At 2/24/11 02:37 PM, EdyKel wrote:At 2/24/11 01:59 PM, LiquidOoze wrote:Interesting continue feature... Apparently, when you die fighting a boss, not only do you start at that point but you also start with the same number of units, and powerups, you went into it. Very useful for getting medals that require a certain number of survived units.At 2/24/11 08:15 AM, Tycrane wrote: 0 point medals.For the survival medals, you need to have the EXACT amount of soldiers survive. If it's more you don't get them. 3246
Just another quick observation... It seems that you have to get all your kills in one setting - no refreshing - for the medals. On the positive side, you can quite missions and play previous ones and that will still add to the total.