At 8/15/12 03:20 PM, SFS1313 wrote:
Another new game...
Anybody figure out the word? Because I'm stumped.
It heavily suggests the alphabet. The last three letters are a mystery to me though. They are:
Ã' (A w/ circumflex)
Ã" (A with umlaut)
ö (o with umlaut)
As for the author's hint:
Bbab boebb'b bebobb? Abb bbab aboub ib ob abba?
What doesn't belong? And what about it on a**a?
I don't know what the last word might be. Some word search engines suggestions that don't include non-b letters:
abba (???)
acta (official records)
agha (Turkish for "Lord")
alba (a song/poem about love)
alfa (word representing the letter 'a' | a type of submarine)
alga (plural for algea; chlorophyll-containing life forms of the water)
anga (a practice in yoga)
anna (a coin)
ansa (anatomical loop, like a vase handle)
anta ("a pilaster attached to the end of a side wall or sometimes to the side of a doorway")
I think it's also interesting to note that Abbabeb is spelled wrong. Perhaps intentionally?