I've been mucking around with Employment Fail again, and I can't get the Not My Type medal. Anyone know the answer path for it?
Can somebody PM me the secret medals for this game? Thanks.
At 11/19/14 08:49 PM, someaveragechap wrote: I've been mucking around with Employment Fail again, and I can't get the Not My Type medal. Anyone know the answer path for it?
I'm also missing this one.
New game
Unpublished Submission
No help on Employment Fail? :(
At 11/21/14 02:30 PM, someaveragechap wrote: New game
No help on Employment Fail? :(
Still stuck in the real green level.
"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"
New game (one medal):
I played the game four times and the medals are broken.
At 11/13/14 03:42 PM, Cyberdevil wrote: New Game
Medals dont seem to work once you leave and come back. I have had to wipe my save twice now because medals do not load after I stop playing once
Excuse me, I'm looking for a car that's been tricked out to look like an ice cream truck.
I could use a strapping young man to do some chores around the house!
Unpublished Submission
New medal game.