Oh god damn it, finally....
Anyways, I got a few tips...
1)Variety Kill - Start a game, go to a camp spot and there kill at least
10 people, then when another comes, go to the place where the
people dropped their weapons, and press space after every shoot with
one weapon.
2)Misanthropist - Just go around and kill people.
I recommend the Lever/M1187 shotguns, they're easy kills.
Also if you camp and you have low HP, start running around the
map, you'll lose enemies and your HP will refill.
3)Execution - PICK LEAD PIPE! Then, stand NEAR the enemy, hit him and
fast press F, if that doesn't work, repeat it and eventually you will do an
execution, for the lulz, when you're in the middle of the execution, press
F again, you may have a head on your pipe(LOL).
4)You Can Shoot Them Too - Kill alot of people in ONE spot, then when
an enemy comes, press SPACE alot of times, and eventually he will die
from the hits.
5)Tried Em All - Go around and shoot people, every time you kill with a weapon,
grab another different one.
Remember, you have to do all of these:
Single Weapon
Lead Pipe
(Includes all weapons)
6)Can't Wait For It - Keep killing enemies until you find an Arrowed Bomb shooter,
take it and keep using the secondary weapon, then when you'll find the bomber that
you don't have, drop the secondary weapon and take it.
Now you have an Arrowed and Spiked bombs, just pick a random enemy, shoot him
with the arrowed bomb, and then the spiked one.
7)Crainial Eviscerator - This is a little problem, but you can solve it by using a Magnum.
Easy head shots.
8)Lead Pipe Ninja - This is not as hard as you think it is.
I did it, and I actually had fun using it!
Just find a camp spot, and everyone who comes, just jump on him with the fucking
lead pipe and kick his ass.
Ok these are all the tips I can give you, rest is easy.