At 4/14/11 06:24 AM, LiquidOoze wrote:
Seriously guys, how? I've tried to jump as pixel-perfect as possible.
Haha, I can't believe you made a screenshot and post it in this topic, before you thought maybe I should go back a bit :P Fun little game, got me confused some time, but way too short obviously.
At 4/14/11 11:41 AM, Tycrane wrote:
I'm having some trouble getting the 200k+ score medals in 'Dino Jeff Adventure 2'. I've explored everything there is to be explored (well I think so) and I still can't get past the 100k pts mark.
Well, the game has some secret area's that need to be unlocked by pressing certain buttons throughout the game. For example, at the end of the game there are two buttons that unlock a certain door way earlier in the game. I suggest you go look for those secrets first. The max multiplier is x10, and I think the max health is 10 bars. Keep in mind there are health powerups too (not the ones that give you extra health) that give you points based on how much health you have. There are like 10+ of those at the start of the game, so you just have to ignore them and come back when you have your health maxed out. Same goes for the regular coins, for the 300k medal you have to avoid them as much as possible, and grab them when your multiplier is higher. 200k is really easy, 300k might take a few tries but isn't that hard once you know where you can find everything.
At 4/14/11 11:26 AM, ugolegend94 wrote:
I can not get a medal called CRAWLERS in the game Temple of Death, I took the rifle but I'm sure of not having used it and I did not even press the key 4 to use it, what is the problem?
Well, the description says either rifle and I guess that means there are 2 rifles in the game. I don't know anything about guns, and I know you have to pick up gun nr 2, so I just beat the game with the first two guns. This was REALLY hard :P. I bet someone can tell you what guns you cannot use, but if you're looking for a challenge you can always try this method. ;)
Ha, just before I pressed the 'post it' button, LiquidOoze explaned it. That should make it a lot easier... =)