I feel that this game is poorly explained, so here's my tips and tricks:
-- You'll want to spend points liberally on the flat damage skills (yellow circle icon at the bottom of the skill trees), as there is no cap. Total damage is (base damage + skill flat damage) * skill damage multipliers. If you don't do this, the game gets hard after wave 30, as mob HP spikes and continues to climb really high.
-- If you summon the golem, the mobs will prefer to attack the golem, even throughout its death animation (which is fairly long). Since mob attacks are single-target, this means you can camp inside the golem and mash spacebar to DPS the mobs without taking a hit. Useful vs. shield mobs.
-- Your melee attack hits everything within its range, unlike mob melee attacks.
-- Slow effects seem to stack additively. It's mighty useful to "freeze" the mobs in place, allowing you to DPS them with melee.
-- Special power damage is determined by its aspect's damage. For example, the tank does a silly 4 damage if you don't invest any points in goblin damage.
-- Dwarf axes disappear if they kill something, so they're not super useful during frog/archer waves. They are spammable though, and still useful if you accidentally leaked a frog or something and are in need of ammo. Press 1 to use, rather than holding the mouse button.
-- The tank simply runs along the ground and hits all land mobs once. (just like the intro screen)
-- The gnome is an invulnerable sentry turret that sprays slowing rocks at the enemy. It is not recommended to use this to defend against air mobs however, and be careful not to place it too close to the enemy base, or you'll slow down your exp income, unless you are primarily a Beast Tamer.
-- The fairies are an invulnerable summon that simply follow you around (with a slow speed) and attack any air mobs.
-- Summons appear where your mouse is when you summon them.
-- Your boar can be called by pressing down. It can also be ridden by jumping on top of it, and it is invulnerable. You are not invulnerable however unless you invest in the appropriate skill.
-- The enemy turret has a pattern where it fires x amount of shots, and then stops firing for y seconds. Taking advantage of this fact, you can practically spawn-camp the mobs on lenient waves (such as airship waves that only spawn archers). Also, if you have high land speed, you can create gaps in the fireballs wide enough where you can fit in between.
Personally, it seems to me that only the first skill tree can be completely self-reliant. The Trouble Maker skill tree can be overwhelmed in the end by frog rushes and the black knight boss mob, the golem skill tree is nearly completely reliant on the golem summon, which is easily destroyed by dense mob formations, and the Beast Tamer skill tree is completely defeated by the frog/snake summoner boss mob.
At 5/30/13 05:04 PM, Philip3477 wrote:
Can I get a hint for the secret medal of "Cannonboy?"
Uh... it's really hard to give a hint without giving it away =/ It's really difficult to do legitimately regardless, because the screen isn't very tall.