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Review Request Club

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Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-15 11:22:36


I recently built a über PC for making music, and might I say that I LOVE IT! After installing all neccessities I jump right to work! After many, many hours, this is what I achieved. It's different from my other works in many ways, but the biggest difference is the amount of instruments I've used in this ;) All thanks to my new computer <3

Please review, and tell me what YOU think of it! Thank you, and enjoy!

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-15 11:46:50

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-15 13:22:43

I'll do at least a few now. Do a review, vote in portal, do a review, vote in portal, do a review, vote in portal.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-15 20:23:44

Quick post; things have been a little too hectic today, so I will do the requests list and update tomorrow. Or for those in my timezone, later on today xD. Monday, nonetheless. See you all then (:

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-16 01:18:15

MIII - You Survive - Remix

Please check this one out. Its been the victim of some 0 bombers, which is a shame as i want to hear what someone thinks about it. Thanks!

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-16 08:52:51

At 8/15/10 08:23 PM, Animith wrote: Quick post; things have been a little too hectic today, so I will do the requests list and update tomorrow. Or for those in my timezone, later on today xD. Monday, nonetheless. See you all then (:

I don't mind. Gives me time to get three of four more reviews done. Review some of the audio that hasn't been reviewed this week.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-16 10:25:33

Isn't it so that if you geto 100 % you can request a flash that isn't your own? I've gotten 100 % a couple of times, so I'd like to request this one reviewed. Another flash for us, seeing as we have so few of those.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-16 11:17:09

This is both the smallest and most imbalanced list I've seen in months :S

Escape from the Big Apple by Pabmo
The Best Video Game Ever by DarkMatter2
King of the Hill v2 by Niallmcfc

[Assios]-Eternal Rave by Assios
The rise of- by Tomppaah
cmb79-datfish2 by cheesemonkeybill
Epic_Toxin3 by ekso-man
Gazing at a Starry Night edit1 by tigger888
Flight of a Wingless Angel by Nosferatu-of-Worms
Seashore Ambiance [WIP] by jxl180
Arabic Metal (Jeffaro) by Jeffaro
Band On The Run (TrippMix) by Blackdoom13
Triage at Dawn [Remix] by DjCryogenetic
-Lullaby by BlazingDragon
Are U Ready {Dj-Abbic mix WIP by DjAbbic
--Cold Misty Morning by spartacusxerox
Arabes by camoshark
IT [LK] by Lightkeeper
BAZ-Clam Hat by BAZmotherfucker
~||Video Games by T-Free
Wave Jupitar by DXSamurai

Epic Metal Loop by Jeffaro
cmb-Kill A Baby! >:d lml by cheesemonkeybill
cmb-weird happy song :D by cheesemonkeybill

21 requests; no art, three flash. Have fun audio fans?

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-16 12:03:05

At 8/16/10 11:17 AM, Animith wrote: This is both the smallest and most imbalanced list I've seen in months :S


Not bad, not bad at all. IF anyone wants to go for 100 %, this is the week to do it. I might even try it myself.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-16 14:17:49

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-16 15:00:54

At 8/16/10 11:17 AM, Animith wrote: This is both the smallest and most imbalanced list I've seen in months :S


Hm, apart from there being no art requests and of course much too many audio requests, this list doesn't look too bad.
Hopefully I can do more than only 3 reviews this time. :'(

Surf Nazis must die! || Wi/Ht? #38

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-16 16:20:26

At 8/16/10 11:17 AM, Animith wrote: FLASH REQUESTS [3]

I guess it would be fitting that this be the week that I get back to reviewing most if not all of the stuff on the list. Smaller list with mostly audio, something that I really need to get back to reviewing more of.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-16 17:31:53

Hey all, sorry for the lateness. Member update, nonetheless...

This week was a bit of a misfire. And by misfire I mean there were about 11-12 audio which got absolutely no reviews on them from the RRC.

As I still just about have the updates for one more week (muahahahahaaaa), I'm gonna say that anyone who this week goes back to last week's list list and does some more reviews, especially on the audio that didn't get any, I'll make sure to add them to your points in time for next week's update, just to see if we can't salvage that a little.

We also sadly lost Domo as a reviewer this week and I'm heading that way as well, but hopefully we might get some new people in as the club and the request list continues to grow.

But that all being said, we've got a pretty friendly-looking request list this week so maybe we'll all come back fightin' :P Without further rambling, here's the update. Number 50, no less:

Member's Update #50!

[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
01 ) 6610 | 1033 / 1370 | 75.40% || 021 | 03 / 31 | 009.68% | Haggard
02 ) 6532 | 1021 / 1369 | 74.58% || 015 | 02 / 31 | 006.45% | Coop83
03 ) 3564 | 0551 / 1341 | 41.09% || 072 | 12 / 30 | 040.00% | Fro
04 ) 2720 | 0422 / 1249 | 33.79% || 015 | 02 / 31 | 006.45% | Supersteph54
05 ) 1943 | 0308 / 0605 | 50.91% || 003 | 00 / 31 | 000.00% | Animith
06 ) 1732 | 0272 / 0750 | 36.27% || 000 | 00 / 31 | 000.00% | RogerBK
07 ) 1499 | 0242 / 0423 | 57.21% || 003 | 00 / 31 | 000.00% | sixflab
08 ) 1087 | 0175 / 0201 | 87.06% || 099 | 16 / 31 | 051.61% | Soapbubble
09 ) 0803 | 0120 / 0962 | 12.47% || 000 | 00 / 60 | 000.00% | Celx-Requin
10 ) 0570 | 0090 / 0979 | 09.19% || 006 | 01 / 31 | 003.23% | Joshsouza
12 ) 0319 | 0049 / 0601 | 08.15% || 000 | 00 / 60 | 000.00% | ChampionAnwar
13 ) 0144 | 0023 / 0089 | 25.84% || 039 | 06 / 59 | 020.00% | spartacusxerox
14 ) 0102 | 0015 / 0176 | 08.52% || 006 | 01 / 31 | 003.23% | mrty
15 ) 0079 | 0010 / 0335 | 02.99% || 003 | 00 / 60 | 000.00% | CheppZanoff**
16 ) 0071 | 0011 / 0255 | 04.31% || 000 | 00 / 60 | 000.00% | Spysociety
17 ) 0060 | 0009 / 0121 | 07.44% || 000 | 00 / 60 | 000.00% | TheNewYorkTimes
18 ) 0033 | 0005 / 0057 | 08.77% || 024 | 04 / 31 | 012.90% | ThePigeonMaster

The stars indicate for how long the user has been inactive in this club. "Inactive" means, that user hasn't gained any points by reviewing OR by posting.
*: User has been inactive for the last two weeks
**: User has been inactive for the last four weeks
***: User has been inactive for the last six weeks
****: User has been inactive for the last eight weeks

If you are inactive for more than six weeks AND if your completion rate falls below 20%, OR if you are inactive for more than eight weeks you are excluded from the list. You may rejoin this club, but your points will be lost.

*Requests This Week: 31
Total Requests All Time: 1370
Reviews Made This Week: 53
Total Reviews All Time: 5095
Average Per Member: 2.94
Average Per Request: 1.71
Sigs Forgotten: 0

*New to the List: None
Leaving the List: Domo :(

*All Requests Completed (both weeks): None :(

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-16 20:22:57

At 8/16/10 05:31 PM, Animith wrote: Hey all, sorry for the lateness. Member update, nonetheless...

This week was a bit of a misfire. And by misfire I mean there were about 11-12 audio which got absolutely no reviews on them from the RRC.

Seeing as I apparently didn't do anything this week i'll go back and get as many as I can from last week in addition to doing this week's list. Least I can do for my slacking last month.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-16 20:24:53

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang103 3{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}}
Hello! Welcome to the new Review Request Club thread. This thread is meant to give the club a fresh start and make it a pleasant place to stay. In order to do this, it goes without saying that you must follow the regular BBS rules and read the C&C Advice Thread before posting if you are new to this forum.\par
This club aims to increase the exposure of the most under-rated Newgrounds music, art and flash artists. The other major purpose of the club is to offer the Newgrounds artists high quality feedback so they can constantly improve their work.\par
To the requesters:\par
Every Newgrounds user is allowed to request a review as soon as he submitted something. To get your work reviewed, don't post here without thinking but follow these few rules:\par
- Post a direct link to the submission(s) you want reviewed.\par
- Make no more than 3 Flash and Art requests between two updates (that's one week), and no more than 3 Audio Requests between 5 updates (that's four weeks).\par
- Please respond to reviews, reviewers like it and some of them are statwho... oh wait, interested in stats.\par
- Be patient. Due to the points system, you may not see reviews until up to two weeks after you requested, or if you requested more than 1 Audio submission, you may not see reviews on your second submission up until 3 weeks after you requested, and you may not see reviews on your third submission up until 4 weeks after you requested.\par
- Do NOT request without posting a link, be kind, reviewers are not robots.\par
- Do NOT simply say "Review everything" or just link to your profile.\par
- Do NOT request reviews for the same submission more than once.\par
- Do NOT request reviews for a submission with over 50 reviews.\par
- Do NOT request reviews for spam. Spam is only there to annoy, not to be critically analyzed.\par
- Unless you are a club member, only request reviews for YOUR OWN submissions.\par
To the reviewers:\par
If you want to join the club and complete requests, simply post in the thread saying you would like to join. Then, regular members will go through your reviews and determine if they are good enough to be part of the club. Your reviews are required to be helpful, developed and well-organised. If you need help with writing good reviews, read Fro's guide to writing helpful reviews.\par
Once you are accepted, you can start reviewing stuff. If you are a new member of the club, once you understand how the point system works, please post - one or two days before the update - the total points you've earned during the week. This is considered as a sort of application form, and if you fail to do so, you will NOT be added to the club.\par
Points System:\par
List updaters will keep track of each member's points in order to build a list. You don't need to post your points before each update but you can keep track of your score on your own so any error can be fixed. This is how points are counted:\par
5 points for a review on a requested submission (movie, game, art, or audio).\par
1 point for writing "Review Request Club" at the bottom of a requested review.\par
3 points for posting at least once throughout the two weeks.\par
5 points for referring a new member (must mention you in first post).\par
7 points for reviewing all requests/recommendations between two updates.\par
Club Updates:\par
Each Sunday or Monday, a list of all the members is created, counting up their points, featuring various stats and posting a list of requested submissions. Assuming you review the submissions in that list, you will get points for them accordingly in the following members' update, around a week later.\par
Don't forget the lists are built and updated by humans so it may be possible the update is delayed due to various real life reasons. If it ever occurs, don't get mad; calm down and wait :).\par
Frequently Asked Questions:\par
Should we have an FAQ?\par
I don't know. It kinda seems like overkill.\par
Why a new thread?\par
The main idea was to give the club a new and fresh start. Since the old one was flooded by requests and not updated any more, the RRC regulars thought creating a new thread would be best for the club.\par
Should I link to the club in my forum signature?\par
There's no obligation to do so, but it's certainly appreciated. Remember that you can put a high number in place of the page number in the URL and if that page doesn't exist yet, Newgrounds will take you to the latest page, whatever it is. For example, "http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/107 2042/999" will take you to the latest page of this club.\par
RRC Signature?\par
Yes, at the end of each review, if you want you can write down 'Review Request Club'. There is no obligation to do so, but you'll get +1 point if you put the RRC signature in your review. You can add anything you want to it, E.G.: *Review Request Club*, |Review Request Club|, -Review Request Club-, etc, but as long as 'Review Request Club' is clearly written, you will get the point. You are also allowed to add the sig in any reviews other than requests in this club, as long as you are a club member yourself. It's all the more exposure for the club, and it's very much appreciated.\par
+1 point if I put the RRC signature in my review... I'm not sure if I get it correctly.\par
You gain 6 points for a review on a request with "Review Request Club" in the end of it, as opposed to 5 points if you hadn't added the signature at the end. If it's still not clear, read this.\par
Does the Review Request Club review for non-NG stuff?\par
No. It must be an NG submission. If you have a non-NG submission which you would like us to review, then use your common sense and upload it to NG. Also, we will only review using the 'Write a Review' method on submissions. We won't send reviews by PM, review in your newspost or review in any particular thread of yours.\par
Do I have to review all the requests?\par
No you don't have to, just do your best :). Though completing them all will give you 7 extra points.\par
Which requests should I review?\par
If you want to get points for the next member's update, look for the latest requests list in the club thread and review the requests from that list. If you review any requests from various posts in the thread which would have been posted after the latest requests list, you will be getting points for the member's update after the next one.\par
can u review allz mah flashz guise? kthxbai.\par
If you have more questions, feel free to post about it in the thread or PM a member and if your question is frequently asked, it'll be added to the FAQ.\par
That's all about the club, though this new version of the club couldn't be opened without mentioning the old thread regulars who have made it a great place to spend time. Kudos to Freelance-Magician for creating the original club and to milinko959 for maintaining it for so long. Thanks also to Sonofkirk for starting this new thread and doing many updates.\par
Have fun!\par
Useful links: RRC - The point system, clarified, <a href="http

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-17 01:38:21

At 8/16/10 05:31 PM, Animith wrote: Hey all, sorry for the lateness. Member update, nonetheless...

Thanks, nonetheless!

This week was a bit of a misfire. And by misfire I mean there were about 11-12 audio which got absolutely no reviews on them from the RRC.

I saw that. I think the problem mainly lies in too few reviews per reviewer. We'll all just have to review more ever week. Spread it out.

As I still just about have the updates for one more week (muahahahahaaaa), I'm gonna say that anyone who this week goes back to last week's list list and does some more reviews, especially on the audio that didn't get any, I'll make sure to add them to your points in time for next week's update, just to see if we can't salvage that a little.

Don't count on me managing to do that.

We also sadly lost Domo as a reviewer this week and I'm heading that way as well, but hopefully we might get some new people in as the club and the request list continues to grow.

You're leaving?

But that all being said, we've got a pretty friendly-looking request list this week so maybe we'll all come back fightin' :P Without further rambling, here's the update. Number 50, no less:

50, eh? That's kinda big.

07 ) 1499 | 0242 / 0423 | 57.21% || 003 | 00 / 31 | 000.00% | sixflab
08 ) 1087 | 0175 / 0201 | 87.06% || 099 | 16 / 31 | 051.61% | Soapbubble

I'm closing in!

*Requests This Week: 31
Reviews Made This Week: 53

In theory, that's enough to get one review per request.

Leaving the List: Domo :(


*All Requests Completed (both weeks): None :(


Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-17 06:00:19

At 8/16/10 05:31 PM, Animith wrote: Hey all, sorry for the lateness. Member update, nonetheless...

We understand.

This week was a bit of a misfire. And by misfire I mean there were about 11-12 audio which got absolutely no reviews on them from the RRC.

Oh no!

As I still just about have the updates for one more week (muahahahahaaaa), I'm gonna say that anyone who this week goes back to last week's list list and does some more reviews, especially on the audio that didn't get any, I'll make sure to add them to your points in time for next week's update, just to see if we can't salvage that a little.

Well that makes things a bit messy.

We also sadly lost Domo as a reviewer this week and I'm heading that way as well, but hopefully we might get some new people in as the club and the request list continues to grow.

Farewell Domo. Nice knowing ya for the short time I knew ya. By name.

But that all being said, we've got a pretty friendly-looking request list this week so maybe we'll all come back fightin' :P Without further rambling, here's the update. Number 50, no less:

Yay! 50!

Member's Update #50!

Yay! 50!

[#] [Total] [Total Stats] [Total Ratio] || [Gain] [Weekly Stats] [Weekly Ratio] [Username]
03 ) 3564 | 0551 / 1341 | 41.09% || 072 | 12 / 30 | 040.00% | Fro

Fro is the maaaaaan. Steady aaaaaaaaas.

04 ) 2720 | 0422 / 1249 | 33.79% || 015 | 02 / 31 | 006.45% | Supersteph54
05 ) 1943 | 0308 / 0605 | 50.91% || 003 | 00 / 31 | 000.00% | Animith

Animith is da bom...

06 ) 1732 | 0272 / 0750 | 36.27% || 000 | 00 / 31 | 000.00% | RogerBK
07 ) 1499 | 0242 / 0423 | 57.21% || 003 | 00 / 31 | 000.00% | sixflab

sixflab is the cooooool.

08 ) 1087 | 0175 / 0201 | 87.06% || 099 | 16 / 31 | 051.61% | Soapbubble

soap is a legeeend. Connnsistennt.

13 ) 0144 | 0023 / 0089 | 25.84% || 039 | 06 / 59 | 020.00% | spartacusxerox

This guy's alright.

14 ) 0102 | 0015 / 0176 | 08.52% || 006 | 01 / 31 | 003.23% | mrty
15 ) 0079 | 0010 / 0335 | 02.99% || 003 | 00 / 60 | 000.00% | CheppZanoff**

Is it normal to get this many 0%? I'm new here.

*New to the List: None


Leaving the List: Domo :(


*All Requests Completed (both weeks): None :(

:((( That's me. That's me next week guys! That's me.

"If at first you don't succeed; call it version 1.0." | Review Request Club | New Rating System

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-17 12:10:51

Bipolar Smiley: (:(

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-17 12:30:59

Ahaha, I completely botched up that member update. Some of the people still have "/60" listed as their request numbers. Sorry all, I realised it was very late and I hadn't done it, it was something of a rush job. I'l make sure all the numbers are straightened out for the next update. My bad :(

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-17 14:07:18

At 8/17/10 12:30 PM, Animith wrote: Ahaha, I completely botched up that member update. Some of the people still have "/60" listed as their request numbers. Sorry all, I realised it was very late and I hadn't done it, it was something of a rush job. I'l make sure all the numbers are straightened out for the next update. My bad :(

Didn't even notice it, man. Don't worry, we're not that picky, shit happens from time to time.

At 8/17/10 06:00 AM, spartacusxerox wrote:
At 8/16/10 05:31 PM, Animith wrote: 08 ) 1087 | 0175 / 0201 | 87.06% || 099 | 16 / 31 | 051.61% | Soapbubble
soap is a legeeend. Connnsistennt.

Oh you.

Gotta say, I really like your reviews. Really detailed and helpful. Keep that up!

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-17 15:14:44

Would love to do some reviews now. Was actually intending to. But I got my new computer, and I'm having too much fun right now.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-17 15:17:36

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-18 01:46:31

At 8/17/10 03:14 PM, Soapbubble wrote: Would love to do some reviews now. Was actually intending to. But I got my new computer, and I'm having too much fun right now.

Also resurrected my laptop earlier today. It helps so much for the audio since I can bring it on the go and listen to them. Hence why I agreed to do the reviewing of the audio we missed last week.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-18 08:30:29

Looks like we're recuperating a bit from the unfortunate week, so that's good. Wish I could be able to help :(.

Anyway, it's my last day here in Australia, then I'm off to Singapore for 2 days and then I'll be back. I have like 5 PM requests for reviews on songs and quite a lot of music to do when I get back, not to mention studying for my upcoming O Levels and doing my massive geography, programming and computer studies projects too. Oh and my piano exams as well... Ouch I have a lot to do :(.

At 8/17/10 06:00 AM, spartacusxerox wrote: Is it normal to get this many 0%? I'm new here.

Yeah, some people simply don't have time to do a review every week, other people lose interest, etc... Usually there are around 6-10 members who are active throughout one week.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-18 12:21:50

School started for me again. We've already got some homework, but I already did my French, and all I need to do is read some pages in History and Norwegian. Soooo that can wait till tomorrow, it'll take me 30 minutes tops. I wont get a lot of 100% weeks from now on, at least not till the next vacation (a month or two from now), but right now, as I wait for Fallout 3 to install, I'll do a few.

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-18 13:08:15

Hey can i have my movie reviewed?

Bipolar Smiley: (:(

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-18 16:07:08

At 8/18/10 01:31 PM, game3a wrote: I got some really nice reviews on my audio submissions from Coop83, SCTE3, Fro, and Haggard. I just wanted to say thanks to them one more time, and also request some reviews on my newest audio submission.

Only if you give us the link ;)

Meet the Mayor.

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-19 03:02:06

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-19 12:24:34

Hello, guys! Nice to see you again)) I have a new track for you.

It's here:

EvilScorpio - After Rain

I hope you like it! :)

New song: Twin Pulsar ||||| Recommended Flash: What Can Be Changed ||||| Habitat: Review Request Club

BBS Signature

Response to Review Request Club 2010-08-20 05:43:41

Looks like many people are busy and have a lot of stuff to do (yes I read some posts) and I hope you guys can manage. What would NG be without you guys? :(

Live on RRC :)