At 2/18/13 12:08 PM, MatthewF wrote:
New game although I think there is something wrong with the Zelda pic as it does not unlock to legend of zelda, zelda, link, triforce.....
Nice game. Here are the answers for "Common Title", the first level (left to right):
First Row: Gradius, Batman, Super Mario Bros., Contra, Excitebike
Second Row: Metroid, Castlevania, The Legend of Zelda [note: "Legend of Zelda" doesn't work!], Mega Man, Punch Out
Second level, I identified
First Row: I know the first game, but the name escapes me right now, Duck Tales, Final Fantasy
Second Row: Second to last game is Double Dragon.
I'll try to identify more games. Really helpful list: . You can filter it for genres and location, so it should only be a matter of time before you find the right game.