At 8/18/11 08:41 PM, ixfd64 wrote:
Zero-point medals: 7605
White screen right now, I'm sure once that's fixed the game will have it's medals approved soon.
At 8/18/11 09:39 PM, SFS1313 wrote:
If anybody can figure out how to get these medals, can you make a guide? I ended up getting a few, and damned if I knew how I did it. I understood the ones where you get to a different section of the cave, but I somehow got the 100 pointer, and didn't realize it.
I'm afraid it won't be me this time; some of the medals can be inferred by their title but even when diving over and over again to get the speed boost I couldn't get very far. Here's the basic structure for the few medals that I figured out:
A few medals for the amount of 'trips' (hitting the corner of something and bouncing on it)
Medals for distance
Medals for the amount of sliding you do
And a medal for not skipping the start thing. There's probably more medals but that's a good structure of it.