesting yet another review.

It's a short one and I appreciate all reviews and will respond to them all.

Thanks in advance.

When I die. It will be in a blaze of glory.

Metal Hellion/My band (Bestial Remains) Myspace/Sonic Crew

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-12 11:25:23

At 8/9/09 01:36 PM, Haggard wrote: Wow, this is why I wanted to catch up during the week, but never got around to it. :(
At least I've already done 5 reviews today, so only 37 to go. :/

Indeed, 42 requests is a huge, it's going to be hard to complete in one single week. That's why I hope members are already ahead and started reviewing that pack of requests last week, that would be disappointing to see members loosing their 100% completion ratio.

As for myself, this is going to be a bitch to pull the stats for all these requests, it usually takes me one hour for a regular amount of requests (around 20), so I can expect two hours of stat pulling next Sunday :(.

At 8/9/09 07:39 PM, Coop83 wrote: Looks like I've got a lot of reviews to plough through when I get back home tomorrow. Fortunately, I've got the rest of the week off to assist with getting through all of these outstanding reviews, even though I've done one or two over the time between updates.

Good to see you have free time to get the requests done. When I started updating the club, I planned to do some requests but I quickly realised I couldn't find the time to get them done... I think I'll remove myself from the list next update, my stats are so shabby :P. Also, I hope you had fun at the London meet up :)

At 8/9/09 08:12 PM, Fro wrote: Now now now... I have 9 requests in the next couple of weeks. This means even if both Haggard and I complete this large list he'll still end up being ahead of me by those 9 submissions.

You would end up 54 points away from Haggard... Oh well, as long as you keep up with your 100% ratio it's ok.

Audio Requests(22)
Oh god. If I can get these done then I'll be proud enough. That's crazy... just like the old review request club.

Hum if you look closer the previous updates, the amount of audio requests is usually equal to the sum of the art and flash requests. This week, this equation is confirmed so that's not just like in the old review request club ;). Unless you are talking about amount of audio requests solely...

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-13 03:06:28

hi there review request club. I just got a couple of audio pieces I'd like reviewed...seems its very difficult to get any good exposure in the audio portal the way its setup. Songs last a couple days before they become buried in the void, lest they be hailed as magnificent masterpieces by the clicks and senior members of the portal...and most of these said masterpieces hardly make sense to me, though who am I to judge? Anyhow, please say a few words about my works and I'll gladly return the favor;

Check out my new track Tokyo Pop and my hit: Our Nova Pt. 2.

Member of Review Request Club.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-13 10:57:51

Phew... I finished as many reviews as I could. Here are the points I counted up:

So, I did 10/12 flash reviews so that's 10 x 5 = 50
I did 16/22 audio reviws so that's 16 x 5 = 80
And I did 8/8 art reviews which means 8 x 5 = 40

Till now that's 170 points... Plus I wrote 'Review Request Club' at the bottom of every review, which makes 170 + 34 x 1 = 204.

204 + 3 (for posting this post) = 207. That means 207 points, if I didn't calculate them wrongly. I hope I got the points system right...

Phew, reviewing is hard work; if I see one more review, I'm gonna puke... Still, it was worth it XD. Thanks for letting me in the club :D.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-13 19:43:09

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-14 14:04:36

Is there any chance that I can join?
Please note that I'm better at reviewing Flash/Art than reviewing Audio.

Ceterum censeo Carthaginem delendam esse.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-14 20:35:58

To the reviewers:

If you want to join the club and complete requests, simply post in the thread saying you'll join. Once you've joined, you can start reviewing stuff. If you are a new member of the club and once you understand how the point system works, post - one or two days before the update - the total points you've earned.

The update is tomorrow (Sunday), so I suggest you join on monday, and start counting your points then ;)

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-15 08:09:23

Sorry for bothering, but I bet my request was drawn at the other requests, so I post it again.
I want you to review this and that piece of art.
Thank you!

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-15 08:22:48

At 8/14/09 08:35 PM, Soapbubble wrote: The update is tomorrow (Sunday), so I suggest you join on monday, and start counting your points then ;)

Ok, I'll do some other reviews for this week for the sake of fun :)

Ceterum censeo Carthaginem delendam esse.

Response to Review Request Club 2009-08-15 11:49:42