At 6/10/11 09:46 AM, Nijsse wrote:
The Medal for Rapid in Insectonator: Zombie Mode is pretty hard. You should have around 20 minutes left for the last 30% or else it's gonna be almost impossible. Don't forget to press pause after every level or the timer will just keep running in the menu, even though you think it stopped. I'm sure someone can do it much faster than this (myself included if I give it another try), but I still felt like making a screenshot for the lulz.=)
First try: getting acquainted with the game.
Second try: I afk'd at some point in the menu, then completed 100% before 1 hour. Then I realized that didn't count. Fuck. lol
Third try: Victory!
This is the general strategy I used:
--Until you get the achievement, TARGET ALL ZOMBIES IN RED!! They appear frequently early on, but later they'll become a PITA.
--Play 4 Protect the Gems, then 3 Annihilator missions (the first mission you play with the darts is an Annihilator mission). These will be annoying for various reasons, yet fast, so mind as well get them out of the way. The other two modes will function as your sandbox modes.
--Be sure to snag the Hunter achievement when doing an Annihilator mission with 60+ zombies, as that mode only spawns two zombie types.
--Spam weapons for kills, etc. Anything that's not a gun or grenade is a melee weapon.
--Once you get the Browning, you do not have to worry about zombies in red anymore. Spam the everliving shyt out of the Browning, as it counts as a machine gun. Enrage mode also spawns zombie bosses, should you need those for the Toss the Boss achievement. Don't forget to complete at least 4 Selectioner and 4 Killer missions!
--More types of zombies appear after you complete more missions. I don't know how many missions are required to get to see all 16 types, but it would be in your best interest to repeatedly do Selectioner if you're missing any (and if you're missing Bullseye). A couple nukes finishes those missions.
--Do Clint Eastwood (100 hits) and Beach Party together.
--To quickly rack up zombie kills, cycle between the Minigun and Browning (using Z and X) and keep going on a fking rampage. DO NOT RELOAD!
--If you ever need to end a mission prematurely, suicide!