At 5/2/12 10:50 PM, DiMono wrote: I just got 2E (Someone Must Be Trap Happy). That brings the total up to 10 so far:
No sooner said than surpassed; I just got 1S1E (The Treasure Room), to bring the total to 11:
1N (Up the Mountain We Go)
3N (Bonus Room - Veiled Retreat)
2N1E (Whelps Have Wings)
1S (A Cave With Some Chaos)
2S1W (The Sweet Lure of Meat)
2S1E (Her Royal Highness, Kro'la) - Thanks to WonderTheHedgehog
3S (Uh Oh, No Loot Bags)
3S1E (A Little Help From My Friends)
2E (Someone Must Be Trap Happy)
1S1E (The Treasure Room)
2S2E (The Final Confrontation)
...I'm done for the night now.
Deploy the... it's a yellow button... it's usually flashing... it makes the engines go... whoosh!