At 10/11/14 06:47 AM, Cyberdevil wrote: New Game
How do you get the Navigation, Not My Type and Unstable medals? Tried almost everything but can't seem to unlock them.
At 10/11/14 06:47 AM, Cyberdevil wrote: New Game
How do you get the Navigation, Not My Type and Unstable medals? Tried almost everything but can't seem to unlock them.
At 10/12/14 05:47 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote:
New medal game.
NSS, the 1 million mile medal is working since you can travel over 40,000,000 miles with everything upgraded.
Excuse me, I'm looking for a car that's been tricked out to look like an ice cream truck.
I could use a strapping young man to do some chores around the house!
Does this also happen to you too?
I was about to win against one of the players in the versus contest and it glitched up.
Talk about being robbed.
"As the old saying goes...what was it again?"
New game. At this time, only the first medal seems to work, the ones for beating 8, 12,16 or 20 levels never unlocked for me or anyone else.
At 10/16/14 09:15 AM, Asandir wrote:
New game. At this time, only the first medal seems to work, the ones for beating 8, 12,16 or 20 levels never unlocked for me or anyone else.
Medals do unlock now.
At 10/17/14 04:05 AM, Reflectionist wrote:At 10/16/14 09:15 AM, Asandir wrote: do unlock now.
New game. At this time, only the first medal seems to work, the ones for beating 8, 12,16 or 20 levels never unlocked for me or anyone else.
Thank you, I got them.
At 10/18/14 01:07 PM, Cyberdevil wrote:
Getting all the medals in this one is very easy.
Anyone know how to get "Pooper" badge on this one?
At 10/18/14 08:18 PM, Virtuez wrote:
Anyone know how to get "Pooper" badge on this one?
Stuck with this one aswell. I'm assuming the "Look a Like" medal you have to dress the same as..?
Another thing. Did you encounter the 7th final boss? i've been running for 20 minutes and defeated the 6th one more then 10 times and he just doesn't show up!
At 10/19/14 02:23 PM, Denton wrote:At 10/18/14 08:18 PM, Virtuez wrote: with this one aswell. I'm assuming the "Look a Like" medal you have to dress the same as..?
Anyone know how to get "Pooper" badge on this one?
Another thing. Did you encounter the 7th final boss? i've been running for 20 minutes and defeated the 6th one more then 10 times and he just doesn't show up!
I thought the 7th boss would show up after I hit level 50. About an 45 minutes later I'm at 60, and no boss.
At 10/19/14 03:08 PM, someaveragechap wrote:At 10/19/14 02:23 PM, Denton wrote:I thought the 7th boss would show up after I hit level 50. About an 45 minutes later I'm at 60, and no boss.At 10/18/14 08:18 PM, Virtuez wrote: with this one aswell. I'm assuming the "Look a Like" medal you have to dress the same as..?
Anyone know how to get "Pooper" badge on this one?
Another thing. Did you encounter the 7th final boss? i've been running for 20 minutes and defeated the 6th one more then 10 times and he just doesn't show up!
Why would you think that? Also, notice that nobody achieved this one so the game is probably broken.
I don't know the secret ones either.
EDIT: New game by the way.
Unfounded hope based on the fact that the enemies changed as you level up.
In Die Hipster!, how do you get the medal "01 The Final Elbows"?
I don't know if anyone replied to you yet but...
Do you remember the poster of the hamburger add that you spray painted over?
On the left you'll see a silver ledge, try to jump and grab hold of that ledge,, you might need a running start, but it's possible
The medal get is up there
Don't recall seeing this one listed.