At 4/30/09 03:40 AM, SevasTra wrote:
In Domo how do you get the "Fat Bastard" and "Gojira" medals.
Also I'm having trouble getting the smash the car under 20 seconds medal and the kill 90 penguins medals.
Fat Bastard hit the panel at the end where you have a bunch of little dudes that steal your chicken.
Gojira, when you are at the car, hit all the powerpuff girls into the sea, Gojira appears.
Just smash the hell out of the a button once you start with the car, don't worry about getting gojira out.
90 penguins, well just go up and down firing the a as fast as you can until you get it. There is a pattern where there are more penguins at certain spots. You'll get it after a while.
I'm only missing one secret....