At 4/29/11 03:59 PM, waynerz99 wrote:
At 4/29/11 02:39 PM, TurkeyOnAStick wrote:
Whilst I'm whining about medals, I'm prob going to stop after I've completed the game a 2nd time. To play this game 5 times seems like a total grind, especially when the gameplay is just spam-spam-spamming units.
I agree, very boring game. It's like playing rock paper scissors 75 times per match (sometimes less, but most I played were 75 I think). Then you need to do that 20 times or however many tiles are on the board. Plus defending which nets you nothing. And then do that 6 times for each group of people.
Also, is it near impossible to win if they start with 45 and you get 30? I've seen a few like that, and come close, but don't think I've ever won it.
Looks like you got the glitch! Also, if I can win with my 30 guys vs. their 50 guys, you're doing it wrong. (lol there's that word again!)
When the game works like it's supposed to, you always have at least 75 guys. If you think something else about your setup seems fishy, you may want to restart the game or something. I'm not entirely sure how to fix the problem, but it seems to go away by itself after a few rounds.
End-game, you could be facing upwards of 300+ guys and some pretty insane opposition.
Personally, I'm not looking forward to grinding on it. 6 territories per band, 6 bands, and a defense round every two attack rounds. You'll have to play at least 39 rounds to win the game with a single band, assuming you win every round. Which you won't.
Beating the game with the metal band is only worth 5 points. lolwut?