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Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips

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Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 15:10:33

At 5/6/09 03:03 PM, Arthuria99 wrote: If they can remove all of medals in fear unlimited, why don't they also remove all medals in stickya as well? i hate that stupid game so much

Stickya is a functioning, complete game, even if the controls suck.

FU was so named because it was a big "Fuck You" to anyone who wanted a real game.

Don't make fun of us because we look like eggs!

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 16:21:42

At 5/6/09 02:56 PM, Kamikazetomato wrote:
At 5/6/09 02:44 PM, Fleshlight wrote:
At 5/6/09 02:35 PM, Arthuria99 wrote: Ok, so...I can't even beat the game on hard mode in epic battle fantasy. i'd really grateful if someone make a video how to do that
that would take hours to make. And it would probably take like...8 individual 10 minute clips on youtube to do it in
I dunno, just a walkthrough for the second half (after the healing break) sounds feasible to me.

I just achieved that medal and seriously, the second half took me an hour or so. Especially Goku´s battle is very long if you wanna play it safe.

As I already stated above, I can recommend using the Devil sword for the second half so you won´t have to worry so much about keeping your MP up anymore. For the battle with Mecha and Goku, always make sure protect and barrier are up. Especially barrier. Otherwise you will not survive attacks like spirit bomb and beamcannon.

Also take note of the weaknesses of the enemies, which can be found in the monsterguide on my userpage.

If you keep all of that in mind, the battle is actually not that hard. It just requires some patience.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 17:05:03

God damn, I was playing on Epic Mode, and Goku was almost dead when he used the "Magic Lock" move and used two spirt bombs on a row... No way I'm playing this game again, for today at least :P

The defensive strategy works pretty well, even though it takes hours to fight Goku off.

Thanks for everyone who helped me out, especially Auz and his extensive guide!

Need help on beating Alkie Kong 2, brutal mode? click here.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 18:58:49

I beat the game on epic, and the medal didn't show up on the page for a solid 30 seconds and I was like... are you fucking kidding me?! But now it's there, all is well. Now all I need is Drunken Deity to get back on top. :D

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 19:20:18

It seems to me as if games have to be in AS3 for the Medals system to work (AS2 probably isn't compatible to do it's closed-to-flash deals, while AS3 is open to everything), so the older games would all have to be converted to AS3 to get medals on them o.o

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 19:30:00

At 5/6/09 07:20 PM, TheDraxor wrote: It seems to me as if games have to be in AS3 for the Medals system to work (AS2 probably isn't compatible to do it's closed-to-flash deals, while AS3 is open to everything), so the older games would all have to be converted to AS3 to get medals on them o.o

Err, Pico's School? Domo-Kun?
AS2 is perfectly fine for the medal system; why shouldn't it be? It still can contact servers (think ads and Mochibot), so it is more than capable of saying to a server "Put this medal on this account!".

So there is little problem with the idea of old games getting medals.
Let's hope!

Doomsday-One, working on stuff better than preloaders. Marginally.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 19:33:20

At 5/6/09 07:30 PM, Doomsday-One wrote: Err, Pico's School? Domo-Kun?
AS2 is perfectly fine for the medal system; why shouldn't it be? It still can contact servers (think ads and Mochibot), so it is more than capable of saying to a server "Put this medal on this account!".

I'm pretty sure they converted those x.x

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 20:13:21

For those still looking for help on Goku (epic mode)

Devil sword is still the best because you can recover MP, I went into the fight with about 10 antidotes, 17 Life Waters, and about 6-7 Ethers

First part of the fight just don't let him knock you low, put on Protect and drive through his physical attacks with seiken and use your mage to heal if necessary.

When you get a little about 65% he will use a magic attack which effects both users and so you might want to make sure you have barrier on at this time. When he first began attacking us both I would use Power medal at first (because he didn't harm me that much) and then Judgement him with the mage, if getting to low heal your fighter.

I use the Andidotes later on when he seals the two characters, because this spell does minimal damage I would just make the fighter use and antidote on the mage and have her cast judgement and not worry about the fighter just yet. Because when he really starts to use seal alot if usually when his spirit bombs are firing off the WAZOO so by the time you cast judgement, then go up into defensive mode, the seal will have on its own fallen off your fighter. Remember to constanly use Power Metal and Healmore "if needed" after a spirit bomb, if you still have high health and he focus's on the mage, keep using judgement. WHen it comes to spirit bomb time you will have unlimited MP at your disposal.

I also use the antidotes if the poisen he uses becomes too much, at first I ignore the posien because when barriar is on it does small amout of damage, if you can save your antidotes for his sealing frenzy at the end, but if he stacks teh posin a good "2-3-4" times, I would use and antidote and quickly use healmore to cure yourselves.

Water of lives come inhandy when he focus on teh mage as well, there were a few times at the end, (btw I beat him with this move) he will focus on the mage and quickly knock her down to low 1000's while the fighter is still in his 9,000's THIS is when I will use a life water on my mage to heal her all the way then cast judgement hurting Goku for 21000 while ending your turn with almost full life on both characters.

Hope this helps

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 20:22:53

are their any other medal games

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 20:28:32

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 21:51:03

Hey, l know this is off-topic, but how do you get the 6-hit medals in DPK? (you know, mary poppinz, dreidelpower etc.)
And how do you perform a ground spin?

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 22:08:00

At 5/6/09 09:51 PM, HeavyTank wrote: Hey, l know this is off-topic, but how do you get the 6-hit medals in DPK? (you know, mary poppinz, dreidelpower etc.)
And how do you perform a ground spin?

for the ground spin I just mashed the attack button while underneath him. For the mary poppins I used a "somewhat" glitch at the end of the game. What I did was when you beat the guy, just keep mashing the attack button in the air while your doing your umbrella spin move...the screen will turn white but just keep on pressing that button, it will keep registering your hits even after you beat it, so keep hitting till the medal shows up (it worked for me)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 22:19:12

At 5/6/09 09:51 PM, HeavyTank wrote: Hey, l know this is off-topic, but how do you get the 6-hit medals in DPK? (you know, mary poppinz, dreidelpower etc.)
And how do you perform a ground spin?

It is very hard to pull off if you're just button mashing. Usually it will go 3 or 4 times then drop out. If you're going to button mash you have to just keep trying until you get lucky enough to get the timing down. Otherwise, you should try to figure out the timing to keep the combo going. I'm pretty sure you have to attack again right before you're about to hit him again, literally matching up the button press and animated hit perfectly. Not sure though. Good luck!

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 22:38:51

At 5/6/09 10:08 PM, AmanPyroman wrote:
for the ground spin I just mashed the attack button while underneath him. For the mary poppins I used a "somewhat" glitch at the end of the game. What I did was when you beat the guy, just keep mashing the attack button in the air while your doing your umbrella spin move...the screen will turn white but just keep on pressing that button, it will keep registering your hits even after you beat it, so keep hitting till the medal shows up (it worked for me)

Lol, l got all the medals except the ground spin and don't get dizzy one...but they didn't pop up after the game so l tried to get them, and they weren't showing up..after half an hour l checked my profile and they were there...OMG.
The ground spin is knida hard to pull out because in the air you have an advantage..
Anyway at least l am in the 6000's now...

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-06 22:47:53

Bah, the cuttinoutsweets was very easy, and so was the dredelpower....
You just gotta stun the boss with his cannotballs and then just hit the attack button...l hit him 10 times with the spin :P

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 03:21:02

I deserve a medal for sitting through this pile of crap. Talk about kicking a dead horse.

At least the parody of it is hilarious.

Don't make fun of us because we look like eggs!

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 05:45:54

I just got some of the Da Pink Knight medals. Gave me a good amount of points, +200 or so. I got the Tilt medal among it, which seems like a very easy 100 points to me. Without even trying it suddenly showed up at the end.

Anyway, that brings my medal points up to 5400 which I think will give me a safer spot on the top 50 list next time.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 06:00:47

awww no more medal games

the real newgrounds gold

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 07:02:21

At 5/7/09 06:00 AM, gdfsgdfg wrote: awww no more medal games

Why so sad? Done hacking everything you can? Go delete artmoney and SOL editor and gtfo, as the kids say these days.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 08:05:54

Epic Battle Fantasy seriously needs a save function. It took me one and a half hours to get to Goku. I was lucky enough to get the owned medal from that spirit bomb and keep going. But I didn't have a lot of MP and ethers to keep on going. So I lost...

I need a sig.

PSN: gowow20

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 08:32:17

Hm, so now that l have all PK medals l have mostly 100 point medals to get..
Red moon, (don't die), Darnell's Recount (don't die), Epic Battle Fantasy, (hard and epic difficulty), Spewer (bonus chapter), Stickya Adventurya (no fucking way l am even trying to get that one) aand...well, Alkie Kong 2, but no...
So, l shall start with...Spewer!!

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 08:37:07

At 5/7/09 08:32 AM, HeavyTank wrote: Hm, so now that l have all PK medals l have mostly 100 point medals to get..
Red moon, (don't die), Darnell's Recount (don't die), Epic Battle Fantasy, (hard and epic difficulty), Spewer (bonus chapter), Stickya Adventurya (no fucking way l am even trying to get that one) aand...well, Alkie Kong 2, but no...
So, l shall start with...Spewer!!

i would leave epic battle till last... it drains alot of time!... an hour and a bit just for one run through...
you know where all the helpfull walkthroughs are so getting the bonus chapter shouldnt be to hard :3...

good to see you creeping up the list >:3... im watching you...

as for me i need to reget hero... *again >.<*... and get DD... *try again :(*... then i might get 4th or 5th place... ^-^... good luck everyone... im sure soul will update on the weekend again... ciao

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 08:37:50

At 5/7/09 08:32 AM, HeavyTank wrote:
So, l shall start with...Spewer!!

wise decision sir

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 10:02:27

http://rynol.newgrounds.com/news/post/30 8486

Made a Bunny Invasion: Eater walkthrough. It should help. I know it's an old game. But there isn't a walkthrough around here so I thought I'd make one.

I need a sig.

PSN: gowow20

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 10:13:37

At 5/7/09 10:02 AM, RYNOL wrote: http://rynol.newgrounds.com/news/post/30 8486

Probably still needs some improvements, but nice job :)

I just got some more medals from Da Pink Knight. All I need now is Dreidelpower and Cuttinoutsweets. I can´t figure out how to do Dreidelpower though, some help would be appreciated...

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 11:42:29

one of the first medals i got on the pink knight... what you need to do is stun him... then (dont jump or magic or anything else) walk over and hit the attack key and keep doing it in a rythemic timing... that way you will not lose it (same with the other A,A,a,a,a.... attack) but without the jumping..

hope that helps you :3... Ciao

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 13:14:28

At 5/7/09 11:42 AM, LegolaSS wrote: one of the first medals i got on the pink knight... what you need to do is stun him... then (dont jump or magic or anything else) walk over and hit the attack key and keep doing it in a rythemic timing... that way you will not lose it (same with the other A,A,a,a,a.... attack) but without the jumping..

hope that helps you :3... Ciao

Yeah I got it now. Stunning seems to be the only way that works, otherwise he will just walk away. The only medal left now is the Cuttinthesweets, of which I am pretty sure I already achieved it once but it didn´t show on my profile.

But thanks for the help.

[Forum, Portal and Icon Mod]

Wi/Ht? #36 // Steam: Auz

The Top 100 Reviewers List (Last updated: 5 May 2018)

BBS Signature

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 14:08:55

getting the last red moon medal is kinda hard, one wrong move.... then its over....
The moving platform is really annoying...

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 16:59:16

>> Complete list of games with medals! <<

Secret Medals

When it comes to secret medals, I'll ask you to be vague at best. If an author makes a medal secret, they've done so for a reason. So do not discuss secret medals to any specific extent.

Newest games with medals:

(Once a game has had medals for more than a week it no longer is on the newest medal games list.)


All walkthroughs for games with medals are located here. Please use this walkthrough before asking a question here. If you still can't figure something out or need other tips not given in the walkthroughs then you may post asking for help.

Ranking List

The top medals point users list- The rankings of the top users with medal points. The list currently updated by Hyprid-of-souls.

Response to Newgrounds Medals - Games and Tips 2009-05-07 16:59:44

I don't know why but I do not have the willpower to sit past 15 minutes of Epic Battle Whatever.
I stopped playing after I got a few medals, won't be going back again.

Dexter Season 5: "Psychopaths in love. It's like Zodiac and Juliet."