At 2/10/11 01:49 AM, EdyKel wrote:
Finally finished all of World Revolution RPG. Thank god I had the sense to save before accepting Curry's offer to help the aliens. I finished that storyline then went back to to that previous save to finish the other two storylines. By the time I reached level 30, fighting mobs of K.A.U.F.O. agents who were kicking my ass, I had little interest in replaying the game from scratch another two times. Am I the only one who thought enemies got stronger than your players the higher level you got?
Oh sure, we all got incredibly lucky to not run into a mob of bandits decked out with 2x shotguns, snipers, SMGs, and pistols on our first quest to reach UFO Site 1. Yup. And you definitely don't randomly wipe out a whole lot later on because they actually have enough Energy to use abilities.
Actually, in spite of the frequent fights, I like World Revolution RPG. There was a lot more variety and intuition involved than Arkandian Crusade (okay the weapons were fairly stale), and I can see myself going for a second replay just for the optimal playthrough. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if a medal named "Double Fellow" showed up, or a medal for doing all unlisted followup quests like giving away Bristol's Photo Album.
Personally I finished the Meta-Fighter storyline at level 23 and the KAUFO storyline at lvl 27. I bet I could easily beat the former before level 18, knowing where the find everything that I need.