So I wrote down this walkthrough for Epic Battle Fantasy, which turned into more of a monster guide. Take note that the HP and damage are all approximations which I think are fairly accurate. I just assumed the HP and damage would increase by 140% from normal to epic and I believe that´s a good assumption, but I have not tested it properly yet.
Also, the damage is the MAXIMUM damage the enemy will do. So you know you are in danger when your HP is below that number.
I hope this will be useful to all you people who are having trouble with the game.
-What to buy in the shop?
Waters of Life, Ethers, Potions
-What not to waste money on?
Bob-omb, Magic and Attack Potions, Antidotes
-How to prevent dying from the Spiritbomb?
I haven´t figured it out yet. My theory is by healing your characters up to max and raising your magic defence, but this is unproven.
Stage 1
Blobs x2
Blobs x2
Blobs x3
Blobs x3
Weakness: None
Easy: ±4,000 HP, ±400 Damage
Norm: ±5,000 HP, ±500 Damage
Hard: ±6,000 HP, ±600 Damage
Epic: ±7,000 HP, ±700 Damage
Boss: King Slime
Weakness: None
Easy: ±57,000 HP, ±3,000 Damage (on both characters)
Norm: ±71,000 HP, ±3,750 Damage (both)
Hard: ±85,000 HP, ±4,500 Damage (both)
Epic: ±100,000 HP, ±5,250 Damage (both)
Note: This boss can cure himself for 7,000-11,000 HP
Stage 2
Floating Eyeball x2
Floating Eyeball x3
Weakness: Ice
Easy: ±10,000 HP, ±800 Damage (on both characters)
Norm: ±12,500 HP, ±1,000 Damage (both)
Hard: ±15,000 HP, ±1,200 Damage (both)
Epic: ±17,500 HP, ±1,400 Damage (both)
Boss: Tentacle Monster
Weakness: Ice
Easy: ±89,000 HP, ±2,300 Damage (on both characters)
Norm: ±111,250 HP, ±2,875 Damage (both)
Hard: ±133,500 HP, ±3,450 Damage (both)
Epic: ±155,750 HP, ±4,025 Damage (both)
Note: This boss can poison you.
Stage 3
Tree x1
Tree x2
Tree x3
Weakness: Fire
Easy: ±25,000 HP, ±1,200 Damage (on both characters)
Norm: ±31,250 HP, ±1,500 Damage (both)
Hard: ±37,500 HP, ±1,800 Damage (both)
Epic: ±43,750 HP, ±2,100 Damage (both)
Note: The enemies can poison you
Boss: Sentinel
Weakness: Thunder
Easy: ±150,000 HP, ±3,200 Damage (on both characters)
Norm: ±187,500 HP, ±4,000 Damage (both)
Hard: ±225,000 HP, ±4,800 Damage (both)
Epic: ±262,500 HP, ±5,600 Damage (both)
Note: A lot of his attacks hurt both of your characters.
After this battle you´ll get a break and are allowed to stock up on some more items.
Stage 4
Crabs x2
Crabs x3
Weakness: Thunder
Easy: ±23,000 HP, ±2,000 Damage (on one character)
Norm: ±28,750 HP, ±2,500 Damage (one)
Hard: ±34,500 HP, ±3,000 Damage (one)
Epic: ±40,250 HP, ±3,500 Damage (one)
Boss: Regice
Weakness: Fire
Easy: ±85,000 HP, ±4,000 Damage (on one character)
Norm: ±106,250 HP, ±5,000 Damage (one)
Hard: ±127,500 HP, ±6,000 Damage (one)
Epic: ±148,750 HP, ±7,000 Damage (one)
Note: Ice attacks will heal him. Also has a strong attack on both characters.
Boss: Regirock
Weakness: Ice
Easy: ±85,000 HP, ±3,000 Damage (on both characters)
Norm: ±106,250 HP, ±3,750 Damage (both)
Hard: ±127,500 HP, ±4,500 Damage (both)
Epic: ±148,750 HP, ±5,250 Damage (both)
Note: Earth attacks will heal him
Boss: Regice and Regirock
Weakness: See above
Easy: See above
Norm: See above
Hard: See above
Epic: See above
Note: Killing Regice will give you the medal.
Stage 5
Spiked Floating Eyeball x2
Spiked Floating Eyeball x3
Weakness: None
Easy: ±20,000 HP, ±2,000 Damage (on one character)
Norm: ±25,000 HP, ±2,500 Damage (one)
Hard: ±30,000 HP, ±3,000 Damage (one)
Epic: ±35,000 HP, ±3,500 Damage (one)
Boss: Mecha
Weakness: Thunder
Easy: ±200,000 HP, ±4,500 (on one character)
Norm: ±250,000 HP, ±5,625 (one)
Hard: ±300,000 HP, ±6,750 (one)
Epic: ±350,000 HP, ±7,875 (one)
Note: Can do ±3,500 on both characters
Stage 6
Ghosts x2
Ghosts x3
Weakness: Holy
Easy: ±32,000 HP, ±1,700 Damage (one)
Norm: ±40,000 HP, ±2,125 Damage (one)
Hard: ±48,000 HP, ±2,550 Damage (one)
Epic: ±54,000 HP, ±2,975 Damage (one)
Note: These enemies can poison you and take away your active stat boosts.
Boss: Goku
Weakness: Holy
Easy: ±350,000 HP, ±4,000 Damage (on both characters)
Norm: ±437,500 HP, ±9,999 Damage (both)
Hard: ±525,000 HP, ±9,999 Damage (both)
Epic: ±612,500 HP, ±9,999 Damage (both)
Note: Goku does not seem to use Spiritbomb on easy mode. Also he can poison you and take away your stat boosts.