In Paranormal Shark, the bug where the shark doesn't show up at the start paid me a lucky visit, I got two hard medals. The author says he has fixed this bug, but no, it's not fixed, good for us. I did it by jumping over the first wood platform without touching it. It has to be a small one, it's not the first time I do it.
In other news, I now hold the top legitimate score in Cave of Frustration. I lost on level 20 unfortunately without reaching the "special levels". I found a text bug which I can tell you about later when the author replies... Nothing special. I don't want to give you any tips on this game until I beat it, if I beat it. I always had this idea on what the secret medal is and I still think I'm right about it. If I ever get it I will tell you.
So despite having dropped one place (by the first time) in the Top Medal Point list, I don't think I'm doing that bad.