I just put a new update live. The first thing you will notice is the lock/secret medal overlays have been updated so they don't cover icons up quite as much.
The biggest change, however, is that there should be no 0 point medals being displayed anymore. When a game is launched, any untested medals will be displayed like normal/valid medals for 30 days. If nobody has unlocked them in that time, then they will get hidden automatically.
Once a medal has gone that 30-days, only API mods and the author of the game will see them on the portal pages, and they will have a big yellow exclamation mark on them that will hopefully make the author realize their medal is either broken or impossible.
One thing I still have to fix is the medal counts. Right now the stats stuff doesn't count untested medals, so you might temporarily see games that have 12 medal icons but it says you have 8/10 medals or whatever. This is just an indicator that 2 medals have never been tested.
Also, as mentioned above, there is an old bug in the publishing system that was causing some games to not link properly to their api records. I suspect a few games are still affected by the bug. If you have any medals that show as unlocked on the portal pages, but do not show up on your user pages, post them in this thread and we'll get them fixed.
Finally, my medal score repair script should be done later today. From what I can see pretty much anyone with more than 10 medals should already have been repaired.